85 Episode 83: The Night's Watch, Cute Wishes

Late at night.

After dinner I left the inn and headed to the royal castle.

A reduced boulevard of people. A drunk walks away singing a song.

When I went south of the Royal Castle, I magically flew and landed on the balcony on the top floor of the castle.

It was the king's private room.

When you enter the bedroom, only the lamp by the bed is lit and dim.

There was a king who went into bed and drank. He is wearing a nightcap.

"Good evening, king. I've come to talk to you."

"Always come suddenly."

"Because I'm a brave man."

I sat down because I was advised to chair by the bed.

The king took a sip of booze.

"So, sneaking in like this was a story you didn't want people to hear?

"That's right, king. Let me start by telling you the truth about the dragon."

"Hmm. I was wondering."

I was looking for an egg whose dragon was stolen, and the egg was stolen by the hands of the Demon King's Army. The contents of the eggs were influenced by those who warmed them, and when the demons warmed, they talked about catastrophes such as famine and panic pouring down.

"Was it an egg that wielded disaster? I told you the treasure was stolen."

"There were people around, so I couldn't tell them the truth."

"I see. Have you been able to collect them all yet?

"It's only half. Three for the rest. Leo's looking for you."

"Hmm. That's the young man. I almost lost a promising young man. Kaika, you did a good job."

"By the way, hasn't the king heard any rumors about the rest of the eggs? - It's about this size."

I showed the size with my hands.

The king twists his neck.

"Uh-huh. A merchant brought such round balls. It wasn't black though. There was a gold muscle in the red. The merchant said it was an immortal egg."

"What!? Is that true!? What happened to the eggs?

"I refused because they demanded an extrajudicial price. You said you'd bring it to another nobleman or merchant."

"Thank you, king. Information alone will help."

"I'll look into it."

- I also thought about asking my father and Dryde.

said the king.

"But you couldn't tell me about the eggs because there were people, but you mean there's something in your subordinate that goes with the Demon King?

"There is no certainty. - It's just that Vernus is absolutely dangerous."

"How can you say that? God who has done so many miracles?

"It's a selfie, king. Because the real name of the Demon King is Vernus."

"Nah...... holy shit!? Is that true!?

"I heard it directly from the Great Sea God Lily, so it would be absolutely true"

Then while I pretty much omitted it, I told him about Vernus.

Lost the Holy Sword kept silent in the honor of Lille.

The king was listening with his hands on his forehead. He seemed tired at once.

"You mean Vernus itself moves as the Demon King wills... and the priests don't work without knowing the truth. This is troublesome. Because they believe the doctrine is right. It turns out Kaika said she couldn't trust her subordinates."

"If you say so. When we went to the neighboring kingdom of Fabrica, King Ronheim had been manipulated by demons and the Minister of Defence had been replaced by a magical guide doll."

"Was it! I've heard rumors about waging war in this day and age, but was it the work of the Demon King... maybe that country went out that way because the god of fire and blacksmith Kandens is more religious than Vernus"

"Defeating the Demon King will not bring true peace as long as there is Vernus"

"Okay. That's good. You let me know, thank you Kaika. I will also consider the measures of Vernus. The Demon King's power is diminishing, and now it's going to work out."

"Thank you, king. I'll help you if you need anything."

"Is there anything else I can tell you?

"Right... I want to build a ship because I'm going to go to the peripheral continent sooner or later"

"Mmmm... even though it will cost a lot... we will be able to develop new farmland through Kaika-style pipes, so let's give it financial assistance as a feat"

"Thank you"

The king frowned.

"Besides, there's something about Etoile."

"What's the princess?

"I grew up selfish, but since I was helped by that, I've become very, very quiet. There's no more talk of people looking down. Much appreciated. Thanks."

The king rocked his nightcap and bowed his head. There was no majesty there as king, but gratitude as one father.

It just broke my heart a little, just because the truth is allergic.

"No, that's okay, king. As a brave man, until I did what I deserved, haha."

"That's Kaika. In broad hearted terms."

"Yeah, well. Then I'll go home."

"I want you to let me know if anything happens again."

"Yes, I'll be back. Good night."

I couldn't wait to leave the room early.

Try to get out on the balcony and go home.

Then, from the balcony next door, I heard a voice saying, oh.

Turning to his eyes in amazement, there was an etoir that stirred the red hair up to his back into the night breeze. I'm wearing a negligee like a dress.


"Etoile? Well, shut up about what you saw. I'm just here to see the king."

"Was it...... why don't you come to Ataxi's room?

"You can't sneak into the princess's room."

With that said, she swelled her cheeks as if she were obstinate.

"I spent the night with the same princess, Selica..."

I passed on the balcony and went to the side of Etoile.

"Just sleep with me a lot 'cause I'm comfortable holding you, I didn't do anything."

"So, hold...! Oh, I guess so, I get it. Celica is more adorable than Ataxi. I'm so sorry."

"I mean cute, you rarely have breasts that big and shaped, yeah"


Etoile put his hand on his little chest and frowned sadly.

Or when I saw it nearby, her negligee was clear. I could even see the line of my body without underwear or the shape of my tense chest. Luxurious body and slight curves.

The chest was small but balanced with the thinness of the hands and feet.

"Even Etoile is cute enough, don't worry."

Then Etoile walked one step closer to me, not even trying to hide the visible nudity.

"Kay, Kay."


"One day they will defeat the Demon King, won't they?


"Then... with Ataxi... ugh"

Shy his face turns bright red and leans.

He wasn't tall, so he looked nice and small.

"Ah, if I defeated the Demon King and saved my country, would the brave be with the princess?"

"Yes... my sister is already married, therefore, with her attacker..."

"Mm-hmm. Rejected"

"Too soon to make a decision...... please, Kaika Well"

When you hug me, you look up to me in tears. A slight swell was pressed.

"We have Celica. I was able to be a brave man, and I was able to be active, all because Celica supported me beside her. She can't betray you."


She presses her face without force.

"You got something?

"Kaika, if you don't marry me, Atakshi... I must marry you to the kingdom of Fabrica in a political marriage"

"It's a common story, you don't like it?

"He's a very ugly man... who doesn't think of people as people, like he's always looking down"

"It's like old Etoile itself."

Her face is shocked and distorted. Tears flood my cheeks from my shiny eyes.

"Kaika told me to apologize to my nanny, butler, and everyone who has done terrible things. Some were angry, but others forgive me. And those who will be happy. I was taught that people can't live alone."


- Well, that applies to me, too.

"Thank you so much for making me realize what's important. I'm sorry. I guess it's all a punishment for a selfish Ataxi. I'm sorry I said that on my own."

That's what I said and tried to get away, so I turned my arms around my thin hips and hugged them. Strong to lift.

Oh, and the squeaky voice leaks out of Etoile's lips. The red hair was disturbed and wobbled.

Speak and whisper in your ear.

"I can't do it to my full wife because it will be the source of the trail inheritance. Because if your child has the right to inherit, surely the Kingdom of Daphnes will support him. When that happens, I can't fathom it in Edelstein, a small country. - If you feel like it, you might come back soon."

"Kaika. Well... please"

"Keep that wish, in the corner of your heart"

I kissed her brilliant forehead and I let go.

Etoile stepped away. The clear negligee soars in the night breeze.

Look up at me with an uncut face.

Kaika, I'll be waiting for you.

"... bye"

I flew back from the balcony to town at night.

◇ ◇ ◇

I went back to the inn.

My father used to shop in the kitchen, so he asked me to find the whereabouts of the eggs by a merchant.

Upon entering the third floor room, Celica was still awake.

I was lying on a king-size bed and reading a book. My chest doesn't look painful because I have my chin on my pillow.

Welcome home, Kaika.

"I'm home.... I've met the King and Etoile"

"How was it?

"I've told the king about the eggs and about Vernus. I was so surprised."

"The Demon King was Vernus, wasn't he... it's horrible"

Celica frowned thinly.

I fell asleep next to Celica. Hold her shoulders gently.

"I also met Etoile. Marry me. I'm sorry."

"... Dear Etoile, that's adorable."

"I think you're cuter, huh?

The blonde hides it. It turns red as Celica's cheeks look around.

"Ugh... don't say it with a serious face..."

"Then in an unscrupulous manner. Who should I have said, 'Hehe, Celica, she's adorable' while drooling?

"I don't like that!

Celica shook her thin head as she sifted. Blonde waves.

"Speaking of which, Etoile is clear. You were wearing a negligee. Is that the standard royal sleeping roll? Should I buy it?

- I'd rather have it worn.

"What!? Master Etoile dressed like that?... So you're getting married. It must have been night games practice."

"Really... that's why it seemed so meticulous.... Don't Celica have to wear Negrije?

"Yes, now, not yet... I don't need it, it should be"

Celica looked at me and muttered anxiously.

I put my strength into her shoulder-holding arm.

Celica gasped as she lost her gaze.

"Celica, that's all you need to know. - No matter who tells you, you're the most important thing."

"... What's the sudden matter? Did something happen with you, Mr. Etoile?

"Ugh... No, nothing."

Celica reached out and held me tight.

"You're tired, Kaika. Take your time once in a while"

Gentle tone. Soft body pressed.

My heart seems relieved by the warmth of the celica transmitted through my skin.

We held each other silently forever as the night went on.