He was waiting for her on the dinner table, where a large amount of food was placed exquisitely. He was reading some files on his tablet.

At that time, he heard some footsteps coming from the stairs. He looked up at a woman dressed in a plain white dress, with hair open and coming downstairs elegantly, every step, every movement represents elegance and discipline.

While he was staring at her, she started eating quietly and with elegance. After seeing this he regained his composure and begin eating while looking at her in middle.

This kind of elegance he never saw in her.

The dinner went quietly. Nobody spoke. And when she was ready to go upstairs, he said" Wait"

She looked at him and said "What".

He said, " Do you really don't remember anything?"

She replied, " Do I look like I am acting?"

Her counter-question made him stunned, 'she never talked back to him like this before but now she never leaves any chance'. But her this state is rather appealing to him.

He said," Since we decided to not divorce until your memory comes, till that time you will be Mrs. Jin Liwei and follow all the rules. It means you cannot be in a relationship with any man and had to respect my family and manage this household. Although our relationship was only in name, but as Mrs. Jin, you have to fulfill your responsibility. And in return, I will give you money and status. Understand?"

After listening to all this, she snorted ' everything is so similar, marriage without love but I have to follow all the rules and remain chaste for my whole life but the husband can go around to play with any woman and bring as many consorts he wants. She won't live like this anymore.'

She spoke, " Okay. But you also cannot be in any relationship with any women and if you bring any consort, I will make sure to make her life hell, because I am not the only one in this marriage who has to be faithful, though this marriage is only in name".

After hearing her reply, his eyes flickered and thought, 'Consort? In what kind of era does is she living or has she seen many period dramas that she talks like this.'

But he calmed his emotions and said," Okay".

She spoke, " If there is nothing else, then I am leaving". And after saying this she went upstairs, without listening to his reply. At this action of hers, his eyes became cold.

' Before she finds every chance to talk to him but now, can't stay without any reason. After memory loss, she became more confident and beautiful.'

'Was she always like this or is it the side effect of her memory loss? If this is a side effect then I wish she never remembers her memories again because spending life with this new Xie Ming doesn't seem to be bad.

But doesn't it mean she won't remember her love for me? '


Her craziness is affecting me.