Seeing this scene, Cheng Long, Zhang Manyu and others took a look.

Just now they said they were going to peel the eggs. They just followed Louise's words, just kidding!

Unexpectedly, a mere joke made many people take it seriously!

This is probably the star effect that Zou Wenping said!

Although Louise is not famous, she has a very famous father.

So what she said can be noticed by many people.

Then, Cheng Long and others took advantage of the situation and joked.

This made many people believe it was true.

Then everyone said, everyone believed that in the end, these people believed that peeling eggs in a Chinese restaurant was a symbol of status and wealth!

People have a herd mentality and a yearning for happiness.

This is probably the same as the Trevi Fountain!

In some scenic spots, a statue is erected in the middle of the Trevi Fountain.

The statue's hand is dragging a narrow-necked bottle.

The mouth of the bottle is so small that it can only fit a dollar coin into it.

A sign stands beside the Trevi Fountain.

It says.

"Stand on the edge of the Trevi Fountain and drop coins into the Ruyi Bottle in the hands of the statue."

"If coins can be put into the mouth of the wishful bottle, everything will come true!"

It's that simple two sentences.

Just put in a coin and you can do whatever you want.

Very nonsense!

But some people believe it!

And many people believe it!

Next to the Trevi Fountain, there is a table where several scenic service staff sit.

Specially for tourists who have coin ideas to exchange coins.

Behind them are boxes of coins.

Occasionally throw two coins, if you can throw in, it will be a win.

If you can't get in, just assume that nothing has happened and just continue to play.

But some people believe in such nonsense.

Carrying a basket of coins, there must be hundreds of them.

Sprinkle it into the wishing pool.

Fight the probability, the more you cast, the higher the probability of hitting the bottle mouth!

This behavior of throwing coins into the wishing pool.

Referred to as the act of throwing coins!



At the entrance of the Chinese restaurant, holding banknotes to spend money to peel eggs for the Chinese restaurant.

It is similar to the behavior of dropping coins in the wishing pool of the scenic spot.

They all heard Louise's sentence at first.

"A rich man who has never come to a Chinese restaurant to peel an egg, don't say how rich you are!"

"A politician who has not come to a Chinese restaurant to peel eggs, don't say you have many rights!"

Then spread it by mistake.

Passing on, it adds a more mysterious color to things like peeling eggs.

Not only a status symbol, but also good luck!

According to the spread, these businessmen and politicians have already believed in such ridiculous things.

Zhang Manyu looked at Cheng Long and smiled.

"Big brother, don't you go in line to peel the eggs?"

Cheng Long chuckled.

"Am I that stupid?"

Then he looked at Louise and asked curiously.

"Louis, what you said just now, are you kidding me?"

··0 Seeking flowers 0···

Where to know.

The beauty of the instigator saw the scene of tourists lining up to strip eggs.

It was unexpectedly anxious.

"Wrong, misguided!"

"I knew I wouldn't talk about it!"

"These people have robbed my eggs, what am I peeling?"


Cheng Long and Zhang Manyu were dumbfounded.

Is this girl serious?

Cheng Long is preparing to persuade.

Louise had left him and ran towards Zou Wenping.

"Boss, Mr. Zou Wenping!"

"Skin peeling eggs, but I brought it up first!"

"Can you let me jump in and let me strip 50?"


Zou Wenping also thought that what Louise just said was just to help the Chinese restaurant solicit business.


Didn't expect that she really believed this?

Zou Wenping looked at Cheng Long embarrassedly.

Cheng Long shook his head helplessly and signaled to Zou Wenping to take care of it by himself!

Zou Wenping patted her shoulder and sighed.

"Don't worry, I will cook 50 more eggs for you!"

Almost everyone of those businessmen and dignitaries who lined up asked for 50 eggs.

Zou Wenping used a bucket to cook 1,600 eggs.

Distribute these eggs.

Then, I saw a very unforgettable picture that made Zou Wenping a human being.

Louise, and those businessmen and dignitaries from all over the world.

There are more than thirty people in total.

Each held fifty eggs and peeled them happily there.

While peeling the eggs, smile happily!

As if they are doing something that makes them very happy.

Some people even asked their friends who came to visit Tyre to take photos and videos.

Be prepared to post it on social platforms in a while.

Whether these eggs can bring them good luck, Zou Wenping doesn't know.

However, what Zou Wenping knows is that these eggs bring fortune to the Chinese restaurant!


The behavior of throwing coins was just seen by the author two days ago.

I really can't understand it!

If throwing coins can really do what you want, everyone should go to the Trevi Fountain with a sack of coins!

Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket! three.

Mime private 717

For 1,600 eggs, you will pay a Chinese restaurant 1,000 dollars to peel one egg.

If these eggs are all peeled by these people.

The Chinese restaurant did nothing and made a net profit of 1.6 million US dollars!

Converted into RMB is more than 10 million!

And the peeled eggs must be reserved for the Chinese restaurant!

The most important thing is that the few people in the Chinese restaurant do not need to peel the eggs, they can directly process the steamed meat!

Watching the hot people peeling eggs.

Reba couldn't help whispering.

"Wenping, I'm hungry, when shall we have lunch?"

After lunch, I went to the Chinese restaurant for lunch.

This has been the case for the past 22 days.

Today, however, something unexpected happened.

During the lunch "eight-eight-seven", Zhang Manyu, Lin Qingxia, and Wang Zuixian, three days later.

Finally, Zhang Manyu and the others, as well as the rest of the guests' dishes, were all prepared.

At this time, Cheng Long came with Louise.

Then Louise will hold a birthday party in the Chinese restaurant.

And also gave a list of fairy-like invitations!

That's fine, after all, it's tomorrow's affairs, and Zou Wenping has already figured out how to deal with it.

The key is.

Louise said something suddenly.

"A rich man who has never come to a Chinese restaurant to peel an egg, don't say how rich you are!"

"A politician who has not come to a Chinese restaurant to peel eggs, don't say you have many rights!"

Under the influence of people's falsehood, the peeling of eggs is covered with mystery.

And also specially emphasized that you must peel the eggs in the Chinese restaurant.

In addition, the Chinese restaurant will be closed for seven days.