After the meeting, Xiao Yunhai and Wang Guoan were interviewed by reporters.

Wang Guoan said: "in order to train a group of excellent new directors and ensure that the film industry will not be in a situation of matchmaking, our artists Protection Association will launch a support fund for cutting-edge directors. As long as there are appropriate scripts and good abilities, we will provide funds for him to shoot."

As soon as the reporters heard this, their spirits suddenly came.

"Mr. Wang, what kind of conditions do new directors need to get this opportunity?"

Wang Guoan said with a smile: "first of all, we will send someone to strictly review the script. After the review, we will invite the director of the script to come over and let him talk about the shooting ideas. If these two aspects are OK, you can basically apply for it. "

"Where did the money come from? Are there any restrictions? "

Wang Guoan pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said, "of course, it comes from Mr. Xiao. As for the limit, the capital must be 100 million. After all, they're all new people, and it's impossible for them to make a big movie the first time they do it. "

"Mr. Xiao, how much do you invest every year? Are you not afraid of failure? After all, they're all new directors. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "I don't think a new director can't make a good film. All directors all over the world have come from this stage. I believe that there must be many talented directors in Huaxia who are unable to make a breakthrough in the entertainment industry. I hope the fund can give them a stage to show themselves. As for the capital, I will invest two billion every day. "

"If the final films made by these directors are generally not good at the box office, will you still invest in the next year?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if the final profit is less than 2 billion, I will make up for the difference. If there is no money left, I will continue to make up for two billion. Ladies and gentlemen, this investment is not for making money, but for the development of Chinese film industry. "

"If you make money, will you take it out and do something else?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "do not take a cent, continue to do the funds for the second year. I sincerely wish those new directors who have failed to meet their talents to succeed. "

Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai dismissed the reporter and returned home.

The first thing is to open the map of China's mineral resources on the Internet to see the natural resources that have been explored in the West.

In his previous life, he was a representative of geography when he was at school. He still remembers the distribution of China's resources. He can't remember the smaller coal mines and oilfields, but there is no problem with the larger ones.

Comparing the mineral resources map of Western China with the geographical knowledge learned in previous generations, Xiao Yun Haydn was pleasantly surprised.

Because he found that Tahe oilfield, which was very famous in the previous life, was not exploited, which is a great good thing for Xiao Yunhai.

But after all, there are very big differences between the two worlds, and no one knows whether there will be errors.

Anyway, it's no harm to check it. If there is, Xiao Yunhai will make a profit.

We should know that Tahe oilfield is one of China's top ten oil fields in the past. It took more than ten years of exploration to be discovered. The proven reserves reached 2.3 billion tons, equivalent to 16 billion barrels. If you can take it down, Xiao Yunhai will definitely make a profit.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai found the location of the oil field in the original geography textbook and directly dialed Kristi's phone.

"Hey, Mr. Xiao, do you have anything important to do?"

It's three o'clock in the morning in Los Angeles, and Christie asked, yawning.

Xiao Yunhai said, "I'm very sorry to disturb you, Ms. Kristi."

Christie said, "it doesn't matter. Mr. Xiao, if you have anything to say

"Good news, Ms. Christie. In order to speed up the development of Western China, China's government has fully liberalized the restrictions on the development of natural resources. That is to say, if we find oil, we only need to

spend 30%.

Xiao Yunhai explained the content of the meeting in the afternoon.

Christie is a very intelligent person who can get to her present position. After hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, she directly asked, "Mr. Xiao, do you know where there is oil?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Miss Christie, you are so clever. However, I'm not sure if there is such a place. The reason why I'm calling you is that you should organize a reliable exploration team to Tarim Township, Cook County as soon as possible. If I find something, I will buy it directly. At the same time, we will set up an oil company and enter the world oil industry. "

Christie nodded and said, "I see what you mean, Mr. Shaw. I have previously reported to you that we own 22% of the shares of the famous PEC oil and gas company in the United States. Recently, we have secretly acquired 16% of the shares, which adds up to 38%. We have become the largest shareholder of PEC oil and gas company. We can take it down if you want to. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "what's the situation of this company now?""Not very optimistic," Kristi said. It is an old American oil company, and at its best, it was in the top ten of the world. But now due to long-term poor management, has been lonely. The main reason why I am interested in it is that I want to take advantage of its low share price to make a profit and leave. "

"You mean you're optimistic that the company will come back from the dead," Xiao asked

Christie said, "yes. There is a saying in China that a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Peck oil and gas company is mainly engaged in the exploration, production, refining, transportation and sales of oil and natural gas, with a complete range of departments. The reason why they can't do it now is that their technology is relatively backward and their funds are seriously insufficient. In recent years, they have been making money. What's more, they have not found large oil fields. As a result, their oil reserves are getting lower and lower, and their market value is declining. If there is a foreign investment, it will be able to make a living immediately. I was just waiting for the intervention of outsiders, but I didn't expect to see you in the end. "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "Ms. Kristi, we have sufficient funds. I think we can buy this PEC oil and gas company. But the premise is that my shares must account for more than 80%. If it is 100%, it would be better. "

Christie laughed, "no problem. Peck's shareholders have been hesitating whether to keep the shares or not? I believe it will be taken down in a few days. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "very good. As soon as you buy it, let me know immediately that I will go to hold a meeting for them in person and find a person I can trust to run the company. Then we will call on the explorers to Xinjiang. If there is oil, we will be completely successful. "

Xiao Yunhai's complete success is not just a Tahe Oilfield in Xinjiang, but a real oil tycoon.

Because the distribution of oil in this world is similar to that in previous generations, but there are many more oilfields that did not exist in previous generations, and there are also many less oil fields that appeared in previous generations.

If there were Tahe oil in the Tarim Basin of Xinjiang, Xiao Yunhai would immediately send people to other areas to explore and exploit oil according to the previous world oil distribution map.

Don't need too much, just need to win four or five large oil fields, Xiao Yunhai's wealth will immediately step up a big step, from his goal is also a step closer.

After talking with Kristi, Xiao Yunhai opened the world oil field distribution map on the Internet and found some famous oil fields in the past.

Once the Tahe field really exists, he will immediately send PEC oil and gas to explore there.

The government work meeting took two and a half days to complete. As last year, several leaders accompanied everyone to have lunch in Ziguangge. , the fastest update of the webnovel!