"I've finished eating all the instant noodles I got from Yufan's house last time. All that's left are these AD calcium milk and spicy gluten …" Uncle Feng pointed to the cabinet and said.

"Eh? Why has AD calcium milk been taken apart? I've never had one? " Liu Guojun suddenly said loudly.

"Oh, I gave Little Casey a few bottles …" Aunt Chen hurriedly said.

"Humph!" Liu Guojun's breath came out of his nose unevenly, but then he was stunned. After sneaking a glance at me, his face immediately changed as he grinned and said, "Oh, the child is currently growing.

The speed at which his face changed made me gasp in amazement, but this also made me lose the excuse to continue looking for him. A person is so shameless to such an extent that even beating him up feels like dirtying his own hands.

"We should just categorize everything and make a summary so that we can come up with a more detailed plan." I suggested.

Good, good, good. Yuan's suggestion is very good, a good plan is the foundation for success, for one to achieve their goal, they must have a good plan, this point I agree with Yuan! Liu Guojun said with an exaggerated tone, almost not applauding at all.

This time, even her wife, Lee Jin, was embarrassed. She flung his hand and whispered: "What are you saying!"

"Yuan is young and has great accomplishments. I, Liu, am ashamed of myself …" Liu Guojun acted as if he was a senior bringing them in, speaking sincerely and sincerely about them.

"Alright, alright!" San Mao really couldn't watch it anymore. He squeezed forward and caused Liu Guojun to stagger, half of Liu Guojun's words were stuck in his throat, his face had turned red.

"Move that thing outside. It's too dark inside. I can't see it clearly." Uncle Feng said as he started to move the things out. We also started to work together, with more people and less things, in a few moments, we had all moved out.

In total, we have stored the following items:

Food: about 5 jins of rice, last time Lv and the others took 2 jars of black wood ear, 1 jin of sweet potato powder, 46 bottles of AD calcium milk, 82 bags of spicy gluten, 1 piece of cured meat, 4 sausages, yesterday from the sauna, about 10 jins of sweet sugar, a big box of opened OreSeur, soda crackers, Huafu crackers, Miyagi cakes, black sugar Sachima, pork shop, beef jerky, split into 3 bags of separately packaged chicken feet, the same 2 bags of the same vacuum duck neck.

Tobacco and alcohol: 2 bottles, Su Yan 8 bags, Long Mouth Li Qun 14 bags, Soft Seven Stars 2 bags, 6 packs of cigarettes without recognizing the brand, 3 bottles of original Absolute Vodka, 1 bottle of cherry flavour, 1 bottle of 12 year Chivas, Black Square, Jack Danny, 100 year jar each, 2 bottles of rum, 1 bottle of Bentley, 1 bottle of gin, and a dozen of tonic.

Pharmaceuticals: Amoxicillin 2 1/2, Norfloxacin 2/2, Tylenol 1/2, Tylenol 1/2, Tylenol 1/2, Fluconazole 1/3, Imiquimod 2/2, Duckenin 2/2, Duckenin 2/2, Duckenin 2/2, Duckenine 3/3, Essential Ointment 5/5, Medical Alcohol 3/5, Disinfectant 5/4, Collagen 5, Powder 3/3, Oral Solution 4, Levine 4/4, Sleeping 16 bottles.

Other categories: one-time lighter a dozen, lighter oil 4 bottles, condom 52 box, lubricant 12 bottles, candle 32, acetylene gas bottle and a half, industrial oxygen half bottle, gas cutting gas welding tool set, various specifications of steel, stainless steel pipe, horse-mouth iron.

There were also some daily necessities that were not worth too much, so he didn't want to go into details. The majority of the cigarettes, alcohol and medicine were obtained during this trip to the Peacock Building.

With so many items, other than the steel bars and other raw materials used in the factory, there were also three small piles.

"There are a lot of things!" Yang Yufan sighed in admiration.

"Too little …" Lv shook his head: "With just this little amount of food, eleven of us will be able to finish it in one day. Even if we were to eat it sparingly like now, we will only be able to hold on for five or six days."

Also, there is a serious lack of protein food, fish, meat, dairy products and soy products. Eating this way over a long period of time is prone to malnutrition and muscle atrophy." "Dr Lee said," "Also, these snacks contain a lot of sugar, have a high calorie, and are small in size and aren't easy to spoil. I suggest that you not touch them unless you have no other choice.

Everyone nodded their heads. Uncle Feng immediately grabbed a bag and stored the snacks.

"Dr Lee, take a look at these pills, what are there for us to use. If there's anything useless, take it and trade for it. Now that the medicines are in short supply, they should be able to be exchanged for some food." I said to the Dr Lee.

Dr Lee replied as she squatted down to check the medicine in the pile. She first picked up the box of acacia cake and gave it to Uncle Feng, saying, "This is not a medicine, and there is also a lot of walnut seeds, sesame seeds, cinnamon balls, and a lot of sugar. The heat is very high, it's not a bad food."

Then she took out all the amoxicillin, a box of xanconi, a few tubes of doxorubicin and piperidine, a bottle of alcohol, a bucket of free disinfectant, all the vitamins and calcium tablets.

"These vitamins aren't bad. Although you didn't find any vegetables yesterday, these are more than enough. We can eat one per day for two to three months." The Dr Lee stood up and said, "Amoxicillin and Sanli Pain, they can save us at critical moments. We can keep one for ourselves, but we can only use one for Dacklin and Pi Yanping, so we don't have much use for the rest of this … "Oh right, a lot of the medicine here is for treating gynecological diseases. If someone is waiting for you, they should be able to sell it for a good price."

"Gynecological disease?" I thought about it and turned to Lv, scratching my head: "That martial arts disciple from last time, would he need this?"

Lv was startled, but then he laughed, "Right, he probably needs it, and these condoms, I can sell it to him too. This year, if the woman is pregnant, isn't it equivalent to death? We have over fifty boxes of condoms, and can save a lot of his life! "

"What are you guys whispering about?" San Mao came over and asked anxiously.

I told him about that day when I met the little bull from the Martial Arts Sect. He also smiled, slapped his thigh and said: "It seems that we really have to go to Ghost Market!"