Looking at the reporter's arm, Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "I haven't finished yet. The second thing is that we, the European and American twitter social network and Huaxia Yunqing social network, have already made mobile phone apps. After you have bought WiFi router and your mobile phone can surf the Internet for free, you don't need to send text messages any more. As long as you talk about it on the social network, there will be no problem. The video, voice and other functions that can be achieved on the computer can still be achieved on the mobile phone. At the same time, we also developed a red envelope and payment function. You can connect the website app with your bank card, which can send red packets to friends and buy things. As long as you have money in your card, you can travel around the world with your mobile phone. One machine in hand, I have the world, it is the beginning of the intelligent era. "

Speaking of this, the reporters under the stage glared and wrote in their books.

These two news are really shocking.

Xiao Yunhai continued: "the third thing is a game developed by our Yunqing game company, called" battle of the king ", which has achieved the synchronization of computer and mobile phone. Download on the computer, needless to say, the storm home page. As for mobile phones, it's in the games section of the app page on social networking sites. Download cost 10 US dollars, the game is very fun, you can use the Yunyi bank card to buy directly online. At the same time, this will be the world's first mobile game, we storm game company will develop more mobile games, welcome players to play. "

"Well, today's three news has been released, you have any questions to ask."

"Mr. Xiao, how wide is the signal coverage of WiFi router? Can it meet the requirements of netizens? When can it be launched into the market? What's the price? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the signal can cover 20 meters, even if there is a wall blocking, there is no problem. We Yunqing network company has started cooperation with general motors, and they will produce and sell them. In less than a month, events will appear in the market. As for the price has not been set, but no more than 500 dollars. One year, three years. "

"Mr. Xiao, can WiFi be used on any mobile phone?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "No. Unless we use the universal system developed by Yazhou electronic technology company, other systems are difficult to connect with WiFi. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's reply, all the people scolded in their hearts.

What a shame. It's killing other mobile phone companies. If you want to get online for free, you have to use a universal system.

Not only hit the opponent, but also promote the sales of Yazhou mobile phones, absolutely kill two birds with one stone.

What's more, mobile phone developers can only use universal system unless they find another way. Just the royalty, can let Yazhou earn basin full bowl full.

"Mr. Xiao, your social networking website app has more red packets and payment functions. Which bank credit cards can netizens connect with? And how do we use it to buy real things? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "the bank card and Barker bank card connected to Yunyi shopping network are OK. As for the payment in reality, it will take some time. We will provide a unique two-dimensional code for businesses. You only need to scan it with the camera head of your mobile phone to realize the payment function. Here, I also appeal to businessmen all over the world to sign up for a QR code, which only needs 200 US dollars. However, in the future, we will charge a handling fee of 1%

"It's a great move."

"How much is the one percent service charge for global businesses? God, I can't believe it. "

"Yunqing network company is bound to be on fire this time. With this app alone, it will be the first network company in the world. It's impossible for STEL networks to be their rival. "

"Xiao Yunhai's idea is worth a trillion yuan."

A reporter asked, "Mr. Xiao, there are more games on social networking app. How many online games can a mobile phone drive?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "please note that I am talking about hand games, not online games. Mobile game refers to the game that can be played on the mobile phone. Its structure is relatively simple and easy to operate. Take our Yazhou electronic technology company's rice grain mobile phone as an example, even the lowest configuration mobile phone is still smooth and fast. As for how many games can drive, it depends on how big the mobile game you play

"Mr. Xiao, will your app only run games developed by yourself?"

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "of course not. No matter which company is interested, you can put it on the app game module of our social networking website. After all, no matter how strong a company is, how many games can it develop? "

"And how would you charge?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "the price hasn't been set yet. Let's talk about it later."

"Mr. Xiao, do you want to connect WiFi with the network? Is the procedure troublesome?"

"No trouble, very simple. If you're smart, you can do it in less than two minutes "Mr. Xiao, you..."

the news Xiao Yunhai said was too frightening and would have a great impact on people's lives. Therefore, the reporters asked in great detail, and they asked for 40 or 50 minutes before they stopped.Xiao Yunhai took a sip of water and said, "OK, since everyone has no problem. Let's try WiFi speed ourselves. If you have a rice grain mobile phone, you can open the WLAN bar. There is only one fc888 number in it. Click once and enter the password of 8 8, and you can surf the Internet for free. "

Rice grain mobile phones have sold 218 million units in Europe and the United States, because of its excellent camera function, most journalists use it.

According to Xiao Yunhai's method, we tried it. As expected, we were able to surf the Internet for free, and the speed was very fast.

Xiao Yunhai stood up and said, "OK, this is the end of today's press conference. Please help us publicize it after you go back. As to when we will meet you formally, please wait for our notice. Goodbye, everyone. "

Xiao Yunhai was about to leave when a loud voice rang in the conference room. "Just a moment, Mr. Xiao."

It was Zhang Likun who was hiding among the reporters.

Zhang Likun, dressed in a suit, with a serious face and an air of integrity, walked to the rostrum with his five subordinates.

Several bodyguards quickly stopped them and said, "please don't disturb the launch."

Xiao Yunhai has already noticed them, waved his hand and said, "let them come here."

Zhang Likun six people came to Xiao Yunhai, took out their certificates from their arms and said, "I am a policeman of Yanjing intermediate people's court. Mr. Xiao, you are suspected of a homicide case. Please come with me and we will go there."

"Click, click."

Numerous cameras, cameras shutter sound, flash like a sea of thunder.

No one expected that Xiao Yunhai had just held a press conference that might change the world. In a flash, he would be taken away by the Chinese police. It is estimated that this kind of bridge can only be seen in the film.

Xiao Yunhai's face sank. Seeing that Zhang Likun took out his handcuffs in full view of the public, he angrily said, "do you want to show prestige in front of the whole world? Or do you think handcuffs work for me

Zhang Likun said, "Mr. Xiao, we are only on business. The court summons will not be seen in seven days, and will be considered a major criminal suspect.

Christie sneered, "this is America, not China."

"But Mr. Xiao is a Chinese, unless he becomes an American and becomes an American," Zhang said

Xiao Yunhai is secretly pleased that what he wants is this most shocking effect. Zhang Likun's practice is undoubtedly no better than that. I believe that at least he can make headlines in the major media all over the world for a month.

But he put on an angry look on his face. He stretched out his arms and sneered, "I'll see what kind of handcuffs can lock me."

Zhang Likun didn't have the slightest hesitation, and directly handcuffed Xiao Yunhai's two hands.

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