Chapter 1649


鐩爣pointed finger towards 鍙よ矾澶╅奖锛


鑳嗘暍鏉ヤ 锛屾潵涓 涓纴鏉 涓纴鏉 涓纴鏉 涓 涓 澶 鍙岋纴鏉ュ灏戝 鍙岋纴鏉ュ灏戝 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶

濡傛寮哄娍镄勫瑷 锛岀瓑鑻ユ槸涓诲姩鍦 锛岀瓑鑻ユ槸涓诲姩鍦 琛呬竴澶 琛呬竴澶 笣镞忕殑濞佷 笣镞忕殑濞佷 笣镞忕殑濞佷 笣镞忕殑濞佷 笣镞忕殑濞佷 銆

灏ゅ叾鏄湪杩欎 鍏 鍏 ご涓婏纴涓栦 ご涓婏纴涓栦 ご涓婏纴涓栦 ご涓婏纴涓栦 涓哄 涓哄 涓哄 涓哄 嚭锲炲簲锛屽苟涓斿仛鍑篓 嚭锲炲簲锛屽苟涓斿仛鍑篓 嚭锲炲簲锛屽苟涓斿仛鍑篓 嚭锲炲簲锛屽苟涓斿仛鍑篓 嚭锲炲簲锛屽苟涓斿仛鍑篓 errifying 镄勬姤澶嶏纴浼氭湁鐪熸澶errifying 镄勫 呭嚭鐜 呭嚭鐜 呭嚭鐜 呭嚭鐜 嚜鍦 嚜鍦 嚜鍦 嚜鍦 嚜鍦 鏂楁垬鍦 鏂楁垬鍦 鏂楁垬鍦 鏂楁垬鍦 鏂楁垬鍦 帇锛岃 帇锛岃 帇锛岃 帇锛岃 帇锛岃 帇锛岃 帇锛岃庣殑暗镐富濞佷弗銆

鐒 屼 屼 屼 屼 屼 変 変 変 変 変 敊镒旷殑鏄纴鍏冨垵 敊镒旷殑鏄纴鍏冨垵 敊镒旷殑鏄纴鍏冨垵 敊镒旷殑鏄纴鍏冨垵 敊镒旷殑鏄纴鍏冨垵 濇棌娌夐粯锛屽苟涓斾 濇棌娌夐粯锛屽苟涓斾 濇棌娌夐粯锛屽苟涓斾 濇棌娌夐粯锛屽苟涓斾 濇棌娌夐粯锛屽苟涓斾 濇棌娌夐粯锛屽苟涓斾 竴镙 纴涓嶆浘娲 纴涓嶆浘娲 纴涓嶆浘娲熸镄勫 呭幓杩 呭幓杩 呭幓杩 呭幓杩 帇锛屼 帇锛屼 帇锛屼 帇锛屼 帇锛屼 緢涓嶈 緢涓嶈 緢涓嶈 緢涓嶈

闅鹃 鏂楁垬鍦 鏂楁垬鍦 g帇鐪熺殑鏄 umbrella 鑸湴terrifying 钖楋纻

渚挎槸dignified 勯 勯 勯 澶 澶 笣镞忛兘濡傛蹇屾傩钖楋纻 笣镞忛兘濡傛蹇屾傩钖楋纻


涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓笣镞忓ぉ涔嬬缮妤 涓笣镞忓ぉ涔嬬缮妤 涓笣镞忓ぉ涔嬬缮妤 嚭鐜 嚭鐜 嚭鐜 嚭鐜 锛屽苟涓旇 锛屽苟涓旇 锛屽苟涓旇 锛屽苟涓旇 锛屽苟涓旇 锛屽苟涓旇 锛屽苟涓旇 涓︷兘姣旇捣瀹岄娲﹃ 涓︷兘姣旇捣瀹岄娲﹃畲棰滈昵澶╃瓑浜 笉宸灏 笉宸灏 笉宸灏 per per per per per per xpert 绾 笣镞忓ぉ 笣镞忓ぉ 笣镞忓ぉ 勶纴寰堟槸寮哄ぇ銆

Key 屼粖浠栦 镄勫嚭涓栵纴鍗 槸 槸 pointed finger towards 钖戜 杩欎簺鍙よ矾澶╅ 杩欎簺鍙よ矾澶╅ 杩欎簺鍙よ矾澶╅

鍙 鍙 鎯 鎯 鎯 寰楀埌锛屾潵镊﹄簬缁堟瀬鍙よ矾涓婄殑璇旷偧澶╅ 寰楀埌锛屾潵镊﹄簬缁堟瀬鍙よ矾涓婄殑璇旷偧澶╅ 屼粖閮 屼粖閮 屼粖閮 屼粖閮 屼粖閮 屼粖閮 屼粖閮 屼粖閮 屼粖閮 屼粖閮 屼粖閮 屼粖閮Overlay

铏 劧浣嗗嚒鍙 劧浣嗗嚒鍙 殑澶╅ 殑澶╅ 殑澶╅ 殑澶╅ 殑澶╅ 涔嬭緢锛屾潵镊﹄簬钖勪 涔嬭緢锛屾潵镊﹄簬钖勪 涔嬭緢锛屾潵镊﹄簬钖勪 涔嬭緢锛屾潵镊﹄簬钖勪 涔嬭緢锛屾潵镊﹄簬钖勪嚒锛屾洿 夊ソ涓 浜涗 浜涗 浜涗 浜涗 鏄 鏄 杞 杞 杞 杞 呖灏婏纴镙 杞

浣嗗苟闱炴墍 変 変 閮 閮 揪鍒 揪鍒 揪鍒 Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp鍒 绛塺 绛塺 eal eal eal eal eal eal eal eal eal eal eal eal eal eal eal eal eal

Key chain 夌潃涓嶅湪灏戞暟镄勫彝璺ぉ 勬祦杞湪璇炲笣鏄熶笂锛屼竴鏂 勬祦杞湪璇炲笣鏄熶笂锛屼竴鏂 勬祦杞湪璇炲笣鏄熶笂锛屼竴鏂 鏄繘琛岀 鏄繘琛岀 鏄繘琛岀 鏄繘琛岀 鏄繘琛岀 巻缁冿纴鍙 巻缁冿纴鍙竴鏂 溃 溃 槸涓 槸涓 槸涓 槸涓 涓囧彝澶 涓囧彝澶 涓囧彝澶 涓囧彝澶 涓囧彝澶 fine

澶 笣杞笘韬纴瀵 笣杞笘韬纴瀵 簬杩欎簺鍙よ矾澶╅ 簬杩欎簺鍙よ矾澶╅ 簬杩欎簺鍙よ矾澶╅ 岃 岃 岃 锛屽悓镙 锛屽悓镙 锛屽悓镙 槸鏋佸ぇ镄勫惛寮曞姏銆

涓 镞 镞 垚锷熷ず寰楀湪 垚锷熷ず寰楀湪 垚锷熷ず寰楀湪 垚锷熷ず寰楀湪 嬶纴浠栦 嬶纴浠栦 浣曚 浣曚 浣曚 浣曚 浣曚 浣曚

寰楀埌宁濋死镄囧熀锛屽Ammonia, 鎷ユ湁浜嗘垚阆撴牴鍩鎷ユ湁浜嗘垚阆撴牴鍩鎷ユ湁浜嗘垚阆撴牴鍩墍鍦纴杩欎竴镣墍鍦纴杩欎竴镣嵆渚挎槸涔濆ぇ鍙よ矾嵆渚挎槸涔濆ぇ鍙よ矾嵆渚挎槸涔濆ぇ鍙よ矾镐镐閮銆


姝ゅ墠杩 潃鍙よ矾涓夊ぉ 潃鍙よ矾涓夊ぉ 勮 岃 岃 e e e e e e e e e 呫 呫 呫 呫

Chain 潵鍏冨垵 濇棌鎯 濇棌鎯 濇棌鎯 濇棌鎯 骞挎拻缃 骞挎拻缃 纴浠ユ 纴浠ユ 姘 姘 姘 姘 叜闱掕洐镄勬 叜闱掕洐镄勬 叜闱掕洐镄勬 叜闱掕洐镄勬 叜闱掕洐镄勬Mix umbrella, 浜涘彝璺ぉ 勫弽搴旇 勫弽搴旇 鏉ョ殑镞跺 椤 椤 椤 椤 椤 椤 椤 椤 椤

浣嗙幇鍦ㄥ洜涓 枟鎴 枟鎴 枟鎴 湥鐜嬫 湥鐜嬫 绌哄嚭 绌哄嚭 绌哄嚭 绌哄嚭 嬬殑缂樻晠锛岃 嬬殑缂樻晠锛岃 浜涗簨鎯呮彁鍓嶆毚 浜涗簨鎯呮彁鍓嶆毚 浜涗簨鎯呮彁鍓嶆毚 浜涗簨鎯呮彁鍓嶆毚 浜涗簨鎯呮彁鍓嶆毚嶆洿蹇湴灞曞紑琛屽姩浜嗐€

杩欎竴镞ワ纴鍏冨垵宁濇棌镄勫笣镞忓ぉ楠勫嚭涓栦简锛屽悜镌€澶╀笅澶╀笅锛岃鎸戞垬锛岃鎸戞垬€€ chain€鍙よ矾镄勮瘯镣鍙よ矾镄勮瘯镣ぉぉ勶纴鐪嬬湅杩欎簺鏉ヨ嚜浜庡悇涓彝瀹囧畽镄勫ぉ勶纴鐪嬬湅杩欎簺鏉ヨ嚜浜庡悇涓彝瀹囧畽镄勫ぉ勭缮妤氭槸钖勭缮妤氭槸钖Father

褰撶劧锛岃 镙 镙 殑 殑  涓纴澶 涓纴澶 涓纴澶 涓纴澶 涓纴澶 嚭浜嗗嚑鍒嗘 嚭浜嗗嚑鍒嗘 琛呯殑镒忓懗銆

钖屾牱锛岃 Umbrella 镙 殑 殑  涔熸児寰楄癁 涔熸児寰楄癁 涔熸児寰楄癁 濇槦涓娄紬澶 濇槦涓娄紬澶 濇槦涓娄紬澶 彝璺ぉ 彝璺ぉ 彝璺ぉ 勯兘蹇 勯兘蹇

浣嗗嚒鑳 鏉ュ埌缁堟瀬鍙よ矾镄勫ぉ 鏉ュ埌缁堟瀬鍙よ矾镄勫ぉ 勶纴鍝﹄竴涓﹄笉鏄 勶纴鍝﹄竴涓﹄笉鏄 勶纴鍝﹄竴涓﹄笉鏄 娌屾捣钖勪 娌屾捣钖勪 娌屾捣钖勪 娌屾捣钖勪 鍙ゅ畤瀹欑殑鐪熸澶╀箣瓙锛屾嫢 chain 夌潃镞犱笌浼 瘮镄勬綔鑳 瘮镄勬綔鑳 瘮镄勬綔鑳 纴閮 纴閮 纴閮 纴閮 纴閮 涳纴 涳纴 涳纴 涳纴 涳纴 涳纴 屽唨鍙鍑 涓 涓 涓︼ 涓︼ 涓︼ 涓︼

They are all proud, and one who is willing to be considered a coward, has rushed over and said that they accept the challenge of the Tejia Tianjiao.

A battle of the younger generation quickly spread, and it attracted much attention from the world. Even the attention caused by the early years of the Expert’s killing by the Yuan Dynasty was taken away.

The ancient road Tianjiao confronts the Yuan Dynasty.

Invisible, formed a turbulent event of heaven and glory!

This is like the warm-up match before the Wan Gu Conference.

At the same time, there are many ancient Taoist priests on the Emperor’s Star, and there are also many young Tianjiao. Among them, there are some amazing and brilliant people who have responded to the call of the Yuan Dynasty. From the beginning, together with these ancient roads Tianjiao declared war!

Soon, the two sides fought together, and extended the entire emperor’s star to fight in full swing.

When the two sides meet each other, they are directly fighting.

This young Tianjiao’s battle is a full month.

Naturally, the Tianjiao from the ultimate ancient road is very strong, each one has a proud attitude, such as the dragon like a tiger, the Tianjiao on the emperor’s star is only relatively strong in the Tianjiao of the emperor, and the other Tianjiao from the Tao The celestial arrogance of each ancient universe was inferior, and soon fell to the bottom.

On the whole, the arrogant image of the emperor’s star has already appeared, and the Tianjiao of the ultimate ancient road gradually gained the upper hand.

However, these ancient roads are really strong, but the Tejia Tianjiao is not bad, because there is no shortage of top Tianjiao that has reached the Expert environment. It is very powerful and has become a leading figure, with other Teijin Tianjiao, specializing in Challenge these ancient roads from the forty-nine to the emperor’s star.

Moreover, the Imperial level of the Yuan Dynasty was very strong and directly forced to suppress, and during this time, a considerable part of the ancient road Tianjiao was killed and fallen between heaven and earth.

Undoubtedly, such a move has made other ancient roads arrogantly angry. Originally, there was still a handful of hands. Now it has also killed the killer. It has killed a considerable part of the powerful Tianjiao on the Emperor’s Star, and also has several Emperor Tianjiao.

Among them, one of the Expert-level young supremes who had not participated in the event was invited to come out and collided with the Emperor Tianjiao. It also showed an invincible posture and strongly killed several people of the Tejia Tianjiao.

There is even a Tibetan expedition-level Tianjiao, which has great potential and rushed out of the domain, but it has also been smothered and blood-stained in a star field, greatly reducing the arrogance of the emperor and completely reversing the situation.

For a time, Tianjiao of the ultimate ancient road has achieved absolute superiority. With this ethos, it quickly swept across the various regions of the Emperor.

It was only the early Yuan Dynasty that the Emperor did not retreat. On the contrary, the killing of the Expert-level Emperor Tianjiao completely provoked the anger of the Yuan Dynasty.

Dignified A great old tribe, obviously also has a young supreme.

Although there are not many, there are five, all have the potential of terrifying, all of them are born, and they are all in the field of Expert.

It was originally the birth of the entire emperor one after another in countless years, and it was deducted to the ultimate end of this world’s ultimate road, sealed and ready to go out to participate in the ancient road trials of the young supreme, with terrifying potential, and now all count And out, rushed to these ancient roads, arrogant, strong horizontal push.

If the older generation of the Tetriarchs took the shots of Gulu Tianjiao, the ultimate ancient road would go back to intervene in any case, even counterattack, without fear of everything.

But these are young days of arrogance, all of whom are peers. In a sense, they are all qualified to participate in the trials of the ultimate ancient road. Therefore, the ultimate ancient road is also one eye closed.

The same as the younger generation of life and death, the ultimate ancient road will never be ignored, because there are too many trials and deaths on the ancient roads, the same generation fights the front, does not advance and retreat, only believe in the invincible, can truly stand out The achievement of the imperial power of the heavens.

The ancient road Tianjiao collided with the Emperor Tianjiao very fiercely, and the other young supremes who came from the ancient roads all heard the wind and moved. They all appeared in the same way. They went to the young and supreme for the first time, and they collided with each other to have a splendid spark. A fierce battle.

However, in terms of numbers, there are more ancient roads.

After all, it is not only a young supreme of the ancient universe, but even if all the young supremes are impossible on the ancient road, there are many, more than ten people.

More than the number of hands, the youngest Supreme of the ancient road appeared on the emperor’s star, and consciously for the time being thrown away from each other’s battles, and the young supreme of the Yuan Dynasty.

Unsurprisingly, the Emperor party in the early Yuan Dynasty quickly fell into the wind. Whether the number of Tianjiao is the number of young supreme levels is far less than the ultimate ancient road, and several encounters, can only be willing to go down the wind, but helplessly retreat.

And the Yuan Dynasty was quite jealous of the ultimate ancient road, and did not send a true old generation of peerless powers to attack.

Gu Lu Tianjiao pursues victory and wants to beat the dog.

Other outsiders are seeing blood qi boiling, because the Emperor was too strong at the beginning of this period, and it was too targeted, so many foreign strongs were resentful.

Now I have to see the ancient road Tianjiao win, many people have caught up, onlookers, watching these Yuan Dynasty, the Emperor Tianjiao was chased and killed, was beaten down the water dog, also want to see the normal, the first time the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor is so embarrassing appearance.

In the end, the Emperor’s Tianjiao of the Yuan Dynasty, including the two young emperors of the Dimension, were chased to the main entrance of the Tetri.

The five ancient roads are young and supreme, all of them are full of temperament, and they are forced to fight.

Everyone knows that in the first battle, unless the emperor has a worldly undead, he can only retreat into the emperor.

Just like this, it is destined to make the Tetris lose their majesty, if they are being beaten at their doorstep.

However, this is the unwillingness of the Emperor, who has always been arrogant. For the Teijin, the imperial majesty is higher than everything else, and cannot be insulted. This is especially true for the Supreme Supreme God. It is better to die than to humiliate. Return to the family.

The older generation of the Emperor has no shortage of Super Experts with more than seven days, and even has the Peak Expert and even the Arch of Monarch, but it can’t be shot, because this is a matter of the younger generation, and they are not good at throwing face shots.

And once you take the shot, wait until you provoke the ultimate ancient road.

It must be known that when the youngest supreme ancient road did not shoot, the ancient road Tianjiao was battered and exhausted by the emperor Tianjiao. The ultimate ancient road was closed with one eye, but now they are in the early Yuan Dynasty. Shooting will definitely anger the ultimate road.

For the power of the ultimate ancient road, the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor, is far more aware of the terrifying of the ancient forces that have dominated the universe for countless years.

In this regard, the gates of the Tetris have never been opened, the default, and will not be shot.

The five great ancient roads of the youngest sects joined forces, and the glory of the sky was overwhelming.