After Lv finished narrating his own experience, he kept crying bitterly. My nose stung, and my heart felt like it was being stabbed with a knife. The pain was intense, and I saw that San Mao's eyes were also glistening with tears. I knew that Lv's words definitely brought back some of his memories. Although I hadn't asked him directly, I knew that his parents and relatives must have also been killed in the disaster.

I patted San Mao's shoulder to comfort him, he looked at me and sighed. The two of us were silent, not knowing how to comfort a wailing man. Suddenly, I heard a burst of exclamations coming from outside!

I was shocked, thinking that the Zombie had barged in, so I quickly followed San Mao out. When they arrived at the room where everyone had gathered earlier, they discovered that everyone was leaning against the window to look outside. Their mouths constantly emitted waves of exclamations.

I walked over and saw that it was the guy on the flagpole. He couldn't hold on any longer and started to slide down.

The group of Zombie beneath him seemed to see him slide down as they all started to push and shove him. Those creepy moans and howls became louder and louder. His palms creaked against the smooth flagpole, and every time he slid down a little, he clenched his teeth and climbed up a few more steps, but faster and faster. He was facing us, and I could see his eyes, which could no longer be described as desperate. I once fell in love with hunting and went up the mountain with the men from the wild boar team to set up traps. There were some small animals, like the yellow chamois, that would be caught by mistake. The person opposite me had the same look in his eyes as the small beast caught by the trap.

We watched helplessly as he slid from the height of three stories to the position of the same as us. His feet were already less than a meter away from the densely packed hands of the Zombie s, and the girl from Ren screamed in fear. He covered his eyes, not daring to look, and from the looks of it, unavoidably, he was about to fall into the mouth of the Zombie.

Just as we were sighing for him, I suddenly felt a slight vibration in the ground. At first it was just a slight numbness in the soles of my feet, but then everyone felt a strong vibration, and even the various office items in the room began to vibrate and clatter.

Soon after, I saw a huge bulldozer appear out of nowhere as we were retreating. Its shovel was raised high into the air and the engine was rumbling. The already dilapidated cement road surface was constantly cracking under the steel tracks.

A portion of the Zombie s in the plaza were attracted by the loud sounds of the bulldozers and rushed towards the bulldozers with a roar, but their bravery and fearlessness were defeated in front of the equally cold and emotionless steel machine. The bulldozers did not even pause for a moment, and they effortlessly crushed the Zombie on the ground, their chests bursting and their organs spilling out. After the bulldozers, the Zombie s that did not get their heads crushed once again struggled and followed them. Some of the Zombie s only had half of their bodies left, crawling on the ground while dragging a lump of broken heart and lungs.

The bulldozer was like a sharp blade cutting into a cream cake, crushing into the surrounding Zombie. After a pleasant sound, it crashed onto the flagpole, shook a few times, and then fell shakily towards us. The pole fell right on top of the window in front of us, and the person on the flagpole quickly crawled over with both hands and feet.

"Come down!" There was a shout from downstairs, and I saw that the Sergeant Major in the bulldozer cab was waving fiercely at us, and that the bulldozer's bucket was already under our window. A few Zombie with relatively flexible hands and feet climbed onto the caterpillar's tracks and squeezed around the driver's seat, making the driver's seat hear the sound of glass being smashed. Sergeant Major was like a lone boat in a storm, drowned out by the huge waves.

San Mao and I looked at each other and slightly nodded. At the same time, we said, "You can go down first!"

I was stunned. San Mao immediately grabbed onto my arm and pushed me towards the window forcefully, I didn't try to push him away anymore, and took the opportunity to throw my leg out of the window. With both my hands on the edge of the window, my feet slightly extended downwards, and stepped on the jagged outer edge of the bulldozer's huge shovel.

Immediately after, Uncle Feng's foot probed out, I slowly supported him and safely caught him. Then there was the girl from Ren, then there was Yang Yufan, Lv, San Mao … I gestured to San Mao that there was no one left inside the shovel, and the two of them climbed out of the shovel, using their hands and feet to climb onto the hydraulic mechanical arms that connected to the shovel. When they heard the sounds of the Zombie, they turned their heads, and when they saw us two, they rushed towards us while crying out in pain. I loosened my grip on the mechanical arm slightly, and used the force of the descent to wait for the Zombie's chest, then I took out my military knife and slowly stabbed into the Zombie's eye sockets that were closest to me.

As the thorn slowly stabbed into my eye, some grey-green contents were squeezed out, and I felt a surge of pleasure. Right! There was no old fear, not even disgust, just the thrill of Linlin's revenge and killing. I pulled out the spurs, and a whole eyeball was brought out, white on the bridge of my nose, and a trickle of black blood ran down my cheek. I kicked it out of the car without waiting for the blood to reach my leg.

Using my advantage of position, I killed three Zombie s in a row and cleared the road with San Mao. At this time, the other two people from Ren and the man who was on the flagpole just now also came down from the stairs and entered the shovel.

"Let's go!" San Mao slammed on the glass window forcefully.

The car jolted, and a plume of black smoke rose from the chimney beside me. The cart paused, then spun, and there was a crackling sound under the tracks, as if I had broken a large bubble of packaging, and a wave of orgasmic pleasure rose up from the soles of my feet, and I could not help but groan.

"Yay!" Everyone cheered, I heard a burst of crazy cursing, the sound was very strange, I don't know whether it was from Ren's group or the man on the flagpole.

The bulldozer turned 180 degrees and threw all the Zombie s that were climbing onto the body of the truck down. The Sergeant Major lowered the shovel and the people in the shovel also climbed over the mechanical arm. San Mao and I unceremoniously opened the driver's door, and one by one, we squeezed in.

The Sergeant Major did not react and only looked around. Seeing that everyone had found a place to hold on to something, he stepped on the throttle and the bulldozer roared like a dying beast, slowly moving towards the entrance of the Zombie.