228 Lesson 211 Children of the Village (Kaika Village Day Part 3)

I keep a machete to make a holy sword, so I couldn't fight for a while.

That's why I was looking around Kaika Village.

Kaika Village morning.

I was in the dining room of the mansion surrounding the table with Celica, Megna and Lapisia for breakfast.

Potoff-style soup in bread and sour cabbage in sausage.

Celica was drinking soup as she raised her blonde hair to hang on her ears with her thin fingers.

Looking at the graceful and elegant manner, my eyes met.

"What's up, Kaika?

"No, it's nothing. I just didn't think you'd eat pretty."

Celica dyed her cheeks and laughed embarrassingly.

"No, Kaika... So what are we going to do today?

"You're off until you can have the Holy Sword. I think I'll take a look around the village. Is Celica Edelstein?

Celica leaned her neck and conceived.

"It will. I'll start negotiating with the diplomats of the Fabrica kingdom about the gold deal."

"Don't have more business meetings with countries from now on. You should call me as soon as you're in trouble."

"Yes, thank you. You can count on Kaika just to say that."

I rocked my blonde hair and smiled quietly.

Ask Megna, who quietly eats cabbage.

"Meña... you're going to the Beast District."


With no expression, I moved my pointy ears.

Then watch Lapisia. He used to alternate between bread and sausage.

"What about Lapisia?

"School, go!

"That's great. Good luck with your studies."

"Studying with everyone, it's fun!

You want to go to school soon, I'm going to eat with great momentum.

- Seems to have fixed my dislike for studying, more importantly.

It was also a good trend to be close to the same generation of children for the purposes I saw.

- and.

A chorus of lovely voices echoed from the front door.

"" "Ra-pishi. Ah, honey. Ohhhhh!


Pushing the last piece of bread into his mouth, Lapisia stood up rattling the chair.

I said it after I drank the soup too.

"That's a voice you've heard."

"Nana of Naga! And, my friend!

When I saw the front door in Chili Eye, there were children from the village. There are even Yeturia and Nana, two Naga tribes in bikinis and skirts.

Nana was carrying a red landscape.

"Hmm. Sounds like you need to talk to me about something. Lapisia, let's go together."


Hold hands with Lapisia and head to the front door. My little hand was warm.

Celica calls from behind.

"Welcome, Kaika."

"Oh, I'm coming"

Out the front door, there were children before.

"Hey guys!

"Good morning, Lapisia." "Good morning, Kaika." "Good morning, Yusha."

The kids said hello and then started a fun chat.

Listening to that voice, Marlin and Prla, dressed in a jellyfish red hat, ran from the slave quarters beside gardens like in the country.

The children's whispers grew louder.

Yeturia rocked her silver hair and talked to me. Silver bikinis dazzle my white skin.

"Kaika, I'm sorry about earlier in the morning."

"Long time no see, Yetulia. Hey, what's up?

"He asked me to give him a few messages. So here we are."

"Hmm. If it's an important story you don't want to be asked, do you want to use the reception room?

"No, it's not a troublesome story for someone to ask me"

"Then we'll talk on foot - you guys are gonna be late for school."

When I spoke to the kids who laughed properly, I replied well.

"" "Ha ~ i" "

And he cashed the landscape and started walking like a bounce.

We leave the grounds and walk down the streets of the village.

Nana and Yeturia were crawling as they swayed their lower body of snakes over paved cobblestones to do so.

Yeturia turns her red eyes to me.

Kaika, let's start with a message from Mayor Dollar Earth.

"From the mayor?

I shake my silver hair and nod aloud.

"Um, Kaika, I was wondering if you could take care of my son, Lionel, back home."

"Right. My oldest son, Jean, died."

"I'm surprised that little white pig dies."

I raise one eyebrow to surprise you.

"That's highly regarded."

"I lived in defiance of Kaika many times, so I thought I had luck in a bad way"

"I see. Was the mayor sad?

Yeturia frowned slightly sadly.

"Naturally, you're a parent. He just said," I thought this would happen one day. "

"Are you ready... uh-huh. Lionel is having the town of the peripheral continent built. If I defeat the Demon King and make a paragraph, I'll return it. It shouldn't be a distant future."

"Okay. I'll tell you what - the other message came from Madame the Clothes Store."

"Madame the Tiger Beast Man? Probably about the clothes on the order."

"Er..." The finish is going well. However, it would be a waste to make it with a single material. If you have any unusual materials, you want to combine them. "

I put my hand on my chin. I thought.

"Hmm... that's the material I collected was left in the warehouse. Do you want me to take that one - no, it's faster to use the fairy door. We'll take a look around the village and we'll deliver it later."

"Okay. Perhaps I'll tell you in time."

Yeturia rocks her skirt and stops.

How long was it until the crossroads in the middle of the village?

Beastman children wave and run from the southwest, where many villagers live.

The fox child let his thick tail jump and run like a brush, and the wolf child ran forcefully kicking his cobblestone.

Of course the human child gathers.

"Oh no!" "Guys, say it!

"" "Ohh!

"Ah, Kaika." Good morning, brave man. "

"Uhm. Good morning, everyone"

I raised my hand and answered my greeting.

The children's noise grew louder all the time.

Yeturia narrows her eyes and smiles, looking at the children.

"That's a great view. People, beasts, naga, mermaids, weird jellyfish. - Dollar Earth, where people and the Naga live shoulder to shoulder, is also great, but this village would be a different digit. Kaika is truly an unimaginable great man."

"No, no, not yet."

"I didn't know you'd be humble. There it is again... well, good man,"

She glanced at her face bright red. Silver hair hides cheeks.

"Don't tell me if you're gonna be embarrassed."

Reaching out and stroking her head, Yeturia shook herself viciously, making her face increasingly red.

Are you ashamed, the serpent in your lower body groans?

But blah, I can't be modest.

Because the Marquis of Hell, in addition to these, even raises demons and demonic children together.

I can still do it. I can't lose more than the Marquis showed me the possibility.

Then Lapisia and Nana smiled and looked back.

"Bye, Kaika. I'm coming!

"I'm coming, Mr. Kaika, Mr. Yeturia"

"Oh, good luck with your studies"

"Don't get along, Nana."

"Ha ~ i"

The children walked north of the village to say goodbye to us.

"Hmm. Then I'll go home, too. Kaika, I'll see you soon."

"See you."

Yeturia took the road from the centre of the village to the south.

"Mmm. I want to see if the school runs well, too. I feel like I had something to do before that... oh, etoir"

Princess Etoile's mansion of deputies was right in front of her facing the crossroads.

I opened the gate to the valet and went inside.