Chapter 2187 Sharing Realm Core Fragments With The Children

Name:Epic of Caterpillar Author:
Chapter 2187 Sharing Realm Core Fragments With The Children




I shared five of the colorful crystal branches of a hundred meters each to my children. The chosen ones for this were the oldest available here. Aarae, Valentia, Scarlet, Nirah, and Alucard. Alucard wasn't older than the harpy children, but I planned to give them all a branch at the same time, something I was going to do later.

For now, I wasn't going to bring everyone but only these five children alongside their mothers and most of my wives, though I'll still leave some behind. I don't want to bring too many because then I'll lose sight of them all easily, and I want to take care of them even as we fight.


"This feeling, it is so all-encompassing..."


"I feel so much stronger now!"

"Mama, my powers...!"

All five of them grew tremendously strong. They had already reached the peak of Supreme God Realm by now, and after absorbing the branches of the Daul Realm Core "Tree", they quickly evolved into their next forms.

[Your Daughter [Valentia] has Evolved into the [World-Eating Cosmic Chaos Megalodon Dragon Princess Of Void Seas]!]

[Your Daughter [Valentia] has developed the Unique Skill: [World-Eating Void-Swimming Chaos Megalodon Dragon Authority: [Dragon Form]: Lv1]!]

[Your Daughter [Aarae] has Evolved into the [Cosmic Sage Mershark Princess Of Primordial Seas]!]

[Your Daughter [Aarae] has developed the Unique Skill: [Primordial Cosmic Seas Mershark Princess Authority: [Seas]: Lv1]!]

Valentia and Aarae only changed slightly. My two adorable shark baby girls had already matured quite a lot after evolving and ascending into Gods, so there was little for them to change respecting age appearance. However, Valentia's hair gained black strands, she got three pairs of demonic, draconic horns above her head, and even sharper fangs and black scaled claws.

"Hahaha! I didn't change that much but I like these four giant dragon legs, it'll let me run faster."

Her ripped, muscular body was even bulkier than before, and her dorsal fin and lower body, which was a mix of shark and chaos dragon, was even more all-encompassing, now with four huge dragon legs, making her look like a draconic centaur. Her size already being of over ten meters in her "smallest" form. She was a true titaness of the seas, and now the cosmos.

"Oh my, my appearance, why am I glowing so brightly?"

"E-Eh? Well you certainly look really pretty, Nirah!" I smiled, giving her a head pat. "But you're still young, don't think about mating and stuff."

"Well, didn't big sis Aarae get pregnant? And also big sis Nesiphae!" Said Scarlet, interrupting the conversation.

"Hahaha, well, if you get yourself a boyfriend and he's good natured I might allow you to have one... But let's not talk about this." I sighed.

"Boyfriend? But I want a girlfriend!" Nirah pouted. "Scarlet, wanna become my girlfriend?"

"E-EH?!" Scarlet blushed. "Nirah! W-What are you talking about? We're sisters, dummy!"

"But we're not related..." Nirah blushed a bit.

"Huh? Have you ever felt this way?" Scarlet tilted her head.

"I dunno, but when I'm with Scarlet I am the happiest." Nirah smiled, hugging her. "Mooch!" She kissed her cheek. "I love Scarlet!"

"Uwaah..." Scarlet suddenly got even redder than she already was. "L-Let me think about it first..."

"Oh my... I never expected this development." I giggled to myself. "Now, Alucard, you're the last. Oh, you're done already? You barely grew up!"

"I'm still growing, mama!" Alucard said. "But I'm stronger now! I will protect both of my mamas."

[Your Son [Alucard] has Evolved into the [True Primordial Cosmic Blood Dao Vampire Prince]!]

[Your Son [Alucard] has developed the Unique Skill: [Primordial Cosmic Blood Dao Vampire Authority: [Vampirism]: Lv1]!]

His evolution was really interesting though! He didn't become anything like Agatheina or Alice. My son Alucard was truly shaping himself to be something completely different.

I wonder what the future awaits for him... Well, I might see more of his potential now.

"Alright, time for the grand finale before we go kick some ass in Hell to pass the time." I smiled. "Alucard my son, do you want to grow even stronger?"


