Now Tang Ao's small piece is obviously part of the trunk of yulongxiang. It's useless to give it to others, but it's of great significance to Tang Ao. Through the description of baicaoji, Tang Ao knew that yulongxiang was a kind of Lingcha in ancient times. Even in ancient times, Yulong incense was very rare.

Because yulongxiang is very strict to the living environment, it must grow in a place full of chaos. However, not all places are full of chaotic atmosphere. Even in the ancient times, places with chaotic atmosphere would only be the caves for the top strong. Now, the place with chaotic atmosphere is almost invisible.

Tang Ao's deeds throughout the whole xuanhuang continent, but Tang Ao has never found any place with chaotic atmosphere on xuanhuang continent. The area of xuanhuang continent is tens of thousands times of that of Feixing continent. There is no chaotic atmosphere in xuanhuang continent. Tang Ao doesn't think that there will be chaos in Feixing continent, so yulongxiang can't survive here.

But in Tang Ao's hands, it is different, because Tang Ao knows where there is a chaotic atmosphere. This place is not where, it is Tang Ao's chaotic six mirror space. Tang Ao's chaotic six mans mirror space is full of strong chaotic atmosphere. Tang Ao can't absorb the chaotic atmosphere in the chaotic mirror, even though he has the skill of moving heaven by the ancient god and the jade body of Jiulong emperor.

If we say that the strength of aura is a thousand times of that of Yuan Qi, then the strength of the chaotic breath in the chaotic six mans mirror space is tens of thousands of times that of aura. It's no exaggeration to say that if Tang Ao can refine the atmosphere of chaos, even if Tang Ao is only the cultivation of life and death, there is no pressure for Tang Ao to challenge the strong star state.

But now Tang Ao can't even absorb and refine a trace of the chaotic breath, let alone cultivate to the realm of life and death with the chaotic breath. Although Tang Ao can't use the chaotic breath to cultivate Yulong fragrance, Tang Ao can use the chaotic breath in the chaotic six mans mirror space to cultivate jade dragon fragrance. Although yulongxiang is a kind of spiritual tree in ancient times, the cultivation method of Yulong incense is also recorded in baicaoji.

Yulongxiang is different from other spirit trees. Any part of Yulong fragrance can cultivate a complete Yulong fragrance. However, the environment for yulongxiang's growth is too high, so Tang Ao believes that even if danmeng has yulongxiang for several years, danmeng has not cultivated yulongxiang. At present, Tang Ao feels that the quality of this Yulong fragrance is poor. Although the trunk of Yulong incense can cultivate Yulong fragrance, it is said in the Baicao collection that the Yulong fragrance cultivated in the heart of the tree is the best.

Even if Tang Ao has not seen the wood of yulongxiang, Tang Ao knows that the piece on his hand is definitely not the heart of the tree, but a piece cut from the branches. Tang Ao learned from the baicaoji that yulongxiang is a kind of spiritual tea tree, and the leaves of yulongxiang can be used to make spiritual tea to strengthen the soul. Because Tang Ao has opened up the soul sea, the intensity of Tang Ao's mind is far higher than that of martial arts in the same level. If there is jade dragon fragrance to strengthen the soul mind, Tang Ao's soul mind will be strong to a very terrible level.

In addition, yulongxiang can also increase the physical strength of the warrior. According to the records of baicaoji, the warriors who took Yulong Xiangling grass for a long time in ancient times were as strong as the dragon people. In fact, once the strength of the warrior is strong enough, it doesn't need to be said that the strength of the strong body will soar. , the fastest update of the webnovel!