Chapter 459

Quasi prefecture level magical powers are not too much burden for Chen Yi, and it is obvious to improve her strength to display quasi prefecture level magical powers for many times.

And with the continuous improvement of Chen Yi's martial arts cultivation, Chen Yi's endurance will continue to be enhanced.

But at this point, Chen Yi also knows that [Kowloon thunder classic] will break through a lot of congenital contact with Chen Yi in a short time. It is estimated that after his martial arts cultivation reaches the quasi congenital six or seven weight, the pure Yang Qi the day after tomorrow will be comparable to the congenital Qi.

The six or seven weights are probably comparable to the five or six weights. It should be very close. Maybe when the five or six weights are heavy, the [Kowloon thunder classic] can break through.

Of course, Chen Yi contrasts with the more common innate Qi in the early stage of returning to the real world. The quality of the innate Qi in the acquired world is basically the top grade and the highest quasi top grade.

The kind of demons that are born and killed by the day after tomorrow are usually born.

A better genius is a little stretched.

This is amazing. After all, even in the congenital environment, it is still the majority of ordinary combat power.

In any martial arts realm, only a few people have strong combat power, and ordinary people are the majority.

"Now let me fight with Chen Qiwen, who loses and who wins is not certain." Chen Yi grinned.

There are three purposes for leaving ancestral land this time. One is to break through the great circumference, the other is pure Qi and pure Yang, and the third is to find a yellow red envelope.

Chen yiben thought that he would hone himself in this experience and find an opportunity to break through the great week. As for Zhenqi Chunyang, if he couldn't find a suitable Tiancai and Dibao, he had to rely on [Chunyang formula] to endure slowly.

Chen yiben thought that even if he found an opportunity to break through the great Zhou Tian, he should be in the process of returning to his ancestral land. Unexpectedly, the great Zhou Tian had broken through and his true Qi had been pure Yang before he went home.

It's incredibly smooth.

This makes Chen Yi can't help feeling whether she should have wandered outside instead of going to yuanle city or chenjiazudi.

A moment later, Chen Yixiang smiled.

It's right to go to yuanle city and ancestral land. Otherwise, it's really dangerous to wander outside with the strength of less than the surrounding area.

Many red envelopes are not so easy to get. If there is no strength, will he Fu easily hand over bracelets?

Certainly not. Chen Yi won't get the card of tornado cannon.

Without strength, will Chen Yi find xiaochunyang pill in the cave ~ of a powerful monster, let the true Qi Chunyang?

Obviously not.

The same is true of Qinglian Qiongjiang. He got it in a dangerous place. Without strength, Chen Yi broke in and out?

Practicing in yuanle city and chenjiazu is a kind of early strength accumulation. Only when the strength reaches a certain level, it is the most correct to go out for experience and collect red envelopes.

Otherwise, you can only watch and get nothing at all.

From entering the Chen family to practicing in the ancestral land, and now, in about two years, Chen Yi has been promoted from the original small pulse environment to today's big Sunday.

If you travel outside, even if you can search for red envelopes everywhere and promote faster than normal talents, you can't reach the big week now.

Although you can collect red envelopes everywhere outside, most of them may be easy to collect, but you can't get anything good. Moreover, there is no quiet cultivation environment for training outside, and the cultivation efficiency is not very high.

Of course, with Chen Yi's current strength, he has this capital.

The strength far above the ordinary quasi congenital, as long as you don't make death to provoke the congenital, basically nothing can happen.

And congenital, where is so common, that is, in some middle cities and big cities, the number of congenital is only more, but how many middle cities and big cities are there in Jingzhou?

There are many cities in Jingzhou, most of which are small cities.

Moreover, even if you encounter congenital, there are tornado cannons, war souls and nightmare magic pupils. It is not without the power of resistance. When congenital is caught off guard, you can use these cards to kill congenital.

"When I go back this time, I will leave with Dabai. With my current strength, I can travel around Jingzhou."

"The savings in front have been completed. It's time to collect red envelopes and quickly improve your strength."

"Going back this time will surprise Chen Qiwen." a cold light flashed in Chen Yi's eyes.

Chen Qiwen almost abolished the future of martial arts. Chen Yi will not forget this hatred.

"Now Chen Qiwen is better than me, but my [sword spirit true solution] has been officially promoted to the second place. It's only a matter of time to surpass Chen Qiwen." Chen Yi murmured.

In Chen Yi's knowledge of the sea, there were some illusory sword spirits. Now they have been completely solidified, just like a real magic sword!