Mo Ruhua and Leng qianjue came back soon after stopping their nosebleed.

Xia Yi looks at them anxiously, "are you... OK? Do you feel dizzy or nauseous

Both of them shook their heads blankly. To be honest, if it wasn't for the nosebleed, they didn't feel at all.

"Not really?" Xia Yi is still worried.

"Why do you ask all of a sudden?" Leng qianjue really didn't feel anything wrong. The only thing wrong with him was that his lips were hot. But he also knew that it was caused by eating hot pepper.

Xia Yi said seriously: "I'm afraid you are also poisoned..."

Leng qianjue's face changed, "no... I just went back to the mountain yesterday."

Besides these meals in the mountains, he and Mo Ruhua have never been together, let alone poisoned at the same time.

But there are only a few of them on the mountain. What about poisoning?

He didn't believe anyone could poison them in this situation.

What's more, there is only ink like painting and his appearance. Xiao Linmu and Xia Yi seem to have no influence.

Did he eat more than they did?

He won't admit it!

Before he had time to say anything, he heard Xiao Linmu say: "they should just be on fire."

"On fire?"

Xia Yi looked down and saw the red pepper on the plate.

But it's too fast, and why is she OK?

It doesn't wait for Xia Yi to raise her own question.

Leng qianjue said with a sigh of relief, "who can go up the mountain and poison without knowing it?"

Then Xia Yi learned from Leng qianjue that he came back yesterday and ate roast mutton kebabs.

Before he came back, Xiao Linmu and Mo Ruhua had already had two meals.

Xia Yi can't laugh or cry. The barbecue pit he dug can be regarded as making the best use of everything.

No wonder when she came back, she found that there was no mutton left.

Mutton is warm and tonic, and barbecue food is more dry. It's conceivable that the combined effect of the two.

In addition to the cold weather, the cabin is often on fire, which makes it drier.

Xia Yi came and made such a rabbit meat full of chili peppers. With such a shock, the fire came up.

Fortunately, it was just a false alarm.

Xia Yi looks at Xiao Linmu and finds that he has nothing from beginning to end, but his face is ruddy.

The poison in his body is cold, and the warm and tonic food that he eats seems to be completely offset by the cold in his body.

Even at night, Xia Yi feels that Xiao Linmu is not so cold.

She turned over, put her arm on Xiao Linmu's chest and said, "how about making spicy rabbit meat for you tomorrow?"


Xiao Linmu's throat was a little tight.

Just now Xia Yi turned over, Xiao Linmu's whole body became stiff.

These days, two people sleep in the same bed, although Xia Yi is wearing Chinese clothes, but the Chinese clothes are just a thin layer.

It's easy for the temperature to penetrate.

Xiao Linmu is just at the right age. Sometimes Xia Yi moves a little and makes his heart itch.

Not to mention like now, the whole person fell on him.

Xiao Linmu's Adam's Apple moved a few times and said in a dumb voice, "sleep well."

But today summer meaning became the heart of make him, instead taut the distance of two people.

"Still early, can't sleep..." Xia Yi helpless way.

Moonlight and snow light into the house, the light of the whole cabin is quite bright, even than sometimes lit oil lamp is also bright, Xia Yi really can't sleep.

Looking at Xiao Linmu's face from such a close distance, Xia Yi sighs for the 10000th time, which is probably the most attentive work of Nu Wa.

Every dot is just right.

Xia Yi couldn't help but put out her hand and nodded on Xiao Linmu's upright nose, and said, "your face is still pretty today."

After that, she seriously added: "well... The eyes are also good-looking, the nose is also good-looking, the mouth is also good-looking..."

Before the words were finished, Xia Yi's head was pressed down by Xiao Linmu's big hand, and her lips were sealed, with Xiao Linmu's slightly cold breath.

Until Xia Yi feels that the air in her chest is drained, and the whole person is dizzy, she is released.

"If you're not sleepy, I'll light the lamp for you. How about reading the script?"

Xiao Linmu said softly in Xia Yi's ear.

It's true that there are some storybooks. When Xia Yi returns to her room, she sees that there are more than ten storybooks in the room. Xiao Linmu specially asked Mo Ruhua to go down the mountain to buy them.

"No look." Xia Yi's face was hot and covered her head with a quilt. "I feel sleepy again."

After Xia Yi's quilt covers her head, she really falls asleep.

After feeling that Xia Yi was breathing evenly, Xiao Linmu's stiff body slowly relaxed.

He and Xia Yi's wedding is still an important link, and his body has not been fully raised, so he can not be so hasty to Xia Yi.

At least... We need to make up for the most important link.

But now they are living in the mountains, always together, and sleeping in the same bed. She is not sure when she can't help teasing.

Xiao Linmu sighed and closed his eyes to sleep.

Life on the mountain is fast. A month goes by, and it's gone in the blink of an eye.

The snow on the top of the mountain melted earlier.

After the snow had melted, the weather seemed to warm up all of a sudden.

Heavy and inconvenient cotton clothes were also replaced by thinner ones.

The branches on the top of the mountain began to sprout, and spring was just around the corner.

The poison in Xiao Linmu's body has been completely suppressed.

Xiao Linmu's body is not as cold as before, but slowly restored the temperature before.

Even out of the gas has a temperature, not as cold as before.

But to be on the safe side, they stayed on the mountain for a few more days.

Let Xiao Linmu soak in the medicine spring for a few days to avoid repetition.

Leng qianjue came back from the foot of the mountain with news.

"The king of Jin has started to return to the capital."

Xiao Linmu said, "OK, I know."

"When shall we return to the capital?" Leng qianjue asked.

Xiao Linmu said, "don't worry. It will be several days before they come back from southern Hunan."

Xiao Linjin arranged everything just right. He thought that going to southern Hunan was just a show off. Who knows, those mountain bandits turned around.

Xiao Linjin suffered a big loss this time. The mountain bandits were fierce. He had been attacking for many days, but it was useless. He was even ambushed by the mountain bandits and hurt his arm.

It was only after the imperial court sent some more troops in the past that the matter was calmed down.

So this time, it took him a whole month to come back from southern Hunan.

Of course, he was trapped in southern Hunan for such a long time, without Xiao Linmu's hand.

Xiao Linjin came back with anger this time. They must rush back before Xiao Linjin arrived at the capital city to make sure there is no mistake.