v2 Chapter 102: trap

With Thor’s participation, the rescue operation was quick and efficient. It didn’t take them much time. With the help of Hawkeye Clint Button, they found Dr. Selvig who was assembling the transmission equipment. .

In the report of the Black Widow’s return, Fury learned that the situation was really urgent. If they were a little slower, Selvig would take this machine with a group of mercenaries to capture the Stark Mansion and use the Stark Mansion. The Ark Reactor in the Ke Building activates the Cube of the Universe, thus opening a huge and stable portal.

"What? They actually want to occupy my Stark Mansion!"

Tony immediately became irritable when he heard Loki's plan. He couldn't wait to open the cell and rush in, using all the weapons on the steel armor to give this guy an all-round coverage attack.

"That building is a very nice place."

is tall and conspicuous, and there is a reactor inside, which not only satisfies Loki's needs functionally, but also meets his inner needs. After all, Loki and Tony are the same kind of people in a certain way.

Relying on the barrier of the glass wall, Loki calmly faced Tony Stark, not afraid that this guy would rush in. Tony wouldn't really be so mentally stupid that he rushed in, singled out against an Asgard protoss in a small space, and the result would only be that he was abused and wanted to die.

"Is the matter resolved?"

Thor, the **** of thunder, rescued those who were controlled by Loki, and Ethan also eased the control magic on these people, ensuring that no hidden dangers would be left behind.

The people of S.H.I.E.L.D., who were already facing the enemy, found that the matter was very simple and solved it. Fury even wondered if he was making a fuss too much? Maybe this time things are not that dangerous at all.

Thor flew back and forth several times, and only Captain America actually took action. Other than that, there was no fighting. The only danger was that when Hawkeye was controlled by the opponent, the opponent easily approached the Aerospace carrier. If it weren't for the mysterious Diana, SHIELD might have suffered a big loss in this raid.

"Since when did this big trouble that should be very tricky change its flavor?"

Fry is an experienced and well-minded elite agent. He sorted everything out silently, and quickly figured out the key points.

His method is not complicated. It just removes all those involved in the incident from the incident, and then guesses the direction of the incident.

The result surprised him. After removing Ethan, he found that things might go to very bad conditions.

As everyone gathered again, Selvig and Hawkeye also ‘explained’ Loki’s plan one after another, so Fury already knew Loki’s overall plan.

If there is no interference from Ethan, then Loki's plan is likely to succeed. S.H.I.E.L.D. in chaos will certainly not be able to stop Loki from opening a huge and stable portal over New York in time, sending an endless army of Zetarians.

Once this happens, even if they can successfully repel the enemy in the end, the price they will pay will be very heavy, and this has always been something S.H.I.

In fact, the work of SHIELD in the original plot really failed. The final victory belonged to the Avengers, not SHIELD. Besides, SHIELD was very slow to throw a core out.

What do Captain America and Iron Man think about Ethan. He only knows that if he were fighting against the enemy, his comrades who should have been standing on his side would give him a shot from behind. He definitely didn’t. Will let that person go.

The idiots of the World Security Council should be thankful that the nuclear bomb did not hit the Avengers, because they attacked the first heir to the Asgard Kingdom from behind. If this happened, it would be great fun.

"Unfortunately I can't see this scene anymore."

The matter was solved unexpectedly, and everyone will discuss how to deal with a series of finishing work.

Although Loki is the absolute main culprit, but because many plans have been destroyed and did not really cause much damage to the earth, S.H.I.E.L.D. has no opinion on Loki being brought back to Asgard by Thor.

Fry and S.H.I.E.L.D. have no say in the two infinite gems. After Thor took the Infinite Gems back, he had already made it clear that this thing could not be left on the earth. It didn't look like they were negotiating, but rather informed Fury very directly.

Fury absolutely didn’t know. With Thor’s rough nerves, he couldn’t think of this. It was Ethan who used the spiritual link to remind this friend that “the universe cube is not suitable for staying on the earth”, and he just remembered it. Take this thing away.

Fry can't detect this kind of magic method at all, just as Asgard's attitude. He now hopes that Ethan can get the custody of one of the infinite gems.

"Then there is only one last question, how should the Zetarians whom Loki will attract?"

The Zetaru army is a problem that cannot be ignored. Although the portal will not be opened, it does not mean that the threat of the Zetaru army does not exist. Since the locusts in this universe are eyeing the earth, they will not be given a certain amount of damage. Sooner or later they will kill the earth.

"Asgard will protect the earth from the Zetaric army."

Tor still said this, and he was full of confidence in Asgard's combat effectiveness. He didn't think that this group of guys could break through Asgard's line of defense and hit the earth.

But this time Ethan was not on Thor's side: "If I remember correctly, there are actually many gaps in space between the nine countries that can be exploited."

Everyone focused on Ethan, and Thor didn’t know what Ethan meant by suddenly mentioning this.

"This means that even if it is not transmitted through the Cosmos Rubik's Cube, there is still the possibility of bypassing Asgard's line of defense." Ethan personally dislikes the feeling of being remembered, so he can help Fury think about it by changing his position. The King also didn't like this feeling: "The earth has been targeted by the Zetarians. After Loki's failure, who can guarantee that they will not find another way to the earth?"

"and so……?"

"So I suggest getting rid of this hidden danger."

This proposal is very in line with Fury's appetite, and it can't be better to completely kill the threat. But the current situation is very embarrassing, how can they deal with the Zetaru army who don't know where in the universe?

There is no real idiot in the room, almost everyone thought of a way, and they all focused on the cosmic cube in Thor's hand.

They unanimously thought of a way: as long as Loki let Dr. Selvig's instrument continue to be built, and then use the Cosmos Cube to open a portal, the Zitarians who have been waiting for the other side of the door will appear in everyone. before.

"Actively open the portal to bring the Zetarians over?"

Nick Fury began to think about the feasibility of this plan. The benefits of this are obvious. They can choose the right battlefield in advance, send enough troops to set up an ambush, and wait for the Qitari army to fall into the trap.

"Not only to bring in, we also have to consider going through the portal to kill to the opposite side, completely defeating this group of guys to ensure that they will not make a comeback."

There seems to be no problem with this plan. The most important thing is that after taking control of the portal, the initiative of the war is on their side.

It is up to them to decide when to fight and when to stop. If the situation is not right, they can completely close the portal.

You can even open a batch to enter, then close the portal to annihilate all the opponent’s leading troops, and then put a batch in again depending on the situation-but no one thinks that the IQ of the Zetaru is so low that they will continue to use refueling. Tactics, as long as it can ensure that the portal can be closed when necessary, and greatly weaken the opponent's combat power, so that it does not dare to attack the earth again is a victory.

It is unlikely that the opponent will be wiped out in the past. The key problem is that the earth does not have the capability of space warfare, and no one knows what is happening on the opposite side of the portal If it is space, the army on the earth will have nothing to do.

"I need to discuss with the board."

Fury left directly. Maria Hill had already been busy with other things. S.H.I.E.L.D. had a lot of affairs. After Rocky’s affairs came to an end, Maria Hill went first. To deal with other accumulated affairs.

Only Thor, Steve, Tony and Banner are left on the scene. Although Hawkeye Clint Button has gotten rid of his control, he took another action as soon as he was sober. His physical condition is not very good. Go to rest.

Diana was also present, and Thor was curiously looking at the armor on Wonder Woman. Like Loki, he can see the extraordinary features of this set of equipment, and even he has a feeling that the strength of the woman in front of him may not be below him.

"Are you not a human being on earth?"

"I am from Paradise Island, half of Olympian blood." Diana never shy away from her identity, but not many people really realize what it means.

However, there was a person who was not too big to watch the excitement. Tony Stark specifically explained Diana’s identity: "Diana is the daughter of the Olympian **** Zeus, and she is also a protoss. I don’t know you. The two are better."

If it were Thor from the past, he would immediately want to single out Diana when he heard this. He didn't have any malice, he simply wanted to compete with the other party.

Now he would not recklessly say that he would go head-to-head with someone he just met. What's more, there is another thing worthy of his attention now: Ethan proposed to go to Asgard and wanted to meet his father Odin face-to-face. Have a talk.

Ethan made this request, of course, to get the Cosmos Rubik's Cube.