v5 Chapter 3: The shy purple flower came quietly

Ethan’s survey team did not rush into the jungle, but spent a period of time on the beach, lived for a few days, and determined the general environment of the world before starting to move into the forest.

Facts have proved that this caution is correct. They retreated after entering the jungle less than half a day.

The faces of all the people present are not very beautiful. There was no accident in the previous few days. The various test data of air, soil and water on this planet are very satisfying. It seems that this is a perfect habitable planet.

"I didn't expect the purple mist to be so troublesome."

I didn't encounter monsters, or encountered primitive tribes or even local intelligent beings. It was the thick purple fog that blocked everyone.

The mist is very beautiful when viewed from the sky, but when they are in this mist, the brilliance that keeps flashing on the protective clothing and the alarm that keeps flashing in the corner of the line of sight make them have to turn around. go away.

"In the mist... something seems to keep attacking us."

Everyone had just entered the purple fog, and before they had gone far, the protective clothing began to remind everyone that the protective layer was being attacked, and the defensive energy was declining.

Seeing this situation, everyone backed out immediately, and they couldn't think about too much in a hurry. Annette used the device to collect a little mist sample, which was already considered a quick response.

"It won't be a good thing anyway."

Logan lowered his head to check the condition of his own equipment. After only losing a little energy, he checked the other people by the way, and finally stood in front of Groot.

"Man, what do you think?"


The Rocket Raccoon on the side translated it smoothly: "He's fine, the fog didn't hurt him."

"I can understand."

One of the great benefits of being a druid is that you can communicate with many lives without barriers. However, many living entities, such as most ordinary plants, have only some basic instincts. Even if they communicate with each other, there is no way to communicate with them like humans. Clear and accurate expression.

Groot is different. He has a high level of intelligence and can express his ideas perfectly (as long as you can understand their language).

In fact, not only Logan can understand Groot's words, Ethan has now mastered the language used by Groot by casting spells such as'Language Proficiency'.

Ethan did not understand the principle of this spell. The core seems to be a rule: let me learn your language.

It is basically difficult to figure out the principles of such rule-like spells, and it is also very troublesome to learn: if you can learn, you can learn;

It's not that Ethan could not learn it, but in the past he couldn't use this spell as freely as he uses now, and it won't hurt the opponent and himself.

The most convenient way to master Groot’s language is that he can communicate directly with Groot and ask him how he feels in the mist?


Groot’s reply has no reference significance. Groot really, as the Rocket Raccoon said before, he can survive in most environments. In that fog, he has no discomfort at all, and even this dense forest environment makes him I think it's pretty good.


Is this fog harmless to the plant-like Groot?

Annette was testing it on a test bench placed in the open air. They would not bring this thing into the room where they lived until they had not figured out what it was.

It didn't take long for Annette to get the result.

"The mist contains a variety of strange microorganisms, and there are many ingredients I haven't seen before, some of which are a bit like plant seeds."

"Seeds? Mean these seeds in the mist attacked us?"

"Maybe it's not an attack, just want to attach? Because our protective clothing is full of energy, maybe these seeds are out of survival instinct and think this is a good growth environment?"

This is a possibility. In addition, since the mist is full of plant seeds, isn't Groot, who is not wearing any protective clothing, now covered with ‘parasites? ’

"It seems that Groot must undergo a careful sterilization before entering the room."


"It must be sterilized."

Groot was frustrated, but this couldn't change everyone's decision. Xingjue and Ethan discussed what should be done next.

Their survey work went smoothly only in the initial stage, and they had just begun to conduct in-depth surveys, and they ran into big troubles immediately.

"If we turn off the protective clothing, the seeds contained in the fog may not choose to attach to our protective energy, then is there no problem?"

"If the energy is turned off, do we directly breathe the air of this planet? And how can we be sure that the purple mist is harmless to the human body?"

"This suit is also equipped with a closed helmet,

It's just that there is an energy layer at ordinary times, so it is not used. "

"You can try it."

Ethan took out the fully enclosed helmet. The whole helmet is not very large. At the same time, the entire front is made of transparent glass to ensure ample vision.

The helmet can rotate with the head, it is not the kind of hood that cannot be turned on the clothes, and it is not heavy and will not affect the user's movements.

Ethan and Xingjue put on their helmets, plus Nebula, Logan, and Annette, and went deep into the jungle again. Groot was stayed this time. The Rocket Raccoon was responsible for giving him a meticulous sterilization work. At the same time They will guard the camp with Kamora.

Entering the forest again, the fog becomes thicker as they go deeper into the forest. Ethan and the others have already reached an area they haven’t been to before, and their vision has begun to be affected. Everyone has a radar screen on their masks, which can alert teammates. And record every inch of the area they have traveled, automatically draw and generate maps and record the route they have traveled.

"The seeds in the mist did not continue to attach to us."

Annette has been observing the situation on her body, and now that after turning off the energy layer, the seeds in the mist did not have any ‘abnormal movements’, but were normally scattered in the mist.

"The fog in this forest doesn't seem to dissipate?"

When observing from the air, the entire forest is shrouded in dense fog. Maybe these purple ones are not fog but something like miasma?

In this case, they can't take off their helmets casually. The ghost knows whether this gas is poisonous.

Annette had already tested the ingredients, but she didn't even know what they were. After all, this was not the earth.

Even if the mist itself is not poisonous, the seeds that are scattered in the mist cannot be ignored. Who can guarantee what these seeds will grow when they are inhaled into the body?

"Plant version alien?"

Thinking about it, I feel creepy. Ethan has already judged that this forest is not suitable for humans to enter and settle unless the fog is cleared. What he wants to judge now is how much the fog is related to these plants.

Proper removal of some plants can open up a ‘safe area’ similar to that at the seaside?

While thinking about this, Logan, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped and used a communicator to remind everyone to be careful.

"What's there?"

"There is something ahead."

Xingjue had hung the survey equipment to his back, and at the same time he drew out his weapon: "Is it a beast?"

"Not sure, it feels more like a plant, but this thing reveals a very strong aggressiveness."

"Maybe it is a plant with hunting ability? This thing is not unusual." Nebula curled his lips: "Just put it on the fire and burn it down."

I don't know if Nebula's thoughts were noticed by the other party, and her words came out. Several vines appeared in the fog, and they flew towards everyone.

The vine's speed is very fast, and it has already killed everyone in an instant, and people like Nebula who have undergone strengthening and transformation can't react.

However, with Logan's warning, Ethan had long been wary of unexpected situations, so none of these vines hit the target, and all were blocked by the space wall released by Ethan.

What surprised Ethan was that this attack was just a feint, because he noticed that there were a few vines on the side quietly approaching everyone. If Ethan and the others were just ordinary survey personnel, they might be succeeded by the other party.

But there was no ordinary person here. Not only Ethan and Logan had discovered plants that wanted to attack from the side, but even Xingjue and Nebula responded and counterattacked.

Xingjue's shooting technology is very powerful, even small targets can be accurately hit, and these vines are broken into pieces under continuous shooting.

Nebula uses the energy spear obtained from the Milano. This weapon has strong firepower and has a large shooting area, which is similar to the energy version of the shotgun. As soon as it went down, several vines were directly blasted to pieces.

Seeing everyone doing so well, Ethan stopped paying attention to the side and focused on the enemy in front.

Perhaps the current sneak attack did not work. The attacking plants no longer concealed it, but attacked more fiercely. Not only were countless vines flying out of the fog, but also a cloud of purple-black liquid was mixed in it.

Seeing the effect of the liquid falling on the ground that almost corroded the ground into a pit, no one wanted to be touched by this thing.

"The mist must be cleaned up first."

The thick fog severely affected the line of sight. Many times when the attack was seen, the vines and the liquid had already been in front of the eyes. This unfavorable situation must be changed.

While maintaining the space wall in front of him, Ethan mobilized his magic power to release another spell.

The majestic magical power gushes from Ethan's body, and then turns into a strong gale, sweeping this area all over.

The violent wind blew by, the purple mist swept away, and everyone finally had a clear vision and saw clearly what they were facing: a group of large purple flowers squirming on the ground.


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