Chapter 4 - A CONDITION

Before he could come out of his bewildered state, Yu mei told Xie Ming, that he was her husband "JIN LIWEI", the CEO of Jin Group, the most powerful man in this country and the man she loved the most.

After listening to Yu mei's explanation Ming's eyes were filled with unexplainable emotions.

She starts reminiscing, how she also loved the man the most even at the cost of her family and self-respect but all she got was humiliation and hatred. And at this point, her eyes were filled with mixed emotions of love, pity, regret, and hatred and she unconsciously stared at Jin Liwei.

By seeing those emotions in her eyes, his eyes flickered but he managed to calm his expression and looked back at her with a cold expression. He felt uncomfortable with her gaze on him but he tried to manage a straight face.

He was expecting her to cry or throw things to show her anger, but once again her reply made him shocked.

She said, " We are married, right? Though you don't love me but at least you should have some conscience, shouldn't you? I just woke up from the coma and don't remember anything, even my name but the first thing you asked me is not about my condition but divorce? If you want a divorce, Okay I will give it to you But I have a condition."

When she was speaking, he was looking at her with a surprised expression. Because this is the same girl who loved her, even though he didn't. He has told her before their marriage that he doesn't love her but she still married him.

If a girl marries a man who doesn't love her, that means she must love him so much. But he cannot get himself to like her even after their marriage.

His Grandfather has put the condition that he can take the position as CEO only when he marries her and so he did. He thought he may start like her after marriage but her extra possessive behavior created more distance between them and they started fighting because of this reason.

And he started staying at the office more to stay away from her but she started doubting him and sometimes even complains to Grandfather, that he cheats on her. This only made him away from her to the point that her suicide attempt also seemed like drama.

After thinking this, his expression became cold and as he spoke "Condition? Now you're talking some sense because I was also wondering how can a woman like you can about speak about conscience. Hah. so tell me, how much money you want? I will give it to you. After all money and status is the only thing you wanted. love? what kind of joke is that" coldly snorted at her.

At this point, both of their gazes met and staring into his eyes, she spoke" I will divorce you but after my memory comes. Not before that. As I don't remember anything, you may force me to accept certain things that I didn't even do it and it will be at my disadvantage. And if my memory doesn't come within SIX months, I will divorce you, with nothing in return. Deal?"

After saying all this, she already started regretting it because she is not Xie Ming and her memories may not even come.

If she has to divorce without nothing in return than how will she survive in this world, but what can she do now, after all, it will hurt her pride as Empress, if she backed out now and the only thing she has now is her pride.

So she calm her emotions and looked into his eyes with confidence.

After seeing her reaction and her deal, he thought 'did she lost her memories or her mind? But whatever it is, it will be interesting to see more. As he was also curious about what new things this girl brings with her.

' Is she acting or she lost really her memories'. Because after all she was his wife, only in the name though but he has some "conscience " as a man '.

After a while, he said, "Deal".