Chapter 978 Rudy's Legacy

Chapter 978 Rudy's Legacy

The garden, with its enchanting moonlit ambiance, seemed almost surreal as Rebecca delved deeper into her conversation with Jane. The gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze provided a soothing background to their exchange.

Rebecca's curiosity knew no bounds as she sought to unravel the mysterious arrangements Rudy had made. Her voice held a genuine inquisitiveness as she probed for answers. "What kind of arrangements?" she asked curiously.

Jane, her demeanor composed but burdened by the weight of knowledge, took a deep breath before responding. "Rudy's power to manipulate shadows is unique—unlike any other Lord, although Rudy wasn't just a Lord—and it's tied to his very being. He created a way to pass on some of that power, to make sure you'd have protection."

Rebecca's heart skipped a beat at the mention of protection. Her eyes widened as she leaned in, eager for more details. "Protection? But how?"

Jane proceeded to explain, her words laden with significance. "He created special Shadow Pendants. Each pendant contains a fraction of his power, and he made one for you, for Lucy, and for a select few others he entrusted. When you wear it, it will offer you a degree of protection, a connection to his abilities. It's not as strong as his own power, but it can help in times of need."

Rebecca sat in stunned silence, absorbing the magnitude of this revelation. The idea that Rudy had taken such measures to safeguard their well-being left her profoundly moved. "I... I had no idea. Rudy never mentioned any of this."

Jane, her voice gentle and understanding, sought to provide context. "I think he didn't want to burden you with it," she explained. "I only learned about this after I ate the blue moon fruit. I wasn't sure if I should... interfere. If he didn't tell me or anyone, should I have gone against his will?

Elena, her eyes shining with a mix of emotions, began, "Lucy, there's something important we need to tell you. You deserve to know the whole truth about Rudy and the life he lived."

Lucy, perched on the edge of her seat, listened intently, her curiosity piqued. "What is it? What aren't you telling me?"

Rias, with her vampire charm and wisdom, continued, "Rudy had a unique power, Lucy, the power to manipulate shadows. It wasn't just any power; it was tied to his identity as a Lord."

Alice, the childhood friend who had witnessed Rudy's incredible journey, added, "He was no ordinary person, Lucy. Rudy was a Lord, and with that title came great responsibility and unique abilities."

As they began to share this intricate story, Lucy's reactions ranged from shock to disbelief. The tale seemed almost too fantastical to be true, yet the sincerity in their voices and the details they provided left no room for doubt. The depth of emotion and the gravity of their words painted a vivid picture of Rudy, his powers, and the love and connections that bound them all.

After absorbing this revelation, Lucy took a moment to process it all. She finally spoke, her voice filled with acceptance and a touch of awe, "I can hardly believe it, but I trust all of you. Rudy must have been an incredible person, and I'm grateful for the chance to learn about him and his world."

In the end, Lucy embraced the truth and the extraordinary circumstances surrounding Rudy and his harem. She recognized the strength of character in each of these women who had supported one another through countless trials and tribulations. And while this newfound knowledge might have overwhelmed others, Lucy, with her open heart and inquisitive mind, chose to accept it as a part of her own journey alongside Rudy's remarkable legacy.

The harem members exchanged knowing glances, relieved that Lucy had embraced this revelation with an open heart. Rudy's legacy, both in his powers and the impact he had on those around him, continued to shape the lives of those who had known him, even in his absence.