Chapter 5835: Fine, Have It Your Way

Name:Emperor's Domination Author:
Chapter 5835: Fine, Have It Your Way

“Boom!” The four emperors became massive with the intensifying epoch light. Their body seemed to be a vessel for an epoch.

The mere opening of their eyes caused stars to explode and chaos expanses to form. Folloow current novÊls on nov/3lb((in).(co/m)

“So strong...” The People’s members were astounded.

“Overlords are possessing them.” Immortal Emperor Chi Ye took a deep breath.

This had happened during a previous war with Brilliant Devil Emperor being taken over. Alas, there were four today.

“Boom!” The four surrounded Li Qiye and unleashed their auras.

“All here now?” Li Qiye smiled and smashed Derivation with the newly-created seal of death.

“Ahh!” The invincible overlord’s flesh and blood splashed everywhere. Their corrosive nature melted everything upon touch.

In the next second, all the pieces came together again and formed the whole body.

“Brat, can’t kill me this easily.” Derivation said.

“No wonder why the ancient ming was so resilient back then.” Emperors from the nine worlds recalled.

“No rush.” Li Qiye smirked and glanced at the possessed cultivators: “Welcome, Primal Ancestor, Stonesplitter Patriarch, Dao Ancestor, Imperial Progenitor of Myriad Realms. Primal, we couldn’t have a good chat last time.”

Derivation realized they wanted to test Li Qiye’s true power first through him.

“Fine, have it your way.” Derivation had no choice because he was the first to descend and reveal his coordinates.

“Tsk, tsk.” Li Qiye shook his head: “The smartest in history got played by his friends.”

“You!” Derivation was proud of his intelligence during time immemorial. He considered himself the wisest and didn’t want to lose to the high heaven, hence his effort to create a new race.

Because of this, he created the blood and the ancient ming along with many fiendish creatures. However, this didn’t mean he was as calculating and scheming as Primal and the others. He had expended all of his efforts on the goal of creation and didn’t worry about other things.

“I go first and then it’s your turn next.” Derivation grumbled while being forced into a corner.

He had to play along to test Li Qiye’s strength before his allies would handle the rest.

The four nodded after hearing this.

“Brat, witness my true power!” He shouted.

“I will, we have plenty of time.” Li Qiye smiled.

“Boom!” He summoned a drum.

The moment it appeared, an indescribable aura permeated the region. It had a touch of malice, death, and curse all in one.