"Let's go!" "Hurry up and leave!" Lv urged them in a row from behind. I pulled Yang Yufan up from the ground and chased after him as he rolled and crawled. I tried my best to cover us from behind and stabbed two Zombie's who were in front to death.

The rolling gate had only been opened up to a height of about half a meter. After running up to the third step, I took a sliding step and rolled in close to the ground, entering into the gate. Then San Mao and Energetic Strength also rolled in.

"Don't close the door!" Just as Lv was about to pull the roller shutter door, he heard someone shout from outside. Then, a hand reached in to support the roller shutter door, and a few people rolled in just like us, I looked, and saw that it was Ren and his family. I immediately went to drag the people in from the bottom of the door, but only three of them were dragged in. Then, we heard the Zombie rush over and hit the rolling gate, causing it to shake violently, and the hand that was holding onto the door withdrew as well. Through the crack under the door, we saw that the Ren had been pushed to the ground, and a Zombie was currently pulling a piece of flesh out of his neck. "Close the door!" The Ren opened his mouth silently towards us.

Lv pressed hard on the rolling gate and with a whoosh, we immediately fell into darkness.

The rolling gate continued to emit banging noises, and the sound was soon transformed into a violent shoving noise. The rolling gate let out an unbearably heavy sound, and it started to bulge outwards.

"Quick, use something to block the door!" San Mao shouted at us.

By this time my eyes had adjusted to the gloom, and I was looking around me to see that we were in a large hall with long corridors on either side. A spiral staircase wound up behind us, and on one side of the wall were painted the words ACRICRIS LETTERS — "HARLOT'S GHOST 237" — and in front of it was the long front desk.

"Drag that over!" I shouted, pointing to the front desk.

The five of us, plus the three new arrivals, rushed forward to start the huge front desk. Fortunately, it was not made of marble as it appeared, but had a layer of imitation marble panels, with only a layer of artificial stone on the surface, so it was much lighter than we had imagined, and the eight of us would be able to move it.

After a screech of friction, we finally pushed the poor quality wooden front desk into front of the rolling gate. We went to a nearby conference room and brought out a conference table and a number of chairs, which we piled up in front of the door. They looked like a barricade built with furniture by the inhabitants of Paris during the French Revolution, and the weak rolling gate was no longer in danger.

It was only then that I smelled the pungent smell of mildew. The hall was thick with dust, as if it had been years since anyone had come in, and there were no windows in the hall, just a faint glow from the spiral staircase, and the dust we had stirred up flying up and down in the beam.

"Let's go upstairs!" San Mao said.

I nodded, and they all started to walk up the stairs at the same time. But when I reached the middle of the stairs, I realised that Lv was still at the door, staring blankly at the rolling gate that was rumbling loudly.

"Lv..." I called to him, but he didn't respond. " Lv! " I shouted again with a more serious tone, only then did he seem to wake up from his stupor and look towards me. I was shocked, Lv's face turned ashen, as if he had seen something terrifying, and fear filled his eyes.

"What's wrong, Lv? Hurry up and go, maybe you'll have to open the door upstairs! " I didn't think much of it, because we didn't look any better.

"Ah?" "Oh, oh …" Lv hurriedly replied and followed along.

There were no locks to unlock upstairs. Every room was open and the layout was dull. There was a corridor in the middle and an office with glass partitions on the left and right. But as soon as we went up the stairs, through the south window, we saw something that surprised us.

The guy who had climbed up the flagpole was still hanging on it like a lonely monkey!

We went into an office and opened the window facing the square and looked out. The man, who seemed to be a master, was climbing at the very top of the flagpole, much higher than the one we were on on the second floor. He had wrapped a belt around his hip and tied it to the flagpole, forming a triangular support point with his hands gripping the flagpole so that he didn't have to use so much effort to hold on to the flagpole, but now he was visibly weak and his arms clutching the flagpole were visibly trembling. Beneath him were layers and layers of Zombie in a circle. From our point of view, those squirming, dark heads looked like a bunch of flies on a mouthful of phlegm.

His head was covered in sweat, and his eyes were filled with fear and despair. However, he didn't shout for help, he probably knew that it was impossible for us to charge past the heavy Zombie s and save him, even if we shouted for help.

I shook my head, unable to bear to look any longer, and found a seat for myself. I couldn't help but to groan. I could feel almost every part of my limbs aching, especially the biceps, the triceps, and the gastrocnemius of my calves. It was as if they had turned to stone and were convulsing.

I took in a breath of cold air and ground my teeth as I kneaded these muscles. Then, I saw the three people from Ren's family crying on one side, two males and one female. The older one looked to be in his thirties, and looked extremely similar to Ren. The woman was about the same age as him, and her face was intentionally painted black. It was hard to tell her face. The other man was very tall, but his face was very young. He was at most seventeen to eighteen years old.

"Heh …" Just as I was thinking about it, San Mao who was by my side suddenly nudged me with his shoulder and winked at me. Then, he got up and walked out.

"Do you feel that there's something wrong with Lv?" Just as he walked out of the office, San Mao hurriedly said.

"I don't have any …" "Huh?" I looked in the direction that he pointed, only to see Lv slumped on a large chair, staring at the ceiling with lifeless eyes.

"It really is strange …" I muttered to myself, Lv was probably a "thief does not go astray" profession, every time he enters a new place, the first thing he would do would inevitably be to rummage through the boxes, I had never seen him sitting there absent-mindedly like today.

"Do you think he was bitten?" San Mao muttered.