v4 Chapter 70: Lead the way party

The holographic image marked the last twenty sailing routes of the fleet sent by the guild. These route maps are like twists and turns, full of miraculous seas, crooked and irregular, looking like It is a simple voyage around the sea of ​​miracles.

But this situation is completely different in the sea area that Ida specifically marked. No matter how chaotic the previous route is, once it reaches this area, the guild's fleet will enter the same area very accurately.

"Betty had previously revealed that after their students arrived in the Sea of ​​Miracles, they would have to go to this area to be considered as completing the assessment, which means that the so-called end point is here."

The guild’s fleet often visits this sea area, which is certainly not a coincidence.

"The guild still has continuous contact with the empire?"

No one can be sure about this. Although the intelligence found by Ada revealed that the guild has not been in contact with the empire for a long time, perhaps they have been trying to find something.

Such as the legacy of the empire left in this world?

"If this is actually a training ground, that is, a facility... then is the guild looking for a control room?"

Hill's words are very reasonable. Everyone really didn't think about this before. Ethan is used to seeing this place as a world. His views have not been reversed yet and he has ignored the situation in this regard.

Logan and others are similar, but Mordred did not expect this at all: their worldview has not been turned.

Ada might have thought about it, but she didn't say that if Hill hadn't raised this point, she would point it out.

"If anyone in this world knows the truth of this world, they must be members of the guild. After long-term loss of contact with the empire, it is not uncommon for them to worry about the control of this world."

In this case, things will be clearer.

The empire didn't know what was going on. It seemed that it had abandoned this training ground. It was likely that there was a more critical situation, so that Betty, who had sent a distress signal and waited for rescue, did not wait for the rescue team that should have appeared.

"If you look at the information collected so far, this situation is obviously better for us."

If the empire has given up here, for whatever reason, Ethan's actions here will not be subject to any restrictions, and the guild alone will not threaten their group.

The brief meeting ended here, and Ethan then asked Ada to chat with Betty, and told her a little about the situation gathered on the ship.

Just as Ethan expected, Betty found it when Ethan casually found a reason to go to the deck to blow the air.

Betty's expression is very embarrassing. Although she is young and has no rich life experience, it does not mean that she is a fool.

On the contrary, being able to become a student of the Imperial Military Academy means her excellence. After all, it is not an academy that anyone can enter.

When Ida revealed a little bit of news to her, she realized that she had unknowingly revealed a lot of news to the ‘indigenous people’ on this ship.

The other party also sorted out and summarized information based on the information they had leaked, and finally ‘stolen’ more information from the guild and obtained more information.

From this perspective, Betty is really not a qualified military practitioner, and now she is at the level of a student.

After gaining a clear understanding of herself, Betty felt that it was meaningless to hide those things. The other party was kind to herself in the past few months, and she saved her own person, so she finally made a decision to remove herself Tell Ethan what you know without reservation.

"You made a right choice."

"I don't know whether it's right or wrong, but I just think it makes me feel better."

She has been struggling with the question of ‘say or not’ for this period of time. Now that she has a decision, she doesn’t need to continue struggling, and she doesn’t have to suffer anymore in her heart.

"Before we set off to come here, some seniors gave advice: At critical moments of danger, we can appropriately use the help of the'locals' to get out of the predicament, and even directly rely on the strength of the'locals' to complete this. Examination!"

Betty paused and explained specifically: "I didn't want to use you. I wanted to ask you to send me to the island, and then I would find a way to get a boat to the destination by myself."

Ethan nodded, he realized this from the beginning, and he was able to guess the locals who helped the candidates, the final result may not be very good.

Betty's next words also confirmed this point. Even if some'locals' show very noble moral qualities, what awaits them will not be kindness, gratitude, or even some people's promise to'get rid of the shackles of this world'. Class returns, but clean and clean.

For the managers of the training ground, these locals are just props to help them train new students. After knowing the props they should not know, and trying to get rid of the identity of the props, the only thing waiting for them is to destroy them.

From Betty’s words, we can know that many students have used similar methods over the years, but Betty did not take this directly for granted, and there will still be entanglements in her heart; in the chat with Ada, she mentioned herself countless times. Will leave, and then go to the finish line alone, which is in fact implying that everyone should not'send her to the finish line', so that we can know that she is a kind girl.

"These are no more problems now... The problem now is that your country seems to have abandoned this training ground, so your distress signal has only been ignored for more than 800 years, and this place has slowly developed some Own technology."

Ethan pointed to a ship in the distance between the ironclad ship and the sailing ship. That ship should belong to an adventurer who is relatively weak in this sea area.

With his powerful vision, he could see that the ship was not a complete metal structure, but also retained the sails, which proved that the opponent can't afford the pure magic stone propulsion device, which also means that the opponent does not have a magic heart as a permanent source of power.

Some time ago, because he was close to Miracle Island, Ethan also saw a lot of ships in this sea area. The appearance is between the sail age and the ironclad age. There are occasionally one or two warships close to the pre-dreadnought age. It belongs to the more powerful adventurers.

In comparison, the Prinz Eugen is simply a terrifying Big Mac, even if no one knows how strong the firepower and protection the Principe Eugen is, no one is willing to provoke it casually-able to push it just by its huge appearance. The power of such a large steel battleship must be the magic heart with very powerful output power, which means that the opponent has a strong firepower output.

In this sea area, this is almost a common sense!

It’s just that Ethan keeps the Principe Eugen on the radar to scan the surrounding situation to avoid the Principe Eugen being noticed by people in this area. In addition to the frequent use of invisibility when approaching Miracle Island a while ago, they have been able to do so recently. Avoid the surrounding adventurers by changing the route.

Waiting to continue sailing for a while, Ethan and the others are going to sail in the more ‘outer’ sea area of ​​the ring sea. He thinks there should be fewer people coming over this area, and he can observe what is going on on the edge of the world.

Betty also looked at the ship in the distance. During this time, she also saw many local ships. Although she hadn't boarded to watch and ride in close distance, she could see that she was on the Prince Eugen. And those ships are not the product of an era at all.

Prince Eugen is at least a hundred years ahead of those ships. It will take several big-bang technological developments before it is possible to catch up with this gap. If they develop from sailing warships to those ships in eight hundred years, maybe it will be eight hundred years before they can build warships of the same level.

So Betty is curious, why is Ethan's team so special? Are they actually scouts sent by another higher civilization?

With such a question, Betty and Ethan casually chatted about the empire and the training ground. Ethan knew that the empire had a vast territory. Similar training grounds were all over the empire, and training grounds did appear. The situation is abandoned, but it is rare to leave so suddenly and ignore it.

According to Betty, this military training ground hides a lot of high-end technology Even if the empire gives up, it will take away or destroy the technology, instead of just throwing it there.

So it is easy to conclude: something happened to the empire!

Something happened, okay, no one would stare at them when something happened.

Ethan is very happy, and Betty is very unhappy.

She feels that the future is at a loss, and she doesn't know what to do. If she finally finds the destination and finds that there is no teacher, no examiner, or nothing, what should she do?

"Don't worry, I can send you back then."

Betty returned with a reluctant smile, and she took Ethan's words as comfort.

"Although I know you have a technology far superior to other people in this place, interstellar navigation... is not that simple."

She originally wanted to say something about the difficulties of interstellar navigation, but in the end she could only sum it up in one sentence. She was not sure if she could understand what she said too much.

Unless, Ethan is really an outpost investigator sent by other civilizations, who came here to investigate the situation and take the opportunity to learn about the various intelligence of the empire.

In that case, the opponent must have the ability of interstellar navigation, but if this is the case, do you become a guide for these invaders? A traitor to the empire?


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