At the moment, after Tang Ao mentions the xuanjing of Taiqing, Xia Qianyu is obviously on guard. "Elder martial brother is not a disciple of Taiqing gate. How did he know about Taiqing xuanjing?" At the same time, Xiayu's dagger also slips. Although Xia Qianyu's little hands are still shaking, Xia's eyes are firm and incomparable. If Tang Ao has a mind for Taiqing xuanjing, Xia Qianyu will fight to protect Taiqing xuanjing.

Tang Ao in the state of Tianji pupil, Xia Qianyu's all small movements naturally can't hide Tang Ao's eyes. Although Xia Qianyu looks extremely docile and clever, Tang aocai now finds that this Xia Qianyu is not a tame rabbit, but an alert and aggressive little leopard.

"Although I am not a disciple of the Taiqing gate, I still have some origins with me." Tang Ao originally wanted to say that although he was not a disciple of Taiqing gate, he and Taiqing gate were enemies of life and death. Therefore, for the treasures in the gate of Taiqing, of course, I know everything.

But Tang Ao sees that the occasion is not right now, and Xia Qianyu is very nervous. Tang Ao is afraid that after he really said that, Xia Qianyu would immediately start with himself. Tang Ao now has a little chance to recover his spiritual power. Naturally, he won't find it boring to fight with Xia Qianyu.

"The elder martial brother said that he had some origins with us in Taiqing gate. Who is the elder martial brother from Taiqing gate?" Tang Xianyu is very cautious about Tang Xuanqing. Now Tang Ao says that he has a connection with the Taiqing gate, and Xia Qianyu naturally doesn't believe it.

Although the ancient books and some highly experienced elders in the clan said that the Taiqing gate was a glorious school in the past, Xia Qianyu thought that the Taiqing gate had been dilapidated for a hundred years, so he didn't take these words seriously. According to the current situation of the Taiqing gate, even if anyone really has some origin with the Taiqing gate, they will not admit it.

As for Xia Qianyu's question, Tang Ao really wants to say: "I have a good friendship with he Taiqing, the founder of the Taiqing sect. I have fought more than 300 times, large and small. In the end, the old man didn't know what to do. When I broke through the top of the nine levels of xingjijing, he chased and killed me This is a big truth, but Tang Ao is sure that he said it, Xia Qianyu would not believe it, and Tang Ao now really dare not say like this.

Although the gate of Taiqing is declining now, it is the main gate inherited for thousands of years. Although there are no Xingji realm warriors in zongmen, there are still some of them. With Tang Ao's current accomplishments, as long as there is a warrior in the level of life and death, it will be enough for Tang Ao to drink. As long as you come to a martial arts person who is more than three levels of life and death, even if Tang Ao uses all his skills, he will inevitably fall down.

Therefore, Tang Ao could only solemnly say, "which elder of Taiqing gate is related to me? I don't know. But in the notes uploaded by my ancestors, one of them records the pithy formula of the use of Taiqing xuanjing, so I think I should have some origin with taiqingmen." Tang Ao said a big lie this time, but Xia Qianyu obviously believed it.

Xia Qianyu has been getting Taiqing xuanjing for some time, but until now Xia Qianyu doesn't know how to use it. Therefore, if Tang Ao really used the formula of Taiqing xuanjing, it means that Tang Ao's ancestors had a close relationship with Taiqing gate. Otherwise, it would be impossible to know the pithy formula of Taiqing xuanjing.

Tang Ao looked up and saw a pair of eager eyes of summer shallow feather. Although Tang Ao really knew the pithy formula of Taiqing xuanjing, Tang Ao never thought Xia Qianyu wanted to know the formula of Taiqing xuanjing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!