Chapter 244 244: I thought I was...

Chapter 244 Chapter 244: I thought I was...

?Xu Shan entered the mansion. Most of the world was in ruins with only a few people surviving. However, not even a single person inside the mansion was harmed.

The single Guard that was inside the mansion was still alive. However, he was scared as he had seen out the window, realizing what had taken place.

He didn't know if he was lucky to survive or unlucky to not receive a quick death since he didn't know what was going to happen to him.

"Is there a reason to be this scared?"

While the guard was looking out the window, he heard Xu Shan's voice coming from behind him.

Stunned, he turned around to find Xu Shan. The young man was standing next to the unconscious Duan Mu.

"You've done what I asked you to do. For that, I shall grant you freedom from this world." Xu Shan told the Guard.

Hearing Xu Shan, the guard was even more scared.

"N-no! Don't kill me! I don't want freedom from life!" The Guard dropped to his knees weakly, his eyes filled with tears.

Xu Shan looked at the guard weirdly. He pointed behind the guard. "I'm talking about that, you idiot."

Confused, the Guard looked behind, noticing a Spatial Portal.

"How are you feeling?" Xu Shan asked the young man.

Duan Mu sat up. "My head feels a little heavy."

"It's understandable. You were attacked by your bloodline after all. If it wasn't for me arriving in time and protecting you, you would've been long dead." Xu Shan sighed, as if he was genuinely concerned about the young man's safety.

"Didn't I tell you to be more careful? You realize that the Spirit keeps trying to mess with your mind and take control of your body? How could you still fall for its lies?" he further asked.

"Just because it told you that you killed your father with your own hands, you started doubting yourself, giving that spirit a chance to control your mind! I really didn't expect you to be this weak."

"It is my fault, Master." Duan Mu lowered his head, feeling ashamed. He didn't even realize that the core of his memories were changed entirely.

In his new memories, the Cat Spirit was an evil spirit that was trapped by Duan Mu's father in the pendant. The Cat Spirit was trying to stimulate Duan Mu by telling him lies, trying to arouse his emotions so he could lose his mental defenses to the point that the Spirit could easily take over.

"I thought that you'll be able to control yourself and learn the knowledge from the Spirit that it stole from your father. I thought you could outsmart it. It seems I was wrong. From now on, you're not allowed to enter this space."

Xu Shan spoke whole, showing Duan Mu's pendant in his hand.

"No! I don't want to fail you! Give me one more chance! This time, I won't fall for his lies!" Duan Mu strongly reacted. He wasn't worried about failing. Instead, he was more worried about disappointing Xu Shan.

It was Xu Shan who found him when his family had abandoned him when he was just a year old. It was Xu Shan who protected him, helped him grow to this point. Xu Shan was his teacher. At least that's what he thought, thanks to the new memories.

At this point, Xu Shan's approval was more important to him than his own life.

"How can I trust that you won't fail this time? You started doubting yourself over a small lie and fell to that point. What if the next time, the Spirit tells a bigger lie? What if it tells you stories that you might find real?" Xu Shan asked. Although in his face, there was clear concern. But he had selected his words carefully.

Although he had sealed Duan Mu to the point that if he ever became a danger to him, Duan Mu was going to die. But he didn't want to lose this guy.