Despite the heat, I felt a chill down my spine. Even San Mao couldn't help but shiver and turn his head to knock on the back of Lin Hao's head with his fist, "Don't be an idiot. I have been a police officer for so many years and have never heard of anyone who sees a ghost before. Besides, it's already like this. There are zombies everywhere, aren't you afraid of ghosts? "

"This is different …" Xu Yang's face was deathly pale. He shrugged and said, "Zombies can see, ghosts can't. What I'm afraid of the most in my life is ghosts and snakes …"

"You may have seen it all at once today." San Mao teased.

Xu Yang was even more afraid now as his whole body started trembling.

"Don't scare him …" He walked over vigorously and extended his hand to grab the Corpse Pushing Rod in Xu Yang's hand: "I'll walk in front later, you walk in the middle."

Xu Yang nodded as if he had received amnesty and said, "Thank you …" "Thank you, Big Brother Dazhi …"

This time, it's Big Force and Lin Hao who will be walking in the front, with Xu Yang, San Mao and I walking in the middle, with Lv at the back.

Once we entered the building, the light dimmed. I immediately took off my sunglasses and used the flashlight they used to tie the Corpse Pushing Rod to the light. The two strong beams of light formed two spots of light in front of us, making the other places even darker.

I felt a chill run down my spine, and the sweat that had been splattered all over my body dried up. I even felt a chill run up my spine.

Behind the front desk hung a row of clocks, showing time from all over the world. On the front desk was a pot of imitating butterfly orchids, looking very green and lush, and on the other side of the front desk was a set of large sofas. On the other side was a large hall, with sparse chairs and a messy coffee table, as if someone had ordered coffee and was coming back at any time.

The whole hall smelled of mildew, and thick dust flew in the air with our footsteps. It looked like fog in the beam of the flashlight, and we all pulled our magic scarves up to our noses and walked in like a group of masked bandits.

Of course, the elevator had stopped moving. The door to the elevator shaft was left open, but the elevator car did not descend. The cables and guides were exposed savagely, reflecting a deep blue light from the flashlight.

We climbed the stairs on the side of the elevator. These old-fashioned buildings, in order to maximize their area of use, generally had the stairways made extremely narrow, and the stairs here could barely fit two people side by side. In order to maintain a certain level of attack power, I switched out Lin Hao and walked right in front, side by side with Big Power.

On the second floor, as soon as I turned the corner, I suddenly saw two people standing in front of the door. I jumped in fright, and upon closer inspection, I discovered that they were two figures of a man and a woman. The man was wearing a suit and the woman was wearing a wedding dress. The two of them smiled like idiots, exposing their pale white teeth.

I cautiously stuck my head out, took a quick glance into the hallway and then looked back. Outside was a Chinese restaurant, neatly arranged round tables with a red carpet in the middle. On either side of the door were two flower bases of Roman columns, two flower arches, but the flowers on them were all withered and the petals fell like broken glass.

I didn't see any Zombie, so I stuck out half of my body to look around. As I stood in the hallway, I imagined the guests shuttling back and forth in the hall, each of them with a stiff, fake smile on their faces. In a trance, I felt that this scene seemed familiar, as if I had been in a dream.

"What are you thinking!" San Mao patted me and I snapped out of it. Seeing that the other people were already walking in, I immediately followed.

At the end of the red carpet, there was a small stage. Behind the stage, the entire wall was covered in a bright red color, with the words "A Hundred Years of Love" written in the middle. In front of the stage, there was a row of tables.

"Hahaha …" "What did I find?" Lin Hao's uncontrollable cheers rang in my ears, following that, he came out from under the table with a cardboard box in his arms.

"What is it?" Everyone gathered around to look.

"I've been a master of ceremonies before, and I know that before the wedding, I usually transport some of the things I need to use to the hotel. As expected, I found them …" Lin Hao boasted as he took out something from his pocket — "Sweet 'n' Sour" was given to the hotel's security guards and waiters, as well as two Chinese cigarettes … "Wow, there's even a dozen disposable lighters!"

We were all overjoyed, cigarettes and sugar were needless to say, lighters were also the most urgent materials, even if there were only these items, it would be worth the trip.

The kitchen was surprisingly empty, probably because the box of cigarettes and sugar had been hidden under the table. We continued up the stairs. There were several conference rooms on the third floor, with nothing to show us. Starting from the fourth floor, it was the hotel's guest rooms. Each floor was arranged in a "work" shape, with the elevator standing in the middle, with two long corridors on each side. The guest rooms were densely packed, with leaves growing in an orderly manner around the branches.

We didn't stay any longer, the hotel's guest rooms weren't like the private rooms, it was unlikely that there would be anything of value. We climbed the stairs, intending to rush up to the stage, but when we reached the twelfth floor, we found ourselves blocked by an iron gate!

"Lv, it's up to you." I stepped aside and let Lv open the door.

Lv walked up to take a look, but shook his head and said: "The keyhole on this side is blocked, we cannot open it, we have to open it from the other side!"

"Huh?" We were all surprised. We didn't know why this had happened.

"Look, this keyhole was welded to death …" Lv pointed at the lock and said. I looked closer and saw a silver light shining from the keyhole, it was impossible to insert a key in.

"I wonder what's above …" Lv knocked on the steel door and said, "This door is thick, the people here definitely do not want anyone to open it!"