Chapter 2 - She woke up

When Zhao Ming open her eyes and saw unfamiliar surroundings that are white and she is connected with unknown wires and tools and her whole body was sore.

She tried to sit up and then the girl who was crying, saw her she 'exclaimed with happiness' "Young Mistress, you finally woke up" while crying.

After that, she pressed the bell to call the doctors and when they came, they were surprised that she woke up because her earlier reports were helpless. They started to examine her. The doctor asked the nurse to get her temperature and he started checking her pulse through the stethoscope

While doctors examined her, she was wondering, 'who are these people and exactly what place is this?'

When they finished examine her, they asked her "Madam, do you feel any discomfort and can you move your legs and hands a bit?" She did as they asked and she told them that has a slight headache.

After that doctors told the nurse to run some tests on her.

While they were talking, Zhao Ming asked the girl who was crying earlier, " What place is this? And who am I? Why were you calling me Young Mistress? And moreover who are you?" she bombarded the girl with her questions.

The girl was baffled with her sudden questions. She has no idea why her Young Mistress was behaving like this.

At this point, everyone was stunned seeing the reaction of Xie Ming.

The girl looked at the doctor and asked, " Young Mistress, Don't you remember everything? Why are you asking all this? Miss, don't scare me like this. " the girl said. She was worried that something happened to her Miss. 

At this time, doctors started questioning her about what she remembers and what not.

Xie Ming looked at the doctors and said, " I don't remember who am I and why I am here. I can't remember anything, and even if I try to remember something, I feel severe pain in my head." she said while holding her head in pain.

She said everything about what she was feeling though she left out the part that she is not 'Xie Ming' but 'Zhao Ming'. Because she knows that everyone will think that she is stupid but the truth is she also start assuming the same.


Hearing this the girl who was crying earlier said, " Miss, let me tell you about you. Maybe you will remember something after that." 

The doctors also nodded in acknowledgment.

" Miss, you're the Young Mistress of Jin family. You're Xie Ming, the wife of the business tycoon Jin Liwei, the CEO of Jin Corporations. He is known as the most handsome and youngest CEO in the country. "

" And I am Yu mei, you're personal maid. You fell in the pool and almost drowned to death but thankfully Young Master saved you and bring you to the hospital. You were in a coma for three months. We were so worried about you, but thankfully you woke up." she said with a sigh of relief.

Xie Ming stared at the girl in confusion. ' What kind of situation is this?' she thought inwardly.