Rot milk was very popular in the world that Xia Yi lived in.

If there was no such thing in this world, this would be a huge business opportunity.

Furthermore, it was easy to store rotten milk, it was very suitable for mass production. Adding to that, Xia Changsheng already knew how to make tofu, if he calculated carefully, his profits would be considerable.

But... She wasn't sure if people in this world could get used to it.

It just so happened that he could give Xia Changsheng's tofu a try.

"Uncle Changsheng, I've decided on the batch of tofu." Xia Changsheng said.

A look of awkwardness flashed across Xia Changsheng's eyes, and he said: "You don't need to buy tofu specially, I supply the most fresh tofu every day to the Ruyi Manor."

Xia Yi explained: "Uncle Changsheng, it's not because of you that I bought this tofu, but because I really need a batch of tofu. If you want to make moldy milk, you need to ferment the tofu in a cool place for over ten days, until the surface of the tofu grows white mold. "

Xia Yi then explained the process of making the decayed milk to Xia Changsheng, and Xia Changsheng decided to sell this batch of tofu to Xia Yi.

The rain continued to fall for several days.

To others, it did not seem like the weather was good, but to Xia Yi, the weather was simply helping her.

This kind of cool damp weather is most suitable for tofu fermentation.

Unfortunately, some of the bamboo shoots she had cut before had gone mouldy.

Leng Qianjue thought about Sun Qian and the moment the rain stopped, he came over.

"Little Xia Yi, can you cook some bamboo shoot dried meat for me today?" Leng Qianjue said.

Xia Yi replied dejectedly: "I probably can't do it."

"Not done yet?" Leng Qianjue asked.

Xia Yi took out the bamboo shoot stick from the dustpan.

Leng Qianjue saw that some of the bamboo shoots had already grown green spots. Some of the more serious ones had even grown a circle of light green furry.

"This …" Leng Qianjue's heart was filled with joy, but it was all for naught. He knew that he really couldn't eat this Sun Jia Gan anymore.

Xia Yi was also helpless, "Who knows that the rain has been pouring down for days and the air is too wet, even if I have to spread the dried bamboo shoots out to dry, it's useless, I'm just preparing to throw them out right now."

After Xia Yi took out the dustpan, she returned a while later, leaving an empty dustpan behind.

Leng Qianjue had no choice but to accept this fact.

However, when he thought of the delicious bamboo shoots that Xia Yi had mentioned, Leng Qianjue really wanted to try it.

While Xia Yi was busy with lunch, Leng Qianjue had quietly left.

The bamboo basket that Xia Yi had hung on the kitchen wall disappeared along with him.

Only, Xia Yi did not discover that the bamboo basket had disappeared, and only thought that Leng Qianjue had some urgent matter to attend to and left.

Until dinner time, when Xia Yi had just brought out the rice out, the kitchen door was pushed open.

Leng Qianjue returned, holding a bamboo basket full of bamboo shoots in his hands. He piled them into the bamboo basket like a small mountain, which was even more than the ones Xia Yi dug out last time.

Furthermore, Leng Qianjue's hands and face were dirty, and he looked to be in a very sorry state.

"Uncle Leng, you went up the mountain?" Xia Yi asked in surprise.

Leng Qianjue laughed and said, "Little Xia Yi, do you think these bamboo shoots are enough? "This time, you must definitely hang it on the air. Do not continue to get tired of the sun. I'm waiting to eat the bamboo shoot dry fried meat."

Usually, when Leng Qianjue was not speaking, he would have a somber aura on him, but when he smiled, that somber aura would completely disappear, and he would give people a very warm feeling.

Only, Xia Yi always remembered that back at the hot spring when she was there, she had almost killed her.

Although they had accepted Xiao Linmu and his family to eat at home and had taught Leng Qianjue how to cook, it was all for the sake of money.

But when she looked at Leng Qianjue's smiling face, which was filled with mud, she suddenly felt something in the bottom of her heart slowly splitting apart.

Xia Yi suddenly laughed, "Don't worry, as long as it doesn't rain again for the next few days, I will definitely be able to let you have some delicious dried bamboo shoot fried meat."

"I've said it already, I'm waiting for it." Leng Qianjue naturally felt that the guard in Xia Yi's eyes had lessened, and his smile became even more presumptuous.

He walked over and said, "Do you have my portion? The bamboo shoot that you dug up for half a day is much more tiring than the sword that you practiced for half a day."

Seeing Xia Yi scoop out another bowl of rice from the pot, Leng Qianjue was about to extend his hand and carry it back to him, "I didn't really expect that there would really be one for me."

Xia Yi glanced at Leng Qianjue: "Wash your hands first."

Seeing the mud on his wounds, Leng Qianjue hesitated for a moment, but still went to wash his hands.

Xia Yi looked at the four bowls of food on the table, and couldn't help but ponder.

She made another bowl of rice today...

Xiao Linmu had only lived here for two months, how did she get used to it?

Every time she cooked these past few days, she would unconsciously make an extra bowl for herself.

After Leng Qianjue finished washing his hands, he returned to find that Xia Yi was still standing at her original position, lost in thought.

He waved his hand in front of Xia Yi's eyes and asked: "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing." Xia Yi naturally shook his head and denied it.

After she finished speaking, she could not help but ask again, "When will Xiao Linmu be back? "I wonder if he'll be able to eat this bamboo shoot."

Leng Qianjue replied, "It's fine, I have some bamboo shoots here."

"…" Hearing Leng Qianjue's answer, Xia Yi guessed that it would take a while for Xiao Linmu to come back.

Leng Qianjue had just received news two days ago that the water calamity in Hunan was more serious than he had imagined. Xiao Linmu might have to delay in Hunan for a while.

Seeing a flash of disappointment in Xia Yi's eyes, Leng Qianjue said: "How about I go back and ask for you?"

"No need, I was just casually asking." Xia Yi immediately said.

"Fine." Leng Qianjue's eyes contained Xia Yi, "Eat, I'm starving."

Although Xia Yi said that it wasn't necessary, on the next day, Xiao Linmu still received a message from a pigeon, asking him how long it would take for him to return from Xiangnan.

At the end, it even mentioned that it was something Xia Yi wanted to ask.

After a few days, the officials who came with them finally saw the smiling face of the Prince Mu.

On the other side, Xiao Linmu did his best to treat Xiang Nan's water calamity.

On the other side, Xia Yi was not idle either.

The curd she had made was ready to be unsealed.

Xia Changsheng had been waiting in the shop since a while ago.

Xia Yi took out a small piece of meat from the jar and placed it on a plate.

The curd on the plate smelled strangely.

Xia Changsheng had seen tofu grow fur and he couldn't help but retreat. Looking at the small patch of red on the plate, he asked, "Can this one really be eaten?"

Xia Yi nodded: "Of course you can."

Seeing Xia Yi's clear eyes, Xia Changsheng still felt that it was time to give it a try.

He closed his eyes, dipped his chopsticks a little, and took a sip.

"How's the taste?" Xia Yi nervously observed Xia Changsheng's expression.

After a long while, Xia Changsheng slowly opened his eyes, "It seems … "Salty again."

After he finished speaking, Xia Changsheng took a gulp of water.

Xia Yi knew that she did not want to beat her up, because she had clearly seen Xia Changsheng's face twitch after she finished eating her milk, and a trace of disgust flashed past his face.