v5 Chapter 175: Paddling

? After greeting Dumbledore, Ethan casually found things to pass the time, and finally reached the day of the prom.

Because he had long established that the dance partner was Yi Liya, he did not bother in this regard, nor was he "disturbed" by a large group of girls. After the dance officially began, he completed the task of leading the dancer and accompanied the happy Yi. Liya danced for a while, then packed up some snacks and walked aside to rest.

"you look pretty today."

"Thank you."

Hermione still became Victor's dancing partner, and Victor still had a good impression of Hermione.

Her two friends, Harry and Ron, still did not invite her.

Maybe they have known each other for too long, these two have completely ignored the potential of the girl next to them.

Harry still has a good impression of Zhang Qiu, but considering that Cedric Diggory will not be killed this time, the young couple will not experience life and death early, and it seems that their relationship will not end in a short time. , So Zhang Qiu and Harry could not be together again.

Ron, like most Hogwarts boys, is a little fascinated by Fleur, who is of Veeva descent, and neither he nor his good brother Harry found a favorite dancing partner. Finally, he and a pair of twin sisters participated in the dance party. .

Originally, after receiving the invitation, the twin sisters were still very happy, but the performance of the two little boys at the prom disappointed the sisters, so the good brothers became lonely again.

Especially when they discovered that Hermione, who had been dangling by her side, was so beautiful, but she hadn't noticed it before and had not sent out the invitation, the feelings in the two people's hearts became more and more complicated.

Ethan wasn't as entangled as they were. He already knew what Hermione would be like in the future, so he was not surprised by Hermione's surprise today.

The girls were very careful in this regard, and Hermione noticed that Ethan did not have the completely unbelievable reaction of Harry and Ron.

"You don't seem to be surprised."

"Why accident?"

Hermione looked a little surprised, but this reaction made her feel even more happy.

Because the two have their own dance partners, it is impossible to chat here all the time, so they separated soon. Ethan also noticed that Hermione went to find Harry and Ron later, and then walked away angrily. It seems that the plot Roughly little has changed.

"In this case, Hermione will still be the hostage Victor wants to rescue, right?"

Compared to Ethan, Victor seems to have few choices. In the end, the organizer of the event can only choose Victor's favorite Hermione as the hostage.

So Ethan never thought that it was Hermione that he was trying to rescue, and Victor seemed to be a close friend of his.

In the second match of the Triwizard Tournament, rescue at the bottom of the Black Lake, each player has one hour to find the hostage captured by the mermaid in the vast Black Lake and rescue them.

At this moment, Ethan was soaking in the bottom of the Black Lake, staring at Hermione who was opposite.

Ethan looked around. The other hostages were in a coma. They were protected by a curse in their coma, so they would not choke to death.

After being found and awakened by the players, especially after cutting the ropes that tie these hostages, the spell will lose its effect. At this time, the players need to return to the surface with the hostages as soon as possible.

Generally speaking, after finding a hostage, as long as you are not greedy to save other hostages, the mermaid will not embarrass the contestants too much, which means that the hostages and contestants can easily return to the surface, basically not What's the danger.

But the situation is a bit different now. Hermione wore the amulet given to her by Ethan and woke up very early. The curse that could keep her from drowning had also dissipated, and the underwater breathing on the amulet began. The effect is that Hermione can breathe freely in the dark bottom of the lake, and the enhanced vision can also easily see the surrounding situation.

At first she was a little confused and panicked when she found out that she was in the water. Then she realized that she was not choking and could even breathe freely, and then she slowly calmed down.

Looking left and right, Hermione found several people who were also trapped beside her, but she didn't rush to wake them up, she knew nothing about the situation, and it was not a good idea to act rashly at this time.

After thinking about it, Hermione decided to untie the rope tied to her feet first, but she couldn't find her wand after touching it for a long time.

At this moment, Ethan came to her very quickly, and the two stared at each other.

Ethan was not surprised to see Hermione here, but after looking around, he found that Hermione seemed to be the target of his rescue.

The one over there was Ron, which was clearly Harry's goal.

There is also a little girl who should be Furong's sister.

The other boy he didn't even know, wearing the same school uniform as Victor, could Dumbledore not let himself save someone he didn't know at all, right?

"Tsk, this situation is not surprising at all."

She stretched out her hand to Hermione, motioned her to grab her, then waved another hand, and a magical force opened the rope under Hermione's feet.

But what made Hersens feel strange is that Ethan did not take her to the surface of the water quickly, but sank directly to the bottom of the lake at an alarming speed, and then gently raised his hand, not knowing what spell was released.

"what have you done?"

Unable to help curiosity for a while, Hermione asked directly, only to realize that she could speak freely underwater.

"I released an illusion to prevent others from discovering us."

"Why do you do this?"

"Because I am not going back too early."

Ethan stood at the bottom of the lake. The bottom of the Black Lake was not a beautiful place. It was full of plants and sludge. Even the water of the lake was very dirty. Just looking at it made people feel uncomfortable.

Therefore, he would never soak in this place for more than half an hour. The closed hands slowly separated. With his movements, the surrounding lake began to separate to the sides, and finally formed a spherical shape with a diameter of more than two meters. space.

Hermione was no longer surprised that Ethan was able to use this method. She just wondered why Ethan could return to the surface immediately, but chose to hide under the water.

"Don't you want to win?"

"Yes it is."

Ethan rubbed his soaked hair. Although he could use the spell to refresh himself and clean himself, he temporarily gave up the idea of ​​having to return to the water after a while.

It was Hermione who was in front of her. Although she was protected by a talisman, the clothes on her body had been soaked by the cold lake water before she woke up, and the temperature here was very low, making her body wet and uncomfortable.

The cleansing and a simple constant temperature spell made Hermione's face look much better.

"Thank you."

After thanking her, she started asking that question again.

"Why don't you want to win?"

"This competition itself is a performance. Why do you think Harry, who didn't actively sign up, was selected as a contestant by the Goblet of Fire?"

Hermione was already very smart, and she immediately understood the key.

"Someone wants him to participate... and wants him to win?"

Could it be Dumbledore? But although Dumbledore took care of Harry a lot, why did he win the Triwizard Tournament?

Even if Hogwarts wants to win the Triwizard Tournament, he doesn't necessarily have to let Harry participate. There is a special existence like Ethan in the academy. Wouldn't it be solved by asking him to take a shot?

Especially when Ethan has already participated in this game, throwing Harry in again is completely unnecessary.

"Is it Voldemort?"

Reminiscing about Ethan's earlier statement that he came to Hogwarts and Voldemort had something to do with him, plus Harry's identity, Hermione immediately connected these things together.

"That's why you participated in this competition? Are you invited by Professor Dumbledore to protect Harry?"

"very smart."

Although Hermione may not know many details, she still guessed part of the truth.

"So you don't care about the victory in this competition, you only need to participate in this competition..." Hermione was arranging her hair. Her hair was soaked in water and then'dried' and then her hairstyle was messy, which made her very messy. care. "In this case, you were so high-profile in the first game."

Because Ethan's advantage in the first game is too great, if he finishes the second game quickly, the others have almost no chance of winning.

That's why he stayed here and waited until the time was almost up before going out. It was enough to barely pass this game.

In Hermione's eyes, this was the price Ethan paid for his previous prominence.

"I'm already very low-key. It took a lot of energy to control myself not to scare the fire dragon, or accidentally use too much force to kill the fire dragon!"


Hermione opened her mouth. UU reading wanted to say that Ethan was bragging, but after looking at the current situation, coupled with his unbelievable identity, maybe he was telling the truth?

Looking at Ethan again, she saw that Ethan was looking at something with her head upright. Hermione also raised her head in the same posture, but she couldn't see anything clearly.

"What do you see?"

"Harry is saving Ron...and the little girl."

After Harry found the hostages, he was besieged by a mermaid because he wanted to rescue Furong's sister, and he managed to escape back to the surface at the last moment.

He didn't want to help Harry deliberately, but Harry spent a lot of time in the water, and it was almost an hour at this time.

After reminding Hermione that she was about to soak again, Ethan led her out of the area from the bottom of the lake, then swam some distance and then floated to the surface.

The time he came out was very well grasped, everyone just saw him before he had time to cheer, and Harry drew all their attention.