This old man dares to sell fake products in the market. Obviously, he has some means. Therefore, Tang Ao doesn't explicitly say that this amber Ganoderma lucidum is fake. He just gives a vague suggestion.

Sure enough, after hearing Tang Ao's words, the old man's turbid eyes flashed, and then looked at Tang Ao with a smile. For a long time, after the old man took another puff of grass smoke, he said to Tang Ao, "you are good, but there are three ways to get amber Ganoderma lucidum from the old man." When the old man with yellow teeth spoke, he put up three fingers.

"Tell me, and if I can do it, I'll trade it with you." Tang Ao did not directly boast that the old man only put forward conditions, and there was nothing he could not do. Although Tang Ao is a six grade alchemist, Tang Ao is not sure what conditions the yellow tooth old man will put forward.

"Hey, you don't have to worry. At least one of these three ways can be achieved." The old man with yellow teeth took another puff of dry tobacco, and then cracked his mouth full of Dahuang teeth and said with a smile to Tang Ao. After hearing this, Tang Ao can't help but be curious. Does this old man know his own ability?

"The first condition is, if you have the extinction grass, I'll exchange it with you for an amber Ganoderma lucidum?"

Tang Ao shook his head: "jimie grass is the top six spirit grass. Although I don't want amber Ganoderma lucidum as rare, but in terms of value, the value of jimie grass is more precious than amber Ganoderma lucidum, and I don't have jimie grass on me." If Tang Ao had the killing grass, he would not talk so much with the old man. He would exchange it with the old man.

No matter how precious jimie grass is, it is useless for Tang Ao now, and amber Ganoderma lucidum is very likely to restore Tang Ao's soul sea. Even with amber Ganoderma lucidum and other kinds of spirit grass to make shenzhao pill, it is not impossible to completely repair Tang Ao's damaged spirit sea.

"Since you haven't killed grass, I'll say the second condition, the second condition, is to give me a bottle of thunder syrup. No, if you have thunder syrup, only half a bottle will do

"Thunder pulp? What is this? " Tang Ao knows 90% of the natural materials and earth treasures in the xuanhuang continent, and almost 90% in the ice and snow plain. Obviously, Tang Lei Ao's cognition is beyond this.

Old man Huang Ya is disappointed when he hears that Tang Ao doesn't even know thunder pulp. At first, Tang Ao can recognize nuanyu Ganoderma lucidum, and old man Huang Ya is a little bit pleased. But now Tang Ao doesn't even know thunder slurry. This makes old man Huang Ya wonder if Tang Ao recognizes that Amber Ganoderma lucidum is a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.

The third condition of old man Huang Ya is that Tang Ao should be his teacher. However, he is hesitant to accept Tang Ao as his disciple.

Tang Ao is eager to get amber Ganoderma lucidum. After seeing the look of the old man with yellow teeth, Tang Ao feels that he has to do something bad. Suddenly Tang Ao felt that something was wrong. The old man with yellow teeth didn't want to be an old man of this age. Although very impolite, but Tang Ao or secretly run Tianji Tong to the old man with yellow teeth.

Under the inspection of Tianji Tong, the old man was surrounded by Dan Qi and could not see his true face clearly. But Tang Ao is sure that the old man used a very interesting pill, that is Yi Rong Dan! Think of here, Tang Ao at will smile.

"Boy, is ignorance a pleasure to you?" The old man with yellow teeth glared at Tang Ao with his turbid eyes.

Tang Ao shook his head: "although I don't know thunder syrup, but I know spirit grass, I'm afraid there are many that you don't know, and I also know that you took Yi Rong Dan." Tang Ao pays attention to the yellow tooth old man's look when he speaks. After seeing the flash of surprise in his eyes, Tang Ao is more sure that he is not wrong. , the fastest update of the webnovel!