v6 Chapter 115: I only speak for myself

The void is torn, the world is shattered!

The aftermath of the battle between Ethan and Abraham is so horrible. Ethan just picked up the big sword in his hand. Even if Abraham avoided letting him slash it on the void, it did not mean that the power contained in the big sword fell. Arrived in the empty place.

At his current level, cutting through the void is no longer an exaggerated modification.

In just a few back and forth, several worlds near the two people have been destroyed, some completely turned into nothingness, some were shattered to pieces by the terrible impact, and some were swallowed up by the rules.

"I didn't expect your strength to increase so much."

Abraham’s face is so ugly and ugly. Ethan’s progress is faster than he thought. I don’t know how many times. He found that even in his heyday, facing the current Ethan, he was not sure to kill him steadily. Death, let alone the decline in strength now.

"But you don't have enough control over power."

Ethan has only initially integrated and mastered these powers, so he has to mix various rules with his own divine power and turn them into weapons or release them in the form of offensive spells.

In fact, the degree of fusion reaches perfection. There are countless rules between the raising of hands and feet of a god, and furthermore, the **** will perfectly control the various rules and powers in his body, so that it will not cause countless worlds by sneezing. Destruction.

Ethan's current state is that he can't control it well, so he just turned it into a weapon and focused on killing the enemy.

The disadvantage of this is naturally that a lot of power will be wasted, which can be seen by seeing countless powers being used in ‘empty places’.

However, this discovery did not help the current situation. Abraham also did not reach the most perfect level. Although he did not need to transform the power of rules into weapons or magic like Ethan, it would also cause all kinds of horrors when used. The destruction and wasted power is not much less than Ethan.

Ethan can also see this. The difference in combat power (not strength) between the two people is smaller than he expected, and the possibility of killing Abraham is increasing.

"Although it is not perfect, it is enough to kill you!"

The big sword in Ethan's hand had already collapsed, and he held two pistols between his open hands. A black and white gun was aimed at Abraham in front of him. The bullets mixed with rules and divine power were like a rainstorm. Smashed past.

Abraham knew that he could not stop, even if he could, but as long as he was preempted by this guy, he would fall into the dilemma of being passively beaten.

Lifting his right hand and turning it lightly, he moved the overwhelming bullets to another location, and then several worlds were riddled with bullets and completely destroyed.

At this time, Ethan was a little grateful that the battlefield was on the opponent's turf. There were not enough worlds in this style of play to destroy the two of them.

As the battle progressed, the two men's destruction of the void became more and more serious.

This world was originally very stable, but if you saw it as a big tree, it would be a beautiful world with lush foliage and thriving growth.

But now there are two guys fighting on the trunk, not only ruining a lot of branches and leaves, but even the trunk that was the main body was seriously damaged.

The peaceful void has become a dangerous place full of chaotic energy and void storms. Even Ethan and Abraham are trying to avoid these areas-if they are caught in, they don't even know where they will be thrown. , And it doesn’t guarantee that he’s really safe and sound.

The two people (gods) kept fighting like this, avoiding the worse and worse areas, and the fighting between the two was creating more chaos and void. Unknowingly, the entire world of the Lord God had been demolished by more than half, and it was gradually hitting it. Near the core area.

Now, both Ethan and Abraham have discovered a very embarrassing situation: neither of them can kill each other!

Ethan is not indifferent. Abraham can't kill himself, which means he is dead. As long as he is given a short time, his strength will increase rapidly, and it is not so easy for Abraham to continue to improve his strength.

Abraham also thought of this, so he would never choose to let Ethan leave. The best chance for him is now. If Ethan cannot be killed, then his future is almost doomed.

Staring fiercely at Ethan for a moment, Abraham suddenly turned his head and looked at the core of the main **** world, his hesitant expression only flashed for a moment, as if he had made some determination, he rushed towards that core.

Ethan didn't know what he was going to do, but even without thinking about it at this time, he knew that what Abraham was going to do was definitely not good for him.

No matter what he wanted to do, as long as he destroyed it and didn't let him succeed, Ethan also rushed towards the core of the main **** world.

Abraham saw Ethan chasing him, and his speed was very fast, his heart was cruel, and a group of red light burst out of his body. Then countless Abraham rushed towards Ethan, and he turned into a stream of light and accelerated again.

Ethan could feel that although Abraham's speed suddenly accelerated, his breath became weaker. This guy did not hesitate to damage himself again to do this. It seems that what he has to do must be very important-meaning It is very likely to threaten his life.

Thinking of this, he didn't care about that much, he exploded his own power and cleared Abraham's clone to block him. Even if he did this, he would lose a lot of power.

In the same way, Ethan turned into a meteor and chased it quickly.

But the group of clones still hindered Ethan for a moment. Even if he released a huge power to kill him, the release of power and energy impact would still affect Ethan’s speed, even if it was less than a second, it was enough for Abraham. He reached his goal first.

"Damn fellow, disappear completely with this world!"

Abraham was standing next to a white ball of light about five meters in diameter. With his right hand making a punch, he lifted all his power and smashed it towards the ball.

At that moment, there was a warning sign in Ethan's heart. He could clearly feel that once Abraham succeeded, he would be seriously injured even if he was not dead.

It's just that he didn't understand, would Abraham be okay if he did this?

Now is not the time to think about this. Now because what he should do is how to deal with this crisis, just when he was about to do something, he suddenly found that Abraham's fist stopped.

He hesitated? Are you afraid of being blown to death?

In the next second, Ethan knew that he had guessed wrong, and Abraham's wrist was wrapped with a filigree silk thread, and at the same time, an inconspicuous figure appeared out of thin air at a position not far behind Abraham-this man pulled it in his hand. With the silk thread, Abraham's wrist was tied at the other end.

Abraham also saw the people coming, his face suddenly became very weird, Ethan saw surprise, wonder, unbelief, and a little joy from his face?

"Who is this guy?"

As if hearing the question in Ethan's heart, the mysterious person who suddenly appeared turned his head to look at Ethan's side, and then answered the question in a very soft voice.

"I am Abraham's father. As for the name... I don't have a name."


Ethan remembered that Madeleine once said that Abraham was the second generation of God, but not many people knew about Abraham's father. Many people speculated that Abraham's father was just an ordinary god, or that he had already fallen (sleeping). Up?

It now appears that these people have guessed wrong.

"What fall... Ordinary... Seeing that this posture is clearly the ultimate boss, right?"

This mysterious main **** has a very ordinary appearance, the kind that if you don't know him, he just needs to find a group of people to drill, and you will never want to find it again.

Wearing a very ordinary or even slightly outdated casual suit, with a walking stick in his hand-the traces of the years can be clearly seen on it, it is an old walking stick that has been used for a long time and is even slightly damaged, plus The silver hair, which seemed neat but with so many tangled hairs, looked like an old gentleman who was down and out.

No matter in appearance, dress or temperament, he is not outstanding, but it is such a guy, even if he is shown in front of Ethan, Ethan has no way to understand what means he uses, and no matter what. Feeling'how to observe', the conclusion is that this is an ordinary old man.

The mysterious lord did not continue to talk to Ethan, but stared at his son with dissatisfaction.

"Do you know what you are doing? Abel! Do you know that doing so will damage Yuanhai."


Ethan doesn’t know what Yuanhai is, but looking at the expression on this person, and the appearance of Abraham’s cruel heart before making a decision, it should be a very important existence... and it’s not just as important as certain main gods. ?

The mysterious lord **** gently pulled the silk thread in his hand, and Abraham couldn't help but drifted away from the ball of light with him, and came to a place not far in front of Ethan.

He is still looking around Seeing that the world of the Lord God has been beaten to pieces by two people, it has almost turned into chaos and void, and then shook his head speechlessly.

"If you continue to fight like this, you will hurt Yuanhai sooner or later, and I can't continue to ignore it..."

Abraham didn't speak, and Ethan didn't bother to speak-it was all a family, and he felt that it was meaningless to say anything.

But the other party didn't think so. The old man seemed to hear Ethan's upset and suddenly turned his head to look at him.

"Young man, you may think that I am trying to stand up for my own son, but the truth is not like that..." He paused for a moment when he said that, "If your battle causes damage to Yuanhai, it will also affect I, that's why I'm here for myself, otherwise I won't bother to take care of him even if you scum him."


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