Under the threat of heaven and earth, Tang Ao's spiritual power was in disorder. Originally, Tang Ao hid his accomplishments in the Ninth level of the Yuan Dynasty's military realm. However, after being swallowed back by the pressure of heaven and earth, Tang Ao's strength at the moment is only seven or eight levels of the Yuan's military realm. When Tang aogang explored the surrounding area, he knew that there were many shadow leopards in the vicinity, and also knew that there were shadow leopards on the first and second floors of Linghai.

So now Tang Ao dare not move, can only quietly recover from the injury here. The light green light of the life and soul of jade bone is constantly flowing in Tang Ao's whole body meridians and four limbs and hundreds of skeletons, repairing the wound in Tang Ao's body. At the same time, those who indicated the cracks were wrapped and nourished by the life and soul of jade bone.

Tang Ao secretly felt that the life and soul of the jade bone is indeed the unique life and soul in the twenty-one heaven. Since Tang Ao awakened the life and soul of jade bone, this jade bone vitality soul has helped Tang Ao a lot in several life and death struggles. And with Tang Ao's use of jade bone's life and soul, the jade bone's life and soul at this moment has grown from the initial 21 heavy days to 23 heavy days.

So far, Tang Yu's proud soul has not known how to grow up in two successive steps. Tang Ao only knew that with his constant use of the jade bone life and soul, the jade bone vitality life soul also gradually strengthened. "Is it that the higher the frequency of use, the faster the jade bone's vitality and soul will advance?"

The mountain wind in the mountains is very strong, so after Tang Ao killed three shadow leopards, the bloody smell of shadow leopards also drifted around with the mountain wind. Within half an hour, almost all the martial arts and shadow leopards around knew that the source of the blood smell was Tang Ao. The three shadow leopards that Tang Ao killed were all on the ninth floor of Yuanwu territory, so some of the shadow leopards with low strength smelled the bloody smell and immediately went further away from here.

However, several shadow leopards whose strength reaches Linghai state are hesitant. After reaching Linghai, the intelligence of shadow leopard is further improved. Because of their own blood, although most of the shadow leopards at this level can't speak, their intelligence is no lower than that of ordinary people. In addition, the shadow leopard is cunning, so intelligence is higher than ordinary people.

Therefore, after feeling the bloody smell here, several shadow leopards with the strength of Linghai environment also flickered. Several overlord class shadow leopard looked at Tang Ao that direction, hesitated for a while, still did not pass. Although the shadow leopards on the ninth floor of the Yuan Dynasty can be easily killed, those who can kill three shadow leopards in the ninth floor of the Yuan Dynasty must be ruthless.

Shadow leopard is not only cunning, but also extremely sensitive to the crisis, the more powerful the shadow leopard is. Although several shadow leopards did not notice from which direction Tang Ao was too strong, they still knew that there must be a very dangerous existence. Several shadow leopards on the first and second floors of Linghai state recorded the location, and then wandered in the mountains.

Although they know where is dangerous, these shadow leopards have no plans to stay away. Although there is danger in that place, they are not easy to be provoked by themselves. Many warriors have come to this mountain area recently. Of course, for the shadow leopard, a lot of food has come. Therefore, these shadow leopards will not leave here easily until the last resort. Tang Ao is still breathing beside the body of three shadow leopards. Just now he was caught off guard, and he was oppressed by the suddenly coming heaven and earth.

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