Chapter 43 Underground Water World

Chapter 43 Underground Water World

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Beneath the surface of the sea, a mesmerizing and otherworldly landscape unfolded, where nature's forces danced in a delicate balance between liquid and solid.

Strong pillars of water surged upward, resembling colossal translucent columns, stretching from the submerged ground toward the ocean's surface.

These majestic water spires punctuated the underwater world, rising like natural skyscrapers in a vast, watery metropolis.

In some areas, the ocean floor remained dry, covered in fine, sandy sediments that shimmered like powdered pearls under the play of refracted sunlight.

Here, curious formations of corals, seashells, and algae flourished in the absence of constant submersion.

Under the facade of this beautiful scenery, the continuous roar of beasts sent shivers down the spine of anyone who entered.

Suddenly, under this magical world, a slight fluctuation appeared in the void, and among the rows of pillars of water, the air vibrated, and a pirate ship materialized slowly.

"W-What....W-Where..." one of the pirates said with a trembling voice.

Everyone on the pirate ship had various conflicted expressions on their faces, most especially their captain. His face changed from panic to fear.

Most of their group that entered this place never returned. Now, he was here under the compulsion of two powerful people.

'If I get the opportunity, I must take my team and leave at once. This place is cursed.'

Just as the pirates were looking everywhere with wide eyes, a small boat appeared behind them. Noticing the small boat, they turned and looked at the two with fear and subtle anger.

They were the ones that forced them here. However, these two were just too powerful for them to voice the fury in their hearts.

"What a place?" Su Yen said as he jumped out of the boat.

He landed gently on the solid ground and looked at everything with a fascinating gaze. Standing beside him, Huang Yin was equally surprised.

Who would have expected this beautiful place to cause the beast race to go berserk and for his younger brother to call for help?

"Can we go on..."


Just as the pirate captain wanted to leave with his crew, a powerful roar came from the distance, sending a deep fright down his spine.

"What are you saying?" Huang Yin asked with a smile that wasn't a smile.

"I don't. This is the first time I'm seeing something like this," Su Yen responded with a grave expression.

"We mustn't let these things get out of here..." he said solemnly.

"Agreed," she nodded.

Subsequently, the massive 4-meter crab-like pirate let out deep guttural sounds filled with excitement and looked at the humans as if he was looking at his food.

Without further delay, he swung his pincer, making a whistling sound toward the pirates. Watching the massive incoming attack, the pirate captain yelled.


They didn't need to be told twice as they dashed off in various directions in fright. However, as pirates were escaping, a bright starlight illuminated the underwater world.

Seeing this, the pirates halted in their tracks and looked back as they wanted to see what would happen.


Meanwhile, the massive, crab-like pirate felt a fatal threat from the starlight and wanted to retreat quickly. However, it was too late.

The starlight's power wrapped around its massive body and sliced it into pieces. Its massive body parts were sent flying everywhere, with blue blood dyeing the floor.

Subsequently, the raging sound of attacks came from the side as Huang Yin's whip danced like a dangerous serpent, coiling around the mutated pirates and rotting them into pieces.

Watching as Huang Yin and Su Yen effortlessly killed all the mutated pirates, the pirates looked at each other and breathed sighs of relief.

With the actions of Su Yen and Huang Yin, the mutated pirates cleared out, and they continued to move forward. But this time around, they were fearful of any pool.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake, and tens of pillars of water shot to the sky. The sudden change in the atmosphere caught Su Yen and Huang Yin by surprise.

Since both of them were in the Qi Refinement, their perception was greater than the pirates. Thus, they discovered a massive movement coming from the underground.

Hence, they exchanged glances and nodded.


Immediately, the two bolted

off not caring about the pirates. Just as the pirates were wondering why Su Yen and Huang Yin were running.

Then, they saw thousands of mutated humans jumped out from the pillars of water and rushed toward them.

"Oh shit!" The pirate captain cursed and took off with his top speed.

"Run!" He screamed.