"Are you the son of the trolls? How can you be in this place? " Although Tang Ao also wants to save this young man alive, Tang Ao is powerless at the moment. This young man's vitality is collapsing and his soul is collapsing. If Tang Ao has extra Kunlun flowers in his hand, Tang Ao can try to save him. But Tang Ao's only Kunlun flower has been used by Tang Ao himself. Now Tang Ao naturally has no Kunlun flower to save him.

"It's you Tong. You Tong cheated me to steal Qing Tian Shen needle from Feng family. After I stole it, you Tong wanted to sacrifice blood to make Qing Tian Shen Zhen recognize its owner. Because you can hide Cover up the breath of the giant needle, so he put me here The king son of the giant spirit clan spoke intermittently, but he just said a few words, and his breath immediately weakened a lot.

"You pupil!" Tang Ao is surprised. The name Tang Ao has been heard of. Strictly speaking, Youtong and Tang Ao are almost the same age figures. Although Tang Ao is the devil, but this pupil is more evil and demon than Tang Ao! At that time, you Tong extracted the souls of millions of martial arts practitioners to practice evil skills, and was eventually sealed by the major schools.

Tang Ao doesn't know whether the Youtong in the mouth of the saint son of Juling clan is of the same name or a person. Think of here, Tang Ao hand a wave, immediately an image appeared in front of Tang Ao. "You are talking about you Tong, but this man?" This is a strange looking, skinny, as long as a glance at the people shudder on the youth.

"You know the pupil? You Who are you? " After seeing the image of Youtong, the young people of Juling nationality obviously trembled. You Tong's origin is too mysterious, even in the Juling clan, there are few people who know you Tong.

At the beginning of the transaction between Youtong and Juling clan, the Juling clan helped Youtong break the seal, while Youtong helped the Juling clan refine Qingtian Shenzhen needle, which made Juling clan become the largest clan in the five element demon kingdom. However, no one thought that Youtong's seal had already been broken by himself. The other Juling clan assassinated the son of the demon family, in order to put the blame on the Terran, and then let the demon families in the five element demon domain counter attack the xuanhuang continent.

Seeing the young man's expression, Tang Ao immediately knew that the person behind the incident was indeed the Youtong sealed by the major sects of xuanhuang mainland ten thousand years ago. It is said that Youtong was sealed in an independent space outside the xuanhuang continent, but somehow, Youtong came to the five element demon domain.

And now it seems that he has already broken the seal of you Tong. Otherwise, the cultivation of the level 1 of the Holy Son star of Juling clan will not be put here for blood sacrifice by you Tong. "Where has your pupil gone?" Tang Ao asked this question, but for a long time did not get an answer. When I looked up, the son of the giant spirit clan had already lost his soul.

Tang Ao hand a move, the side of the recording of this video crystal ball put away. Then a fireball was thrown out and burned the Holy Son of the troll clan bound on the giant God's needle. The Juling clan followed you Tong such a big devil to do harm to the tiger. It can only be said that their son got such an end, which can only be said to be deserved.

At this time, Tang Ao also began to take a careful look at Qing Tian Shen Zhen, a legendary deity. Although the giant needle is called a needle, it is different from the needle in belief. At the moment, the giant needle is six fold thick, up to 100 Zhang! It is said that in ancient times, the giant needle supporting heaven and earth was as high as ten thousand feet.

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