Under Tang Ao's soul power, these two figures and the whole Gobi Desert melt into one. When they move, it's like sand flowing in the desert. Fortunately, Tang Ao's soul power is extremely strong, otherwise in this case, it is really difficult to find two people. And Tang Ao noticed that these two people have been to their own direction.

"It's not nice of you."

Tang Ao twinkles in a burst of blue light, 36 snowflake patterns emerge in Tang Ao's twin pupils. In the sky under the pupil, everything around is instantly clear. Tang Ao saw the two people in the sand. They are two young men with similar appearance. Their accomplishments are not high. They are all three levels of life and death.

Secondly, Tang Ao also noticed the two people followed by a person. See this person, Tang Ao only feel a little familiar. After recalling for a while, Tang Ao suddenly remembered who this man was. This man Tang Ao has not seen a real person before, but has seen his image. The chief disciple of Tianxing Shengzong, chixingzi!

And Tang Ao also saw an acquaintance behind the Red Star son. In the place where he entered the secret place of the Ming emperor, Tang Ao was also placed by him, but later Tang Ao never saw this person again. This is the people who were trapped by the hurricane! Nowadays, qingfengyin has become the four levels of cultivation in the realm of life and death, and it seems that there is no small chance in the secret realm of the Ming emperor.

If we talk about the greatest harvest of the Ming emperor's secret place, it is no doubt that Tang Ao is the best. Tang Ao was inherited by Shennong emperor, Ming emperor and Xiaoyao three saints, and Tangyou was also inherited by Youlong emperor. To sum up, Tang Ao has monopolized the inheritance of the four powerful emperors, and his luck has been extremely adverse.

But when he was helpless, Tang Ao missed the Hualing pagoda and found a lot of dark stones. Because of the promotion of the jade body of the Jiulong emperor, all the stones were consumed. Therefore, Tang Ao's cultivation is not small compared with these people. However, if only these four people come here, Tang Ao is not in mind.

Now, although Tang Ao is only a level of cultivation in the realm of life and death, with the help of the original Saint Tiangong, Tang Ao feels that he can even kill such strong people as qingfengyin. Only Tang Ao overestimates himself this time, also underestimates the breeze Yin. Ming emperor's secret place has countless opportunities, but Tang Ao has a lot of opportunities, but qingfengyin also has its own chance.

"Bang!" Tang Ao side of a stone suddenly burst, and then a big knife toward Tang Ao to chop. Tang Ao retreats and avoids this road, but at this time, Tang Ao has a knife behind him. Tang Ao retreats, this knife wants to avoid is not so easy.

"Interesting!" As Tang Ao talks, his body glitters with gold, and the spirit of fighting holy bones is instantly attached to his body. When the sharp blade behind him collided with the holy bone soul, only a string of sparks were struck on the holy bone soul.

"Big brother, this Tang Ao good hard shell!" When he fails to hit the target, the man immediately retreats, and in a flash he blends into the surrounding scene. And the other person, is still standing in Tang Ao not far away and Tang Ao confrontation together. However, he did not take the initiative to attack, just staring at Tang Ao, seems to be waiting, also seems to be looking for opportunities.

But no matter he is waiting or ordinary opportunity, Tang Ao will not drag him down. Tang Ao does not know whether these two people know that they are being followed, but Tang Ao knows that the two guys behind them are more difficult to deal with. If we don't solve the two people in front of us as soon as possible, we will be in trouble if we can only fight against four in a short time.

"Oh! There are flaws. " In Tang Ao staring at the opposite figure, just disappeared, the man suddenly jumped out of the yellow sand under Tang Ao's feet. At the same time, a sharp flash on the tip of his knife stabbed Tang Ao's back heart.

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