146 Episode 142: The auction begins!

I was in an auction at the King's Capital Merchant Guild.

When I go down to the first floor, a female employee talks to me.

When I told him the interview with the slaves was over, he was led to the venue.

Large hall in the back of the ground floor.

It was large alongside the hotel hall.

There was a stage, with leather chairs lined up all the way to its front.

500 people will be able to sit at their leisure.

Everyone was wearing expensive clothes and bickering with one hand of drinks.

General seats in front toward the stage.

The way the rear is seated for nobles and high officials.

However, there is still room for anything but the space for chairs to line up.

"Do you also have standing seats?

When I asked, Lionel answered.

"Yeah. Someone's going in that won't be at the auction. The audience."

"Will it be some kind of spectacle"

"That's why it's easier for rich people to heat up to show their financial strength."

"I see. It's something you're looking for."

Cross the hall to the front.

Lionel groaned pompously as she sat in the seat at the end.

"I hate this line."

"Why not?

"If you look from behind, you can see who bid on what, so you can see their aim and their budget"

"I see. That's advantageous when a fateful offering comes. Is that why there are so many high ranking people in the back seat?"

"It is. Besides, the auction here is basically an auction method - a common method of adding numbers with the number of fingers, but some are auctions with a total take-up method."

"Total take? Do I have to pay the amount I offered if I lose?"

"Yeah. Organizers and sellers make a lot of money, don't they? However, if it's a bad item, it's bid zero, so the knights, witches, and ruined swords must have a tiera."

"If it's a total take, don't end up ducking me when I'm on a budget..."

"Yeah, really. Adults are sloppy."

Is this why Lionel was so concerned earlier that he was collecting ducks with gold?

- Well, it doesn't matter because I have a thousand eyes.

"But it doesn't seem like a good total, but it's not fair because there won't be a price catch."

"Right. That's right, Kaika, you can afford it - oh, it looks like it's time to start."

Blonde rocked softly and Lionel stretched her spine and sat back down.

The chair of the venue was buried about 80%.

A man in a swallow tail suit stands on the front stage. A dundee man with a mowed mustache.

Looks like a moderator.

"I would like to host an auction competition right now. Thank you very much for coming together today, people who have taken their feet farther away. Two hundred specialties and masters from East and West are scheduled for sale now. Listings are in number order. - Let's start with number one!

When the MC signaled, one man came out chained.

Skinny, tight body but hard muscles. Formerly a knight or an adventurer? It was quite a beauty.

The auction begins.

"Sort by number?

When I shrugged, Lionel opened the catalog.

"This is it, Mr. Kaika."

The order was on the first page of the catalog. The bid price is written next to the item name.

I hear Lionel checked it out.

"Wow. Were you looking this far? That's great, Lionel."


Honestly praising him, Lionel narrowed his eyes and smiled. The slightly lit trick is adorable as a child.

The auction went well.

The first young man was an unconditional slave, bought by a fat lady with forty large gold coins.

Next, a magical product called purifying gloves (clean gloves) appeared. When touched, water and food become clean and rot back.

The nobles ate it unexpectedly when they thought it seemed cheap. Compete and bid.

Because the food will be delicious to prevent the assassination of poison, it seems.

Ultimately, he won the bid with 107 sheets.

The higher the bid, the more spectators around.

Grandma Cordelia came out next.

Poking the same wand as the back length, he advances to the center of the stage.

MC speaks terms and starts bidding.

The way up is plain because nobles don't participate. Venue heat cools.

As a result, Lionel competed for and dropped nine large gold coins.

Even though he was a conditional slave, he was put out at an early stage, probably because he was thought to water the momentum.

I ask with my mouth in the ear of Lionel sitting beside me.

"What happens if you fall below the minimum bid you want?

"In that case, the seller can choose to sell or refuse at that price. In this case, it's about what a slave old lady would do."

"I see. Conversely, if I exceed the desired minimum bid amount, do I absolutely have to sell it?"

"We'll negotiate the winning bid after the auction, so let's do our best to win it at this rate."

"Right, please."

Then some objects and slaves emerge to change the air and thrive.

When the venue was engulfed with enthusiasm, conditional slavery began to emerge.

The bid is incandescent because there are many excellent skilled slaves, but also because there are many beautiful women and handsome men.

On the contrary, the seemingly boneless pharmacist is cheap and five sheets, to be negotiated later. to 27 because the butler competed with some woman merchant.

It's only because it's expensive but it's a necessary talent.

Lionel doesn't do anything like raise one piece at a time, but turns on two to five times the starting value at once. Make it one where the number of shepherds has increased, and then significantly increase it again at the end of the day. Let go of the other guests.

I don't like it as a child.

I took part in the auction for the brave man's shield.

Forty large gold coins for the desired lowest bid price.

"I'll join you in this. All you have to do is put your fingers up against your face, okay?

"Be careful, the fingers you put out against the back of your hand will double."

"Okay - three!

As soon as the bidding started, I raised my hand and put three fingers down.

For some reason, the venue will be there.

- Is that it?

Ask the two of you in a low voice.

"Did I do something to you?

"Kaika... you don't have to speak up."

Celica pulled my japanese suit in embarrassment.

"Right, I'm sorry. But why did the bidding stop?

Listen to the venue. An audience in the field was whispering.

"That brave guy." "Oh, isn't that bad?" "If you win this bid, won't they take it away?" "Makes sense to win a bid..."

- Oh, well.

With [proof of the brave], if the brave can prove they need it to fight the demon king, they can [raise the necessary supplies].

The shield of the brave should be considered a necessity for the brave, no matter what anyone thinks.

I don't need it.


"Brave Shield, it's a bid for three big gold coins!

The MC proclaimed it exalted.

The middle-aged merchant he was selling looked like his soul had fallen out. I don't even try to move.

When asked to exit from the MC, he collapsed from his knees and cried. My debts are... my daughter is... grumbling.

I guess I needed a lot of money as soon as possible.

Poor thing. It's my fault.

However, if you collect expensive items with the testimony of a brave man, you are rarely able to take them without question.

Normally, if you give something important to a brave man, you are allowed to try a brave man only once.

For example, if you want the shield of the brave, the treasure of the village, I will give it to you if you exorcise the bandits living in the nearby mountains.

So if you have a slightly anomalous but that merchant's wish, I'll ask you.

Next came Stella from Sacubus. My tail was dripping powerless.

This is not exciting either. In other words, there were few bids due to the total take-up format, which stopped at ten.

Hiccups and that sacubus useless. Whatever, I was hearing voices like that.

Stella bites her lips off and looks at me resentfully from the top.

Huh. Exhale and whine all the time.

"Bid him."

Then the surprising voice of Lionel echoed the venue of silence.

"Huh? But it's a waste of money to be able to work a sacubus, isn't it?... but. Okay."

That's what I said and pointed my finger at the back of my hand. Twice the signal.

MC says.



The venue shudders.

I hear voices from behind.

"Ma, you demon... I'll love you, uhi"

When I looked back thinking you were a creepy voice I'd heard, I had Lionel's brother, Jean, when he came.

I was even fatter than before because I was helping the mayor do his job.

"That guy. - Hmm."

I put my strength into my eyes. Shoots Jean through with the light of God.

He noticed me and raised his voice.

Lionel lifts his finger.


Jean is spasmodic with her white eyes turned.

"- Anyone else? It's a bid for thirty!

There was no call, and the bid went straight to victory.

Stella swelled her cheeks and seemed unhappy.

He glanced at me, then turned his face away and walked away, waving his hips left and right.

Lionel whines in a voice that sounds just like me.

"You did it, Mr. Kaika. My brother's bid was unexpected... but you've managed to keep the amount down."

Did you just say something that you would deny, still Bluff?

"Don't say much like you just did."

"I'm sorry."

He noticed he was in too much shape, and Lionel was dropping his shoulders all the time.

The auction continues. There are many total take-up formats.

Spears, armor.

Blue Dragon Scale armor was watching how it went, but it exceeded a hundred pieces, so I forgave it. Some nobleman was buying it for 200 sheets.

The Knights Commander exceeded 150 pieces. Nobility and bureaucracy in the Daphnes country compete hard. Why in the same country? For some reason, Jean was competing as well. The nobility won the bid in 270 pieces.

The venue grew more and more exciting.

And finally [Princess Tiara] came out.

MC says.

"Come on, this is Tiara, who's right from the origin of passing it on to the diaspora! Please be aware that this auction is a total takeover auction! Then start with ten!

"15," "25," "35," "50," "55," "70," "100!

Jump to 100 at once.

The nobles competed for cancer to say it was a total takeover method.

I also thought I'd have it as a sign of bravery, but if you ask me if it's necessary directly to defeat the Demon King, the hard part.

Because princess knights are rare in themselves, it's hard to admit to complaining that they're gear exclusively for princess knights.

I just had to kick this popularity off and win the bid.

"Lionel, double it all at once. You better make him give up fast."


Rio Nell moves where he was competing around a hundred.


MC screams and looks over at the venue. The venue air changed.


Looks like only one of you followed me.

Lionel looks at me chilling with a worried face.

If I lost this, it would have been a huge loss. But if I lose money, I'll have more than half the money left.

"I'm scared because I don't know their military funds."

and Lionel whining in a fine voice. Bright eyes were shaking anxiously.

Sure, the total take-up method has to be paid for even if you lose, so if you couldn't give up quickly and cut your losses, you'd be in the mud.

That's what they did.

He's saying something bumpy with a blue-faced face. I heard it in "Hear More".

"If you can still go... up to eight... you can"

And he's whining.

Eight is a holy gold coin. That was fifty for one.

- That means.

I slapped my face against Lionel's ear.

"The opponent has a budget of just over 400 sheets. Double push."

"Huh!? - Yeah, okay."

Lionel's white, thin hand moves toward his armor.

And -.


Whoa! And the venue twisted.

The other man tried to raise his hand by chewing on his muggly lips, but he was stopped by his wife and a woman who thought he was next door.

The man fell on his shoulder disappointed by a blow. It was burning out.

- Isn't this the guy who raced off 200 pieces of blue dragon scale armor?

So the funds were running out?

... aristocrat and his name is Milford. Let's remember.

"Aren't you there?... So, we win the bid for 430 pieces!

The MC proclaimed it exalted. The voice is clearly exalted.

Whoa! and a twitch happens from the venue.

"Wow!" "Do brave men make that much money!" "They're doing it extensively." "So are the villages and the high-speed transportation." "But why is that tiara...?

Best stirring ever. The excitement of the venue culminated.

I clenched my fist. Nature and facial irritation.

"Okay. You got the most important thing!

I shake my head like Lionel can't believe it.

"That's right, Kaika, you know your opponent's budget a lot"

"Sort of. You're a brave man."

Dangerous, I almost answered "because I am God" with vegetables.

Celica has been holding hands softly. The supple fingertips touch comfortably.

"Thank you. Kaika... what a thank you..."

"I don't need any thanks. You just have to stay by my side the whole time."

Grabbing her gently thin shoulder, Celica gasped and crept. Exhalation touching the body is hot.

I stopped the merchant trying to pull me up onto the stage sleeve.

"I'll pay you here, give it to me"

"Oh, that's... oh, are you a brave man? You're in a hurry. Okay."

The merchant came down after asking the host if he would like to.

Celica pays and I take Tiara.

If you look closely, it was a tiara with a floral pattern that made you feel cute in the elegance.

I don't know how to attach it, but I gently put it on Celica's head.

On the blonde hair, Tiara, whose subject was magical silver, looked good on her. Red gems also add to Celica's noble charm.

He was like a princess. Princess, though.

"Thank you, Kaika... gu"

He buried his face in my chest, wearing half a vest. Smells like flowers.

Or cute.

All right, all right. I stroked his head.

But Lionel glanced at him as he looked at the catalog.

"But now it's going to be just one of us."

"Hmm? - Oh, that and that"

A fairy boy housekeeper and a carpenter squirrel beast.

It seems that there are 30 fairies and 40-70 squirrels in the market that Lionel looked into.

"This one's normal, but this one's expensive"

"There are many cats and wolves, but this is rare. Besides, I think today's feverish swing will jump more"

Currently, the expense of 504 large gold coins.

About sixty pieces left.


"I want both, but only four of my stashed pennies."

"I have no choice. Buy just one."

"Right...... sorry to hear that"

Lionel smiled as he had objectified. When I shook my head, my blonde hair flowed softly.

The auction returned to its normal method because the eyeball product was finished.

"Continuing, witch's ecstasy! In the usual way, it's a start from one!

"10!" "14!!" "20!!!

Customers will compete and bid.

The venue went even more enthusiastic.