Xia Yi quickened her pace and looked towards the direction of the cry.

"Xia Yi, slow down." Niu Fengzhi followed behind.

Xia Yang's cry sounded heart wrenching, how could Xia Yi slow down?

Under the pressure of the crying voice, the Village Head said helplessly, "Don't cry anymore, I will help you look for it. Can't I help you look for it? "Let me go back to my room first and get a talisman …"

The Village Chief's sleeves were being pulled by Xia Yang and Xia Yue, causing him to be unable to move even a single inch.

Xia Yi pushed open the door and entered, just in time to see the Village Chief in a dilemma.

Seeing Xia Yi enter, the village chief acted as if she was granted amnesty and said, "Stop crying, let go, your sister is back …"

Xia Yang and Xia Yue immediately loosened their village chief's sleeves and rushed towards Xia Yi.

When Xia Yi was not back yet, she pretended to be strong and tried her best to act the role of big sister. Tears welled up in her eyes until Xia Yi returned safely.

Despite being so young, she had matured to such an extent that it made people's hearts ache for her.

On the other hand, Xia Yang was still naive and naive under the protection of his two sisters.

The village chief walked over and asked sullenly, "I heard you went up the mountain? Why did you return so late? "

Before Xia Yi could reply, Niu Fengzhi, who had rushed over slowly, answered first, "Village head, don't blame the child. When she went up the mountain, she bumped into the Wall-Hitting Ghost.

With Niu Fengzhi's help, the village chief did not say much to Xia Yi, but only said: "Don't casually go up the mountain in the future."

Xia Yi nodded, and said: "I understand, there was nothing I could do last night as well."

After Niu Dazhi's incident in the village, the village head knew a little of what happened to Xia Yi.

It was just that he did not think that Xia Yi would actually be so obedient and encounter such a strong situation …

"Hungry?" Xia Yi caressed Xia Yang's and Xia Yue's hair and asked.

The two of them shook their heads at the same time.

Xia Yue said: "We ate at Granny Liu's home."

After Xia Yi was kidnapped, their aunt, Mao Cuilan, did not even bother to ask about the two of them dying.

After successfully completing a "major event", Mao Cuilan closed the door and started counting silver. She had long forgotten about the young Xia Yang and Xia Yue.

It was the Granny Liu who brought the two home, so they did not starve.

They had come to the Village Chief's house to seek help, and it was also Granny Liu who had brought them here. At this moment, the Granny Liu was standing not far away, looking at the three siblings with a face full of gratitude.

Xia Yi looked at Granny Liu with gratitude, "Granny Liu, thank you so much."

Granny Liu smiled as she waved her hands, "Don't thank me, it's just two mouthfuls of rice. The two little fellows can't eat much either."

Xia Yi did not say much more words of thanks as well. She remembered all the good things that the Granny Liu had done for them.

After calming down Xia Yang and his emotions and cleaning up the house, it was getting late.

Thinking of the two people on the mountain, one cold and one violent, she still couldn't stop, so she had to go out and buy food.

Furthermore, Xia Yang and Xia Yue were at the age of growth, so they could not lack nutrition.

Xia Yang and Xia Yue's skin were covered with bones, their small faces were sallow, and they were sickly thin.

Especially Xia Yue; she was clearly two years older than Xia Yang, but her height was not much taller than Xia Yang.

It was impossible to continue like this.

After arranging for Xia Yang and Xia Yang to stay at the Granny Liu's home, he asked about a bit more about the West Liang and then left.

The excuse she gave was that she was scared and there were a lot of things that she couldn't remember. Granny Liu didn't ask too much and carefully told Xia Yi everything she knew.

Eight kilometers to the south of Zhongling Village was Lingshan Town, and another fifteen kilometers to the east of Lingshan Town was the capital of West Liang.

Because of the geographical advantage of being so close to the West Liang Capital, Lingshan Town could be considered to be flourishing, and one could buy anything they wanted from the Lingshan Town.

The Zhongling Village was right next to the mountain, and there weren't many fields in every family. Many people who wanted to go out and earn some money would either work in the capital or in the Lingshan Town, or do some small business.

For example, Xia Yi's uncle, Xia Erfu, was a gardener in the capital city's large family, while Granny Liu's son was a gardener in Lingshan Town.

Many families could be considered quite prosperous in the Zhongling Village.

There were only a few people like Xia Yi and her siblings who were so poor that they couldn't even eat.

This was related to the original owner of the body.

Xia Yi's parents had left more than two acres of land for him and his three siblings. In order to curry favor with Mao Cuilan, the original owner had pulled all of the food into Mao Cuilan's house once she received them every year, so she could live a life under Mao Cuilan's roof. It all depended on Mao Cuilan's mood whether or not the three siblings were satisfied with their food.

From Zhongling Village to Lingshan Town, there was a wide dirt road, and it was wide enough for two ox-carts to pass through side by side.

Xia Yi had also only taken less than an hour to walk over.

The Lingshan Town was not big. It was a main street, but it was abnormally bustling with activity. There were rows upon rows of shops, and there were even quite a few stalls along the street. From time to time, the sound of hawking could be heard.

There were a few stalls selling vegetables, and all of them were similar in type.

Only one stall was different. It was larger than the other stalls and had a larger variety. For example … Mushrooms didn't even exist in any of the other stalls.

Xia Yi's interest was piqued. Ever since the Spirit Mountain incident, no one dared to go up the Spirit Mountain anymore.

"How much are you selling the lentinus edodes for?" Xia Yi picked up a mushroom and asked.

The mushroom was smaller than the one she had picked up on the mountain.

The hawker stretched out two fingers and gestured, "Eight pieces of paper."

Xia Yi frowned: "Isn't that too expensive."

She had just come out of the pork shop, and the pork was only worth seven cents a catty. The lentinus edodes were even more expensive than the pork.

The hawker's face was filled with pride as he said, "Miss, you can take a look around the entire street. Only my family has lentinus edodes for sale."

That was the theory, but the peddler had overlooked a problem. Lentinus edodes were not a necessity, and it was counterproductive to blindly raise prices.

It was just that Xia Yi did not say it explicitly. If she said it now, the peddler might not listen.

"Why do you have only mushrooms here?" Xia Yi asked curiously.

"Miss, you're not from here?" The peddler said, "Weren't all the mushrooms we used to eat harvested from Spirit Mountain? After the incident at Spirit Mountain, no one dared to go up the mountain anymore, and the lentinus edodes were no longer in existence. I was wondering if this thing could grow on the mountain and grow on its own. I didn't expect that after two years, it would actually be a success. "

It was only then that Xia Yi realized that there were no artificial mushrooms planted in this era.

The peddler could be considered the inventor of the artificial mushrooms in this era. He couldn't help but have a whole new level of respect for the peddler.

"Miss, do you want to buy some to have a taste?" The peddler said.

Xia Yi shook her head. Even if there were no mushrooms on the mountain, she couldn't afford to buy such an expensive mushroom.

The price of West Liang s were very cheap, Xiao Linmu had given him enough money to buy a cart of vegetables.

Xia Yi still had a lot of money left after buying the vegetables and meat.

Xia Yue and Xia Yang's clothes were too thin and worn out, it was not a bit warm at all. Xia Yi decided to use the remaining money to add a piece of cotton clothes for the two of them.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly heard someone calling her name from behind: "Xia Yi!"