At that time, he, the chief director, don't want to do it!

Maybe you have to be a gangster, it's the Waterloo of the director's career!

Finally, Ji Ziqiu couldn't sit still, he decided to go to Mary Thirteen to have a look.

Cheer her up and see if she can make her debut in the evening, when the Spring Festival Gala is officially broadcast live.


On Mary Thirteen's side, Zou Wenping is taking her pulse.

After a while, Zou Wenping retracted his finger on Mary Thirteen's wrist.

Mary Thirteen was a little lost.

Did you use this way of touching your hands when you went to see a doctor?

Why don't you touch it more? I didn't say anything!

Deng Ziqi looked at Zou Wenping and asked with concern.

"How is Miss Leopold's condition?"

"Did you see it? Can it be cured?"

Zou Wenping smiled.

"Fortunately, the problem is not big."

"It's just a little kidney deficiency!"


Deng Ziqi asked in surprise.

"What are you talking about? Kidney deficiency? Who? She?"

"Will she also have kidney deficiency? Are you sure you are not talking nonsense?"

Hearing Deng Ziqi's words, Zou Wenping looked over with contempt.

Said with a silly smile.

"In your cognition, is it true that only men have kidney deficiency?"

Deng Ziqi blinked.

"Is not it?"

Zou Wenping contemptuously said.

"Of course not! You are ignorant!"

"Not only men have kidneys, women also have them!"

"The kidney is the innate foundation of man, and the spleen is the foundation of man's acquired nature!"

"Traditional Chinese medicine (caae) pays attention to the harmonious operation of yin and yang and the five elements."

"The kidney is mainly in charge of the balance of yin and yang in the human internal organs. There is one on each side of the kidney, which is the balance!"

"This organ is very important and contains the driving force for vitality activities!"

"Once there is an abnormality in this organ, people will be sluggish and weak in limbs!"

Deng Ziqi nodded seemingly understanding.

At this time, if you don't nod your head, you will be regarded as an idiot by Zou Wenping.

So even if you don’t understand, you have to pretend to understand.

Deng Ziqi asked.

"You said so much, does it have anything to do with her condition?"

Zou Wenping said angrily.

"Didn't I just talk about it, Thirteen, she has kidney deficiency!"

"When I was getting her pulse, I found her pulse was weak."

"My judgment is that she hasn't eaten much recently, which has caused the lack of nutrition in the internal organs."

"She came to Xia from Hibella, and there was a 7-hour time difference between the two countries."

"When Xia Guo was one o'clock in the morning, Hibanya was only six o'clock in the afternoon."

"In the chat that day, she said that she was in jet lag, but the biological clock has not yet been applied."

"If I didn't have a good rest, I will continue to rehearse the next day. Yesterday, I rehearsed continuously for 17 hours!"

"For Thirteen, the overdraft of the body is not generally strong."

"So when I saw her last night, I didn't have the initial vitality, but looked sluggish!"

"Malnutrition, coupled with overdraft of the body, leads to a lack of kidney qi, and then weak limbs!"

Zou Wenping kept talking about his own judgment.

Because he explained to Deng Ziqi again, he spoke only Mandarin.

While the translator was surprised, she did her best to translate the Mandarin spoken by Zou Wenping into Hibanyan and spoke it to Mary XIII.

The female doctor next to him asked with some confusion.

"Brother Ping, I know you sing very well."

"But seeing a doctor is probably not your specialty."

"These are all your guesses, right? Doctors can't just draw conclusions based on guesses!"

After hearing the words of the female doctor, Deng Ziqi was unhappy and wanted to refute, but Zou Wenping secretly pulled her away.

Zou Wenping smiled.

"I am certainly not a professional when it comes to seeing a doctor."

"But I also know some orpiment, and when I or my friends are in a hug, I can help them recuperate."

The female doctor retorted puzzledly.

"Then you can't just talk about it, what if it's wrong?"

Zou Wenping raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"What if it's a couple?"


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

There is true love in the world, and a flower is also love! .

Chapter 969

Mary Thirteen, lying on the bed, was full of surprise when she heard what the translator said.

Mary Thirteen looked at Zou Wenping in surprise and spoke in English.

"Teacher, you are too right!"

"After I decided to come to Xia Guo to perform, in order to keep in shape, I started to lose weight, using the diet method without staple food."

"When I came to Xia Country, I was already a little dizzy, so I ate a little bit of something."

"I didn't expect the intensity of the Spring Festival Gala rehearsal to be so strong, especially yesterday for 17 hours in a row."

"Before the third round of rehearsal came to me, it was already a bit weak."

"However, at that time, I was able to grit my teeth and insist on meeting, so I went on stage to perform."

"As a result, I went back to the room last night, and when I lay on the bed, I felt like the sky was spinning, and fell asleep groggy!"

If Mary Thirteen was speaking Hibana, no one except Zou Wenping could understand it.

When she speaks English like this, everyone in the room can hear her clearly!


After Deng Ziqi heard Mary Thirteen's words, she wanted to raise her hand!

Uncle, you can speak English early!

Why are you talking about Hibana?

As a result, every time grandma listens to you and Zou Wenping, she can’t get in as if she’s listening to the heavenly scriptures.

You can speak English in the end!

In fact, Mary Thirteen can not be blamed.

For Europeans and Americans, English is the official language like Xia Guo's Mandarin.

And Hibanya, like the dialect of Xia, belongs to a minor language.

When you are away, everyone you meet must speak English.

It's hard to come across Zou Wenping, who can speak Hibanian, as if seeing a fellow villager.

Zou Wenping is very fluent in Hispanic, so fluent enough to hear the voice, he will think that he is a Hispanic!

So Mary Thirteen, when communicating with Zou Wenping in Hibana, she will feel more cordial!

Then I couldn't help it, and kept speaking Hibanya.

I just heard the translator say something, that the female doctor who is seeing a doctor is attacking Zou Wenping.

How can you bear it? So I expressed my true feelings in English!

After hearing what Mary Thirteen said, the female doctor wanted to smoke her too.

As a doctor of CCTV, she treated not only Xia Guo's patients, but also foreigners who came to CCTV to participate in the program.

Therefore, her English is also very fluent.

I knew Mary Thirteen's English was so good, when I first saw a doctor, I didn't need to translate it.

She can directly inquire about the condition!

The translator had long known that Mary Thirteen could speak English, but she did not speak out.

She is a Hibanian translator!

The content of the job is to translate the Hibanian of Mary Thirteen to others.

At the same time, they also translated other people's languages ​​to Mary XIII.

If everyone knew that Mary Thirteen could speak English, who would use her as a translator?

Wouldn't this well-paid job be gone?

The fool said outside.

Zou Wenping and Mary Thirteen ignored the thoughts of Deng Ziqi and the others.

Mary Thirteen asked eagerly in English.

"Teacher, you know what happened to me."

"Then can you heal me? At least let me be able to officially perform on stage today!"

"For this party, I worked hard to rehearse for more than two months."

"Seeing that there are still ten hours, I will be on stage, but at this time I was forced to abstain."

"As a singer, this is very sad!"

Looking at Mary Thirteen's pleading expression.

Whoever looks at that pitiful little appearance will feel distressed.

I have to sigh, does Lianxiangxiyu have a mentality that everyone has?

Although she is a Hibanian, Zou Wenping felt his heart melt when he understood what she was saying and looked at her expression.