Chapter 21 - Breakfast

After getting ready, she went downstairs to make breakfast for him. When she went downstairs, everyone was greeting her and she greeted them back. But she was wondering what made them change their attitude suddenly. Previously they used to scared from her and her temper. And they didn't like her but now they're greeting her with a smile. Even head butler also came to greet her. After that Yu mei came, Ming asked her," what happen to them?".

Yu mei replied, "yesterday, when you fainted, the master became panic and he was shouting at them for not taking care of you. from then they started treating you as the mistress. Now no one dares to disrespect you. Young Mistress is amazing. You were able to obtain, Master's favor. Now everyone will respect you and me as your personal maid." she said while smiling smugly.

Ming chuckled, and said," who said youre maid, you not a maid but my closest friend. okay?"

Yu mei looked at her with teary eyes, " Mistress". Ming smiled and said," now go and do your work. I am going to make breakfast ." Yu mei nodded and then walked away.

Then she went to the kitchen. Chefs were preparing to make breakfast. Liwei has always lived life in grandeur. He has hired a top-notch chef to cook his meals. he is very particular about his food, and his very hard to match his taste. Even top-notch chefs have face his wrath when their food does not match his taste. so when she said that she is going to cook they got scared. If she doesn't cook well, they had to face consequences with her. Butler and Yu mei also came to make her give up. But she said, " It's my house. I have every right to come to the kitchen and cook. And if anything happens, I will take all the blame. Now all of you please leave. I don't like people in my kitchen while working."

At this everyone left the kitchen reluctantly. Butler thought,' She never entered the kitchen earlier, now she wants to cook. I don't know what calamity will come today. " he sighed.

She started cooking. She took a pan and broke four eggs in a bowl, whisk them added some seasoning and pour the eggs in the pan, she stirs them slightly and then again pours the remaining eggs in the pan and after that, she rolled them and made a perfect egg roll.

She started making other dishes as well. She was making various dishes at the same time.

In her past life, though she was the empress, but she was used to cook for her Mother-in-law, but her mother in law doesn't like her but she always loved her cooking. So she always makes her cook frequently. She cooked them that through her hard work and food she may win his favor and her mother in law but it never happened. She always treated her like a servant and Ji Cheng never said, anything on this treatment. When she thought about it, she sighed.

In the meanwhile, Liwei also came downstairs dressed in a casual white color shirt paired with black trousers. His sleeves were folded. He was looking the hell handsome. While placing her dishes on the table, she saw him coming towards her and was stood there in a bent position to place dish on the table but she froze. She was enchanted by his beauty. It was the dreamlike guy for every woman.

When he saw her reaction, he was impressed with it, he chuckled and went to her. he took the plate from her hands and placed it on the table and asked, " do you like it?"

She finally came from her slumber, and asked, " what?"

He replied cheekily, " ME."

She was shocked at his shamelessness. She shifted her head and moved away from him and said, " stop talking nonsense. Now sit and eat".

She sat on the chair, he also sat beside her. he looked at this sumptuous meal and said," you cooked all of this?" he said this with a shocked expression. The dishes were all traditional Chinese and he always eats western breakfast. But he doesn't mind eating it if she had made it. But it was too beautiful to eat. All dishes were beautifully plated with flowers and edible silver and gold. He saw her with a surprised expression.

When she looked at his expression, she felt satisfied. she said, " Of course". She smiled smugly inwardly, ' I always used to cook this kind of meal for my wicked mother in law. Though she never said anything, but I know she loved it. hah. I am the Empress. And was a very efficient wife but it was their loss that they liked stone over jade. '

When he tried the dish, he looked at her with a surprised and loving expression. it was amazing. He never ate anything like this. He went to different countries and best chefs cooked for him but it never tasted like this before. he looked at her with an impressed and proud expression. She chuckled at this sight. He said," It's amazing. I've never eaten food like this before. You're even better than these bimbos. "

When he said that, all the servants, butler and chefs were looking at him with an amazed and shocked expression. They were expecting him to shout but he was praising her endlessly. and he even said, she was even better than them. At this, they thought he was praising her because she was his wife.

But next moment, Ming invited them to join too. They looked at her in bewilderment. This is the same girl who used to shout at them and treated them rudely. But now she invited them to eat with them. They profusely refused as they saw Liwei's eyes. As if warning them, he wants to spend time with her and she was inviting others. At this, she understood his gaze and laughed. She finally said, "I had made lots of food. And you guys also not have anything yet. So please eat." She instructed Yu mei to bring bowls for everyone and for herself also.

In the end, they ate with them on the table and everyone was surprised with her cooking skills. They looked at each other and realized that the Master was not praising her senselessly. It was really amazing. They stared at her with a gaze full of respect. They also thought that after waking up from the coma , she changed for the good.

Liwei was looking at this changed Ming in front of her with an admired gaze.

On the other hand, Ming was happy to see everyone gathered together and eat happily. In her past life, the day she came into palace, she always eats with her maid, "Li shi". But others call her cheap for this action because servants were not in equal level and were not allowed to eat together.

She looked at their happy faces and thought, its good to live normally. She breathed heavily and silently ate her food.