See white Lu even moon China stone can recognize, Tang Ao did not continue to take out other things. Bai Lu is indeed well-known, and knows many treasures that others don't know. This time, Tang Ao took out a red gold gun. Now Tang Ao knows more about the value of the red gold fairy. Even if Tang Ao had to deal with the red gold fairy ware before he could protect himself, he would not dare to sell it in large quantities.

It can be said that the red gold immortal ware is a very special kind of immortal ware, because it can accompany the growth of the martial arts. As long as the purity of the purification is high enough and the array pattern is perfect, no matter the grade is high, the price can be satisfied. After Tang Ao takes out the red gold fairy ware, Bai Lu is also interested in checking up. In recent years, there has been a class of artifact refiners. They are not very good at refining tools, but they have one skill: they disguise inferior red gold immortal wares as top-grade ones.

Use some high-level inscriptions to confuse people. Bai Lu hunnian carefully explored Tang Ao's red gold spear, and immediately knew that Tang Ao's red gold spear could be regarded as the best among the red gold fairies. The lower the impurity contained in Chisha, the greater the potential of chijinxian ware. Tang Ao refined this red gold spear, but it was forged once with the alchemy method.

What surprised Bailu most was that there were less than 10% impurities in the red gun. You should know that as long as you can remove 10% of the impurities in the red sands and melt them into utensils, you can become a red gold fairy. Even Bai Lu is the first time to see the red gold immortal utensil like Tang Ao, which directly removes 90% of impurities.

"The quality of this red lance is very good, and it can sell at least 30000 medium grade Xianjing. Did you make this Red Lance? " Bai Lu was playing with the red spear and asked seriously.

Feel white Lu no malice, Tang Ao nodded.

Seeing Tang Ao nodding, Bai Lu, who was clearly a girl, sighed: "fortunately, you are here to send photos to Xinghe chamber of Commerce. If you go to the heishang building to send photos, although the price will be higher, you will not be free."

Tang Ao, one of the four chambers of Commerce. The so-called four chambers of Commerce in Zhenwu world are the Xianxu chamber of commerce where Tang Ao is located, and the XingKong chamber of Commerce here. In addition to these two chambers of Commerce, they are qianshanglou and heishanglou. The black business building is supported by the tianwu world Master. Tang Ao and tianwu world Master are enemies. However, the tianwu world Master should not know which shrimp Tang Ao is.

"I've heard a little bit about the black house. I should not have any contact with it." Tang Ao thought for a moment and then said.

"That's not necessarily true. Although the black shop is not good enough, all the treasures that can't be put on the table can be bought in the black shop because they are all underground businesses. It can also be said that you can easily buy things that you can't buy in the other three chambers of Commerce. Therefore, no one can say that he and the black shop will not have any contact. "

Listening to Bai Lu's words, Tang Ao also nodded, just like emperor beast bone meal. Although there is one in qianshang building, it is the most precious treasure and is not sold. Even song Qiufeng, a gold medal elder, dare not touch his finger. There are also imperial animal bone meal in Xianxu chamber of Commerce, but the quantity is too small. As for whether the Star Chamber of Commerce has royal animal bone meal, Tang Ao does not know.

"Younger martial sister Bai Lu, I wonder if there are emperor animal bones for sale in star sky chamber of Commerce?" Tang Ao went to the wilderness for the emperor's animal bones. Now he comes to a top chamber of Commerce and naturally wants to ask about it.

Bai Lu didn't answer, but said, "the so-called emperor animal bones are the bones of the powerful monsters in huntian state after they fell, because basically, the monsters in huntian kingdom were born from the demon families with strong blood. If there are powerful monsters in these demon families, if their bodies are not destroyed, they will be sent back to their ancestral land. In this way, the number of emperor's animal bones left outside is very small. "

"Secondly, even if a warrior of the Terran family is lucky enough to get the emperor's animal bone, once the demon clan knows about it, he will certainly ask for it. It is the external saying of the demon clan that the emperor's animal bones are sent back to the ancestral land of the demon clan. In fact, it is because there is a Fanghua demon pool in the demon clan. The bones of the emperor and beast are the best nutrients for the demon pool, which can enhance the talent and talent of the demon clan's children. Therefore, the supply of imperial animal bones for the demon clan is in short supply. It can be said that it is even more difficult for the Terran warrior to obtain the emperor beast bone. "

After listening to Bai Lu's explanation, Tang Ao also understood why the emperor's animal bones were so rare. Emperor beast bone is just a good weapon refining material for Terrans. However, for the demon clan, it is the treasure to improve the demon clan's qualification after being refined in the demon pool. Tang Ao has some helplessness in his heart. Is it true that the cultivation of sword fruit should be stuck in the bones of the emperor? , the fastest update of the webnovel!