Chapter 966: Clean up the battlefield

It can be said that today's alien creatures are dying, just like those of his companions, and they are equally incapable of saving themselves or others.

After this alien creature crashed to the ground, it also meant that this battle must be over. With the help of one person, Wang Zheng had already wiped out so many alien creatures here.

As for the soldiers behind, they are still there now, watching everything happening in front of them with their mouths wide open. They thought that Wang Zheng was going to die. After all, the feet of the alien creature seemed to be Wang Zheng. It's impossible to avoid it, but what's happening now is simply challenging their thinking.

Sure enough, they couldn't think about all the things Wang Zheng was facing with normal thinking, just like Wang Zheng attacked those alien creatures just now and killed all the alien creatures.

"I will leave it to you to clean the battlefield." Wang Zheng said as he looked at the soldiers who had been dumbfounded and had not realized what was going on.

After speaking, Wang Zheng already raised his foot and was about to leave this place.

The alien creatures in this place have already solved Wang Zheng's natural reason for not staying in this place, because the reason why he came here was originally because of the existence of alien creatures here.

It's just that I don't know if there are any extraterrestrial creatures in other places, Wang Zheng has to go and see it, otherwise he won't be able to feel at ease.

It's just like here. If Wang Zheng doesn't come here, it's hard to imagine what will happen here. After all, those soldiers are simply not the opponents of these more than 20 alien creatures.

If these soldiers are allowed to deal with these alien creatures, not only will these soldiers die, but when these alien creatures leave this place and go to other places with many people, the people there will also die.

At this time, the soldiers woke up like a dream after hearing what Wang Zheng said. Yes, now Wang Zheng has killed these alien creatures, but some alien creatures have not yet died, they still He took a sigh of relief, but he just couldn't act.

What they have to do now is to make the last cut to these alien creatures, or tie them up so that they have no mobility.

As for the dead alien creatures, in order to prevent them from recovering or something magical happening, they still have to transport these things back. It’s just so many alien creatures, and they are so huge. , I’m afraid it will take a while.

After they received Wang Zheng’s order, they hurried to take action. They have already said that the time spent cleaning up some extraterrestrial creatures should be a lot of people now at night, and there are still very few people passing by. They are the most Fortunately, at this time, all the traces of these alien creatures existing here are wiped out. Otherwise, waiting until the daytime and letting the passing residents see it, I am afraid it will cause them to panic.

This is something they don't want to happen, because while maintaining the safety of these citizens, they must also ensure that these citizens will not panic and cause social unrest just because they see these things.

Instead, these soldiers played an important role at this time. After all, Wang Zheng alone could not handle so many corpses of alien creatures.

Wang Zheng took a look, and after the soldiers who had dealt with the alien creatures in an orderly manner, he turned and left, and the direction was the car he was driving over.

"Wait a minute!" Just after Wang Zheng walked a few steps, he heard a shout from a person behind him, and it was in this direction.

Wang Zheng knew that this person must be calling him, because he was the only one in this direction, and the others were already gathered together to clean up the corpses of those alien creatures.

And Wang Zheng also heard it. The person calling him was an officer. He turned his head and saw that it was him. At this time, the officer was already talking while running towards Wang Zheng.

"Sir, I don't know who you are? Can you leave a name?" Probably because of running too fast, this officer was breathing vigorously while talking.

It's really because this officer, after seeing Wang Zheng's departure, was really afraid that Wang Zheng would leave like this. In this case, wouldn't he not know Wang Zheng's identity? He also wanted to report this matter to his superiors, and focused on Wang Zheng.

"What's the matter?" Wang Zheng frowned and asked when he heard the news that the officer was inquiring about him.

In fact, Wang Zheng doesn’t really want to tell others about his identity. He doesn’t want to be a hero. He is just completing his mission. After all, if he wants to protect Kishimoto, then this world is not allowed to exist. Those alien creatures, he killed those alien creatures just to complete his mission.

Probably the officer didn't expect that Wang Zheng would answer such a sentence. He originally thought that Wang Zheng didn't agree, so he should refuse, but when Wang Zheng asked him that, he didn't know how to answer.

"Um...that...I need to know your identity and report it to your superiors to reward you." After thinking for a while, the officer came up with such a reason.

The officer is not lying, because if he really reported Wang Zheng’s situation to his superiors, he would definitely reward him. After all, Wang Zheng killed so many extraterrestrial creatures. Now, it's a hero already.

It turned out that because of this, Wang Zheng nodded clearly after hearing it, but even after hearing the reason given by the officer, Wang Zheng did not think about telling his identity to this officer.

"That's not necessary, I don't need any awards, so let's go, I'll leave first." Wang Zheng nodded slightly like the officer, said hello, then turned and left.

"Hey! Wait a minute! Sir... Sir..." The officer behind hadn't thought that Wang Zheng would solve it so simply and neatly, so he hurriedly thought about running up again.

But I didn't expect that Wang Zheng seemed to be walking very slowly, and the officers couldn't catch up no matter how they were chasing after him. He always had such a distance from Wang Zheng. The latest chapter address of the Ten Thousand Realms Game System of Entertainment: the full text of the Ten Thousand Realms Game System of Entertainment: download address of Ten Thousand Realms Game System of Entertainment: of Ten Thousand Realms Game System Mobile Reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 966 Cleaning the Battlefield), and open the bookshelf next time. To! If you like "Amusement World Game System", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (