Chapter 395

Emperor Tian entered the array he chose, stood still and looked around vigilantly.

This array is a little special. He felt the sharpness of the golden sword, the massiness of the land, the heat of the flame, the lingering water and the vitality of the trees.

All these feelings constantly impact the nerves of emperor Tian, and there is an unspeakable feeling.

"Welcome to the inverse five element array. It's very difficult to break this array. Please be careful."

A series of prompt sounds came to Emperor Tian's ears from all directions.

"Lying in the trough, I was startled. I didn't expect that this thing existed in the advanced array. It's good." emperor Tian patted his chest and put down his heart, "inverse five element array? What's this? Five elements?"

I really couldn't figure it out, so I asked; "Little loophole, do you know what five elements are?"

"Boss, are you sure you want me to tell you? Didn't you say that you can tell you unless there is a dangerous array?" the empty God is regular.

The three black lines on emperor Tian's forehead pulled down in an instant and said helplessly, "I said there was a special array before the dangerous array. This special array includes things I don't know, do you understand?"

"Don't understand..." the empty God's words almost made the emperor faint.

He pressed his anger and reluctantly said with a smile, "forget it, just tell me what the five elements are. No problem?"

Has the final say. "The five elements are basically five attributes of Jin Mu's water and fire."

Emperor Tian listened carefully, but the empty God didn't speak anymore. He was stunned at first, and then asked, "this... This is over?"

"Yes, didn't you let me tell you the five elements? I said." the empty God asked foolishly.

"I..." emperor Tian doesn't want to communicate with this mentally weak empty God anymore. It's too much trouble. "I know the five elements. What are their functions? What can be done to solve them?"

The empty God said helplessly, "do you want to say this?"

Emperor Tian bit his teeth and said in a low voice, "say!"

"Oh." the empty God thought for a moment and continued: "The order of the five elements is: Wood generates fire, fire generates soil, earth generates gold, gold generates water, and water generates wood. The order of the five elements is: Wood controls soil, soil controls water, water controls fire, fire controls gold, gold controls wood, and wood controls soil. The relationship of restraint is endless. If wood gets gold, it will not disperse; if water gets fire, it will not inflame; if land gets wood sparse, it will not wet; if gold gets fire temperature, Gold can't be collected; water can't be moistened if it is infiltrated by soil. They are all the wonderful functions of gasification and nature. "

He said a lot in one breath. Although emperor Tian listened a little, he already understood almost. Then he asked, "is the inverse five elements reversed? Xiangsheng becomes Xiangke, and Xiangke becomes Xiangsheng?"

"Yes, as long as we crack it according to the law of the five elements operation, it's basically OK." the empty God replied.

"That's right." he nodded and said he knew. Emperor Tian cut off the connection of divine consciousness and looked at the environment in front of him.

I saw that it was no longer like before, but turned into a golden sky.

"The positive five elements are fire conquering gold and gold conquering wood. The reverse five elements should be wood conquering gold and gold conquering fire. Should that be so?" emperor Tian asked himself, "but if you know it's wood conquering gold, how can you crack it?" now I have a headache. What wood is there around here.

Suddenly, I thought of one thing. That is, aren't all of my storage ring spirit objects with wood attribute? You should be able to crack it out?

When I thought of it, I saw the golden light of the storage ring explode. Emperor Tian took out a pile of spiritual objects that he couldn't use. Today, they are just used to break this anti five element array.

Luck and soul power dragged up the spirits in one place. He muttered, "all arrays have array eyes. As long as the array eyes are found and the spirits are filled in, the golden array can be broken."

The divine consciousness spreads wildly and constantly observes the slightest bit around. As long as you find something wrong, it is the location of the array eye.

"Boom ~!"

The explosion sound like lightning strikes sounded in the air. After so long, the array finally started. I saw the golden sky and the golden earth began to tremble.

The sky keeps pressing down, and the ground is still rising. As long as the two are closed, the emperor will be pressed into meat patties.

After taking a look at this situation, he began to find the array eye. As long as he found the array eye, he would not be in danger.

With the passage of time, the ground is getting higher and higher, and the sky is getting lower and lower. The sweat on emperor Tian's forehead is falling continuously. Now he is super nervous, but he can't panic. When he panics, something happens. After so many things, he also understands a lot of truth.

"Found it." emperor Tian's face was happy and wiped the sweat on his left. A hole as thin as a little thumb appeared in emperor Tian's sight.

The hole was blocked by a small golden flag. After seeing the current situation, he pulled out the flag directly. Fill all the spirit objects in his hand. Although he can't get in, he can force them.


The sky stopped falling and the ground stopped rising. There was no accident. Emperor Tian broke the golden array.

"Where is the exit?" emperor Tian looked around and found no exit. How do you get out?

"Congratulations on breaking the golden array. Please step forward and enter the next array."

The previous sound sounded again. Although I don't believe it, I still took a step. As soon as the flowers in front of us, the scenery changed.

Reluctantly opened his eyes and saw that the world around him was not a golden world, but a blue world. I'm already in the water.

The sky is blue and the ground is blue. Of course, the ground at this time is the sea.

Emperor Tian didn't feel any discomfort in the sea at this time, just like on land. I can breathe normally. Although I don't know what the situation is, I'd better find out where I am now.

"This array is called the water array. There are countless strong people in the animal kingdom and even the animal kingdom. They need to kill them all before they can break this array."

The beautiful prompt sounded again.

"Countless? Why do you want to kill them all? Are you sure you're not kidding me?" emperor Tian said angrily. But the answer was that countless black figures flew towards him.

The sea was shaking violently, and the waves on the sea were surging more and more.

Emperor Tian swallowed his saliva and said to himself, "come on, I'm not afraid of you. Grandma has legs. Today I'll kill as many as I come!"