Originally angry Chen Qingqing did not expect his old friend would say so. He sighed and said, "it's not easy for him."

Li Yuehua raised her eyebrows and said, "is Wang Taichang going to dismiss me?"

Xiao Yunhai chuckled, shook his head and said, "Li Yuehua, you and your cousin Tian Junhao are really cousins. It's shameless to do things. "

Li Yuehua frowned upside down, a pair of beautiful eyes shot out fierce light, staring at Xiao Yunhai, angrily: "Xiao Yunhai, do you dare to scold me?"

Xiao Yunhai snorted and said, "you and Tian Junhao are the same. If there is no Li family, you will not be able to get along with your temper in the entertainment industry. Li Yuehua, I know that you are deliberately troubling me for Tian Junhao's sake, but I tell you, you really can't do it. "

Li Yuehua would like to eat Xiao Yunhai, the expression on his face has been difficult to see the extreme.

Unfortunately, in the face of Xiao Yunhai, she really has no way.

In terms of family background, Xiao Yunhai's Xiao family is much more powerful than his Li family. In terms of status, he is far behind him in the entertainment industry, and even worse than his talent.

It can be said that in the past, her superiority was worthless in front of Xiao Yunhai.

Li Yuehua bit his lip and gave Xiao Yunhai a vicious look. Then he turned to Wang Xiangnan and said, "director Wang, do you really want to drive me out of Yanjing TV station? I tell you, it's easy to get rid of me, but it's hard to get me back. "

Xiao Yunhai disdains to say: "you are also this son skill."

Li Yuehua couldn't stand Xiao Yunhai's ridicule any more. He stamped his foot and said, "good, good. You dare to bully me together. Let's see."

With that, she left without looking back.

Wang Xiang Nan looked at Li Yuehua's back and frowned uncontrollably. His eyes were full of worry.

He knew Li Yuehua's departure, and then he expected to meet the anger of the Li family.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mr. Wang, are you worried about the Revenge of the Li family?"

Wang Xiangnan nodded and said, "yes. Although the Li family is not the most powerful political family in China, it is far from what I can contend with. Li Yuehua was expelled by me today. I'm afraid it will be me who will be expelled tomorrow. But I don't regret it. For three years, I've really had enough of her cowardice. It's a big deal. Wang Xiangnan retired to farm. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "this is not necessarily. Yanjing TV station in the national local TV stations, ratings have been ranked in the top five, the above can not be seen. What's more, today is the sensitive period of the Ministry of culture, and the Li family absolutely dare not make any big moves. Once caught by the opponent, the Li family will be finished in the Ministry of culture. They won't do things that are small and lose big. "

At the same time, I can't help but think that Mr. Xiang Yunliang, who asked Mr. Xiao Yunliang to help him out in the upper class, thought that it was Xiao Yunliang who didn't know about Xiao Yunliang's culture

Xiao Yunhai said: "don't worry, a Li Yuehua can't lift any big waves. What we need to deal with most now is how to deal with the aftermath. Li Yuehua is gone. Is star interview going on

Wang Xiangnan thought for a while and said, "if the four agree, I'd like to change another host to record again. What do you think?"

Xiao Yunhai looked at each other and said with a smile: "no problem."

Soon, a 30-year-old, fashion, mature and sexy female host Zhang Jie came to the public.

When she learned that she would take over the program, Zhang Jie was very excited and said, "director Wang, thank you for giving me this opportunity. You can rest assured that I will work well. "

Wang Xiang Nan said, "now is the biggest test for you. It's up to you whether you can pass or not. "

Zhang Jie nodded and said, "I understand."

Ten minutes have passed since the 20 minute break. Zhang Jie read the script at the fastest speed and communicated with Xiao Yunhai and others before entering the studio.

Director Liu Jianzao told everyone that the host of the program had changed and needed to re record the program. After a burst of noise at the beginning, the audience quickly recovered.

It's good to record again. At least, I can watch Xiao Yunhai more.

Zhang Jie has been working in Yanjing TV station for ten years. Originally, she was just a location host. Through her own efforts, she slowly climbed to a news program host. Her talent and ability are not a little stronger than Li Yuehua.

The recording of the whole program was very smooth. It took only an hour to complete.

After sending off the audience, Xiao Yunhai gave Zhang Jie a thumbs up and said, "Miss Zhang is really powerful."

Zhang Jie said gratefully, "thank you for Mr. Xiao's praise."

She knew that with the praise of Xiao Yunhai, as long as there was no accident, she would certainly become the host of the star interview.

Sure enough, Wang Xiangnan gave the program to Zhang Jie directly.At noon, Wang Xiangnan invited everyone to have a meal. They talked and laughed on the wine table. The atmosphere was very warm.

Yanjing a luxury villa, Li Yuehua opened the door, angrily walked into the living room, a buttock sat on the sofa, said: "Dad, you must revenge for me."

Li Guoke seldom had a party at noon today. Seeing his daughter's appearance, he could not help laughing and said, "who dares to be angry with our eldest Miss Li?"

Li Yuehua said: "Dad, it's Xiao Yunhai. Today I was really bullied by him."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's name, Li Guoke could not help frowning, and his face became serious. He asked in a deep voice, "how did you provoke him?"

Li Guoke really knows his daughter's character too well. Don't ask, he knew that it must be Li Yuehua who annoyed Xiao Yunhai. Otherwise, in the other party's current status and status, he would not have paid attention to her.

Li Yuehua tooted her mouth and said discontentedly, "Dad, who are you with? How can you elbow out. "

Li Guoke snorted and said coldly," you tell me everything from the beginning to the end. I'll listen to how Xiao Yunhai bullied you? "

Li Yuehua told the whole process of the matter. He made light of Xiao Yunhai's troubles and described how he was ridiculed by Xiao Yunhai.

Li Guoke can control the giant of Guoke iron and steel group. His mental ability is not comparable to that of ordinary people. After listening to Li Yuehua's description, he immediately infers the truth of the matter.

Li Guoke asked quietly, "what are you going to do?"

Li Yuehua said bitterly: "remove the director Wang Xiangnan and vice director Geng Jiakang from their posts, and then drive out of Yanjing TV station, otherwise it will be hard to eliminate the hatred in my heart."

On hearing this, Li Guoke said in a sharp voice: "nonsense. You think the TV station is owned by our family, and you can withdraw whoever you want. I ask you, did you deliberately embarrass Xiao Yunhai in order to help your cousin, so that you were defeated by others? "

Li Yuehua's eyes flashed a little panic and said, "No

"You don't have to lie to me. What is Xiao Yunhai's identity? How can he trouble you for no reason? " Speaking of this, Li guokedun sighed and said, "Yuehua, you are no longer small. Don't be so willful in the future. Some people must not offend, Xiao Yunhai is one of them. "

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