Chapter 573

"Chen Xiaoyou, please!" Yan Xu invited Chen Yi to the third floor of the pavilion.

The third floor of the whole building is used to entertain guests. The scope is not small. Compared with the original buildings outside, the manipulation inside is much antique. When entering the third floor, even the temperature here is different from that outside.

Shenxue continent is now probably in autumn. The weather is a little cold, but the third floor always gives people an extremely warm and appropriate temperature.

Chen Yi guessed that there might be an array on the third floor, which is obviously not like the rock tribe. It may be that the rock tribe used something to exchange for a large tribe.

For a small tribe, there are only a few intermediate God blood warriors. Most of these God blood warriors are level 2 and 3. If there can be level 4 God blood warriors, they are even more powerful in small tribes.

For medium-sized tribes, there should be senior God blood soldiers. For example, the head of YanXu tribe is a fifth order senior God blood soldier.

But the whole tribe has only such a fifth order, so the rock tribe can only be regarded as small and medium-sized.

There are several powerful medium-sized tribes with seventh order divine blood warriors, not to mention sixth and fifth order, which can easily destroy the rock tribe.

There is at least one eighth order divine blood warrior in a large tribe, and there are at least ten seventh order divine blood warriors. There is a large tribe across eight mountains from the rock tribe. On the way to Chen Yi, Yan Jing introduced the surrounding forces, so Chen Yi knows that this large tribe has a tenth order divine blood warrior, which is relatively powerful in a large tribe.

Only such a tribe can cross mountains full of wild animals and extremely dangerous mountains, go to big cities or imperial cities to do business, trade many good things of big cities and imperial cities with the body of wild animals.

The rock tribe does not have the ability to do business with the big city and Imperial City, nor does it have the ability to go so far, but they can do business with the nearest large tribe.

I'm afraid all kinds of antique ornaments on the third floor are traded from that large tribe.

Everyone took their seats one by one. YanXu patriarch unexpectedly asked Chen Yi to sit at the top. Instead, he sat on one side. The seat was so lower than Chen Yi, which showed that YanXu patriarch's status was lower than Chen Yi.

This scene obviously surprised many fourth order divine blood warriors of the tribe. Even if the guest saved Yan Mang, the clan leader wouldn't put his position so low.

The other party is just a fourth order divine blood warrior.

However, the patriarch's dignity is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so even if he is surprised, these God blood soldiers did not raise an objection.

Soon, people in the pavilion sent food one by one. Most of them were some fruits, and only a few of them were spiritual fruits, which contained special power.

Most of these spiritual fruits were placed in front of Chen Yi and a small part in front of Yan mang.

These spiritual fruits are of little use to the strong above the third-order divine blood warrior, but they have a great improvement on yanmang.

This lingguo has no effect on Chen Yi naturally, but Chen Yi is a guest. You can't refuse to give it to Chen Yi because lingguo has no effect. This is a neglect. YanXu patriarch naturally won't do so.

Chen Yi did not refuse because these lingguo had no effect on himself. What he said at this time could not be understood by the people in Shenxue mainland, so it is likely that his refusal to lingguo will make these people misunderstand and think that he despises them.

"Really poor." Chen Yi sighed in his heart. To be honest, he has rarely eaten these ordinary fruits in the past year and a half. The fruits provided by chilongfeng are spiritual fruits, and the level is not low.

In this rock tribe, lingguo is an extremely rare thing. The level is still very low, about the first level.

Other foods were also very common, but Chen Yi didn't say anything, because he could see that these foods were really very precious in this tribe.

Before long, people from the pavilion sent food. This time, it was barbecue. The meat was the meat of wild animals.

This time, the barbecue attracted Chen Yi's interest. Chaoling mainland also has barbecue, but it is either an ordinary beast or a monster.

And here, it's roast animal meat.

Chen Yi is curious about the difference between monster meat and savage meat.

When Chen Yi ate the wild animal meat, she couldn't help staring. The wild animal meat was indeed more delicious than the monster meat. Maybe it was because the wild animals in the God blood continent were stronger and more full of blood than the monster meat.

But these are not the reasons why Chen Yi was shocked.

Chen Yi was really shocked that the beast meat contained ~ a strange force pouring into his body, and his flesh ~ body was weakly enhanced.

This enhancement can only be said to be a drop in the bucket, but Chen Yi's soul has long been no less than the real congenital level, and can sense all kinds of subtle changes in the body.

So even if the enhancement is only a drop in the bucket, Chen Yi still feels it.

In addition, the special blood in his body has also changed. This beast meat seems to make the part of his blood that has not been awakened and mastered, stupid, stupid, eager to move, with signs of awakening.

"This is a third-order beast meat. Although it's only a small improvement for me, what about high-grade beast meat? Or super beast meat?"

"On top of the super brutes, there are Saint level and Emperor level brutes."

"I'm afraid these savage meat can greatly stimulate the blood factors in my unawakened blood, promote their awakening and improve my [body of burning demons]."

"Look, when I come to this remnant world, I can not only practice by taking advantage of the passage of time, but also this beast meat!"

Chen Yi's eyes are brighter and brighter.

Now [the body of burning demons] is only equivalent to the first-order innate body. I wonder if he can raise [the body of burning demons] to a level comparable to the second-order innate body within three months of this remnant world.

At that time, it will be more terrible to use the earth level magic power [nine Python incinerator covers the world] with the [body of burning demons], which is equivalent to the second-order congenital body.

Ordinary experts in the later stage of returning to the real world are trapped in them. I'm afraid they can only watch themselves burn to death by the fire in the incinerator.

Chen Yi is not afraid that [the body of burning demons] is too strong, and his body can't bear it. After all, the body of earth evil has also degenerated into the body of congenital earth evil.

Since Chen Yi was interested in wild animal meat, he ate it in a big way, and sometimes gave a thumbs up to the head of YanXu clan. This kind of action probably happened in Shenxue mainland, so the head of YanXu clan also smiled, thinking that Chen Yi gave him face and greatly increased his interest in Chen Yi.

Before, YanXu clan leader treated Chen Yi so politely and left the top position to Chen Yi. In addition to Chen Yi's saving grace to yanmang, the most important thing is that YanXu clan leader scruples about Chen Yi's identity.

The only four rank divine blood soldiers who can come here unharmed from the big city and even the imperial city and walk out of the deep mountain must have many high-level divine blood equipment, and the four rank divine blood soldiers who can have a height level divine blood equipment must come from the big forces in the big city and even the Imperial City, and may even be the core disciples of the big forces, young Tianjiao.

Yan Xu didn't dare to neglect such an identity.

Similarly, from such a background, how can you not have eaten a mere three-level beast barbecue, not to mention three-level, that is, five or six-level beast barbecue? You should have eaten a lot, and it is more delicious than the barbecue of their tribe.

So in Yan Xu's view, Chen Yi showed a look that he had never eaten, which was the performance of high EQ and gave them full face.

He didn't know that Chen Yi was not from this world at all. He really never ate wild animal meat.

Wild animals and monsters seem similar, but in fact, their inner essence is completely different.

At least, the monster of Chaoling continent has never heard that its meat quality can speed up the awakening of special blood and even enhance the power of special blood.