Chapter 303 - You're Xie Ming right?

Zhang Wei looked  elegant and gentle when she interacted with everyone.

Xie Ming was sitting across her with the bonfire between them . She didn't interacted with her other than the formal greetings as she seemed busy with everyone.

She does not know her and if she interrupted her conversation with others, it might look rude as well.

On both sides of Xie Ming, Wu Sheng and Jian Yan were sitting and looked at Zhang Wei interacting with others.

Xie Ming looked at Jian Yan and understood why he wasn't talking to Zhang Wei. 

It was his personality to remain quiet and mysterious. He does not interact much with others. 

But when she looked at Wu Sheng he was looking weird. He was a very nice person and easy to get along

Moreover, he and Zhang Wei have worked together as well. So they should be more familiar with each other's.

But after the formal greeting and a hug, he didn't even talk to her. Instead, he found reasons to get into a conversation with Xie Ming.

Xie Ming felt that he was feeling uncomfortable since Zhang Wei's arrival and does not  want to share his feelings, so she didn't say anything and normally chatted with him.

From the sides, Jian Yan was looking at Wu Sheng who was talking to Xie Ming about here and there.

His expressions darkened seeing him talking to Xie Ming like this. He was right beside her but she was not talking to him but Wu Sheng. 


Zhang Wei who was talking to Han Ling and others, frowned seeing Wu Sheng talking to Xie Ming.

She saw Xie Ming earlier who greeted her earlier as well but Zhang Wei politely smiled at her but she didn't like her that much.

From others she got to know that Xie Ming is the second female lead of the movie, for which auditions Mr. Han has done so many things.

He has rejected many big actresses for this role, even Zhang Wei but he selected Xie Ming who is just a newbie.


Zhang Wei remembered when she heard from her assistant about Mr.Han searching for his second female lead and he believed that this role is more challenging and impressive than the others.

She wanted to grab this role. Because she knows the value of Mr. Han's movie's value.

She has also debuted from his movie as the second female lead and reached to such heights.

After that, it would be their most awaited collaboration if he had casted her as the second female lead.

But he outrightly rejected her saying that she will not be able to portray the character properly.

Because this needs various kinds of emotions and not only happiness and anger. Moreover , Zhang Wei's image has been created in public's mind as kind and gentle goddess.

But if she acted as the antagonist in the movie, then it might also receive backlash from the netizens.

Even then, Mr. Han gave her a chance for the audition because of their old relations. She has worked in his movie and he has seen her hard work.

So he couldn't break her heart hy rejecting her constantly, so he gave her a chance of an audition.

This was the personal audition, and no one knows about this audition not even Xu Lan.

Zhang Wei does not wanted to release the news before getting the movie. 

After the audition, as expected she failed to portray the emotions of the character right. However, she was still adamant about it and said to him that, she is the only one who can act this role well.

'Other people will not be able to portray the character's feelings well other than me.' she rudely said to him.

She believed that he will come back to her to perform in his movie and was expecting him to come and beg her to act this role.

However, unexpectedly she got the news that he casted some pretty face.newbie as the second female lead.

She was surprised because he hired some newbiew leaving the top actress like her.

She has offered to work for him due to their past relationship and because she debuted from his movie.

But he completely disregarded her and signed some mere newbie as the second female lead.

She came here not only to meet everyone but she wanted to see whom he has casted as the new female lead.

When she saw Xie Ming, her eyes faltered. She was really beautiful. There are no one who can surpass in terms of looks.

But when she looked at Xie Ming, she realized she was wrong. Xie Ming was wearing only a plain white dress and had no make up on her face.

However, she was still looking fresh and beautiful. Her skin was glowing brightly.

She pursed her lips as she felt that Xie Ming could be the threat for her. She has made her position in this industry and was on her peak.

But if new actors like her entered the industry, she will definitely take the limelight because of her beauty. She didn't like Xie Ming because she was selected only on her looks.

She felt that she was much more capable and suitable for this role and how can a newbie portray the emotions of a character well than her? 

She felt that Xie Ming must have entered into the movie because of her mere looks, so she squinted her eyes at her seeing her getting along with Wu Sheng. 

" You're Xie Ming, right? Is it your first time acting in a movie?" Zhang Wei suddenly ignored Han King's blabbering and asked Xie Ming in a loud voice. 

They were sitting quite far, so it was not convenient for them to talk but she still ask her a question asking in a loud voice. 

It was enough for everyone to hear and everyone went quiet when Zhang Wei speak. 

They all turned to look at Xie Ming. 

Xie Ming was surprised when she suddenly ask her a question. She was surprised but she calmly looked at her and said, " Yes. It's my first time acting in a movie"

No one was surprised as everyone knew about it and they don't care about it either. 

But Zhang Wei looked at Xie Ming in shock and covered her mouth slightly. 

" Really? It's your debut movie and you got the role of second female lead in Mr. Han's movie? That's really amazing. You must have some 'skills' upto you that's why you got this prominent role in the movie." she said while smiling mildly at Xie Ming. 

" Now you got this role, so do well. Otherwise everyone will think that you came from the backdoor and got selected even when you cannot act. " she said in concern but Xie Ming and Wu Sheng could sense the clear sarcasm in her words. 

Xie Ming rolled her eyes at her. She hasn't met her before and she was talking to her like she has taken something from her. 

She felt that her question was inappropriate. It's not like she did anything shady to get this role. 

She just gave an audition like every one else, and if Mr. Han selected her, is it her fault?