< Evade the Hero and Flee! 208 #24. Why Does it Have To Be Me? (5) >

The demon continent’s weather was getting gradually colder. Winter was coming. The cold weather that greeted us when we first crossed over from the human side of the continent was creeping over us once more.


“My dear child, don’t you think this is a good spot?”

In the meantime, my daughter and I were doing a very important job to commemorate our two years in the demon continent.

“Nope. The soil quality here is not good, dad. This land isn’t suitable for farming!”

“D-does that mean…?”

“Yup, next! Let’s check out the next land, dad!”

It was none other than real estate shopp… Oops, I mean, inspecting the farmlands.

“But this is already the 14th place we’ve checked out…”

“Dad~! You said we’re looking for a nice place to build our forever home, didn’t you! A good land will cut down on our hardships, you know!”

We had reached the point in time where I began thinking that retiring wouldn’t cause any major issues with the governance of the demon continent. The one hundred demon kings my dear hero/disciple had trained were doing a stellar job with raising more demon kings. The results they had shown so far were all very satisfactory.

Each newly-minted demon king obviously couldn’t control a hundred candidates like the hero had done, but they still could train at least three hopefuls by themselves. Even five candidates under the right circumstances.

One hundred demon kings soon increased in number to five hundred. Those five hundred demon kings then ballooned to over 1000 in the proverbial blink of an eye.

The future history books would most likely depict the hero as… someone like Abraham, I guess?

As a hero, he created one hundred demon kings. Then, those demon kings went on to create even more demon kings, then more and more would be created down the line, so…

“…So, the demon continent is in good hands.”

Mm… Of course it would be. Even with only one demon king, the demon continent had been chugging along fairly well, didn’t it? With a thousand demon kings now in existence, they should be able to deal with whatever comes their way, including the likes of the Evil God.

“Dad! Let’s go to the next location!”

“Alright, my child.”

My daughter had been searching for a fertile piece of land as if she was out shopping for a cute handbag in a department store. She didn’t just pay attention to the soil quality, but also to the overall terrain, such as the mountains, rivers and nearby roads.

“Next is…”

My daughter went inside the carriage to check the list of lands she had been keeping an eye on. I felt quite content with this scene. Seriously now, I don’t know whose little girl she is, but she sure has grown up so well!

The metal bat grumbled. “You know, my little sis got your most annoying traits, master.”

“Uh-huh! Taking into account every variable and possibility, then carefully consider them! There can’t be a better habit than that in this world!”

“But, master! Have you forgotten about the Evil God thingy? Are you not ‘taking into account’ that little inconvenience, oh my dear demon king?”

“Yup, I’m not.”

The Evil God’s fragment was supposed to wreck everything as soon as making its appearance, whether it was on the human or demon side of the continent.

According to Belegrea, that ‘god’ thing was the king of all monsters. Magic didn’t work, while physical attacks were just as useless against that creature.

How many fifty-year-old-plus folks in this world would want to fight against a monster that could wipe out a kingdom or several tribes the moment it shows up? No one, I tell ya!

“This year is drawing to a close, isn’t it?” I looked away at a distance. “I always planned to retire at the age of fifty while working for the evil organisation, so this feels right.”

Of course, that was my plan, not the organisation’s. They would’ve never let me ‘retire’ in one piece, especially when I knew so much inside information about them!

“Oho, so… Master, you were planning to set off a very explosive ‘fireworks festival’ just before you retire, didn’t you?”

“More or less.”

Since ancient times, explosions equal art!