"Zixi!" He rushed over to check whether she was injured and made sure that all the blood on her body came from the ball in her arms. Then she was relieved.

"Are you all right?"

"I'm fine."

Zhu GuanLiang pulled down the curtain at the head of the bed, wrapped her child who had no breath in her hand, took it and put it beside Zhou lean, "we can go home."

Don't want to, she suddenly covered her face and cried, "Le'an died, the child I also can't save down."

"It's not your fault."

Zhu GuanLiang wrapped the child tightly with a curtain. The child was born deformed, with ten fingers glued together, and the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. He was born without breathing.

Zhou Leping suffered from bloodstain, and there was clear water beside her. Zhu GuanLiang helped her wash her hands and pulled her to her feet. "I'm home."

She was stunned, as if to respond, "my brother and sister-in-law..."

"It's OK. Zhao Shiqian is dead. No one can hurt them. Zhao Deng has gone to the city."

Zhao and Deng almost sat on the throne in praise and cheers. In the past two years, Zhao Shiqian's tyranny has long been filled with complaints. Although Zhao and Deng are rebellious, their blood is pure. Since ancient times, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Those who previously accused him of rebellious now say that he is the benevolent king who overthrows the atrocities, and things are going more smoothly than they think.

However, all this is due to the fact that Zhao Deng did not kill people like others think, especially the ministers who recovered a life under the blade.

Zhu GuanLiang and Zhou Leping did not go back immediately. They wanted to stay to attend Zhao Deng's succession ceremony. By the way, Zhu GuanLiang also wanted to get back the Shizhi water mine that Zhao Deng had promised him. Naturally, Zhao Deng's foreign debts these days should be accounted for one by one.

Although Zhao Shiqian was not a good emperor, he was a descendant of Zhao family. Zhao and Deng still buried him in the imperial mausoleum, and Zhou lean was buried beside him. There was no grand ceremony, simple and low-key, and even few people knew.

This time, Xiaowan also contributed a lot. Everyone was praising her, but she was not happy at all. She didn't even dare to see Zhou Leping. She hid when she met her.

Zhou Leping found a chance to catch her and asked her why she was hiding from her. Xiao Wan didn't dare to say. Zhou Leping pretended to be angry and scared her. Xiao Wan was even more afraid of her anger, so he recruited all of them. "I cheated my aunt. Last time I promised my aunt that I didn't want to join the army any more, but... I didn't do it. I practiced martial arts with Uncle Qi. I'm afraid you'll get angry, So... "

Zhou Leping is really angry. She has no choice. Someone in her family has to inherit the family property. She has to stand up and take responsibility. But Xiaowan has some choices. She can live her life comfortably. But she doesn't want to choose the most difficult one.

Zhu GuanLiang waved to Xiaowan to let her come. Xiaowan ran to him quickly, and Zhu GuanLiang picked her up. "It's not wrong that you want to join the army and be a person like your aunt. It's right that your aunt is angry. She's worried about you and you're suffering the same as her. You're both right."

Xiao Wan looks at Zhou Leping anxiously, "but aunt..."

"I'll tell her what you want to do. It's better to do it now than to regret it later."

With Zhu GuanLiang's assurance, Xiaowan felt more at ease and left happily, leaving all the problems to Zhu GuanLiang.

Zhu GuanLiang folded a flower and handed it to Zhou Leping. He put one hand on her waist and said, "children and grandchildren have their own happiness. Can you manage her all your life? Xiaowan is very strange, just like you. How do you know she won't do better than you in the future? "

Zhou Leping head against his chest, "you think I tube too much?"

"It's not that we manage too much, it's that we worry too much. It's hard to say that we will die in front of these children. When the loess is buried, do you know how they are? Don't think about it

Zhou Leping pinched him on his waist. "If you speak better, you can see clearly. If you speak worse, you just don't care."

"Whether it's Xiaowan or the winter solstice, there will always be people who love and care for them. No matter how hard you spend on them, when you meet that person in the future, they will still pull away from you without hesitation. The children are all white eyed wolves."

Qi Miao Leng Buding appeared behind him, tut tut two times, covering his eyes, "at least you avoid some people, I'm lonely, how sad I am."

Zhu GuanLiang took Zhou Leping's hand like a show off and swaggered past Qi Miao.

Qi Miao cried, "general, I'm lonely, I'm lonely..."

Zhou Leping said, "you and Qi Si have made great contributions this time. I'll tell the emperor that you won't be rewarded for gold and silver. How about a daughter-in-law first?"

Qi Miao immediately shook his head, "that's no good. I can't afford to raise my daughter-in-law without money. It's still money. My daughter-in-law is not worried."

Zhu GuanLiang chuckled, "you're right. It's important for women to have money, isn't it?"

Qi Miao's words seemed ironic, but he didn't react until Zhu GuanLiang and Zhou Leping got away. Qi Si takes a look at Zhu GuanLiang and Zhu GuanLiang and tells them that the Palace Banquet is about to start. Then he goes to find Qi Miao and looks at him muttering and burying his head forward, pretending that he accidentally stretches his legs and stumbling him. Qi Miao saw that it was him and said, "are you sick?" Keith stopped his fist. "What do you think?"“ Miss a woman What flashed through his mind, and he suddenly said to Qi, "can I discuss something with you?"“ What's the matter? "“ Can you give me half of your reward when the emperor rewards you? " Qi Si's eyes seemed to be looking at a fool, "why?"“ I don't want a reward. I want to ask the emperor to reward me with a woman. You see, I've lived for so many years, but I've never held hands with a woman. At least you've had one... "Realizing that he was sad, Qi Miao said," you'll give me half. We're brothers. Do you care about this? "“ My brother knows what to do. "“ It's not like I won't give it back to you. " Keith corrected, "you never pay back the money I borrowed." Qi Miao shook his head. "That can't be. I remember returning you last time."“ It's also called paying back. I'll pay back today and borrow tomorrow. I'll keep the IOU if I don't believe it. I can show it to you Qi Miao stopped him in a hurry, "no, no, I can't borrow it? Cheapskate Qi Si spread out his hand, "no, you can return what you owed me before."