While talking with Zhao Shiqian, Zhao Deng tried his best to recruit soldiers and horses. He borrowed them everywhere if he didn't have any money. He didn't intend to open his mouth to Zhu GuanLiang, but he didn't expect to lend a helping hand at the critical moment.

As for Zhu GuanLiang's unconditional support for Zhao and Deng's rebellion, there was a lot of opposition in the court. The news that the queen bewitched the emperor to send troops to reinforce the state of Zhao came from someone, and spread quickly.

Zhou Leping was labeled as "demon Queen" on his head, and the voice of the abandoned queen was also higher and higher.

Zhu GuanLiang suppressed these rumors on his own, and did not allow others to learn them in front of Zhou Yue's plane. But there is no impermeable wall in the world, and Zhou Leping still knows.

She specially selected a time, prepared a table of wine and vegetables, and invited Zhu GuanLiang to sit down to have a good talk with him.

Zhu GuanLiang knew what she was going to say, so he refused to keep the appointment. One of his new concubines was good at playing the piano. He called someone to play the piano. He would rather drink alone than see her.

Zhou Leping acted as Queen for the first time. She rushed into the hall and drove away the concubines who played the piano. She closed the door and sat on the ground to breathe. She rolled up her sleeves, fanned the wind with her hands and glared at him, "I don't want to sit down and talk to me when I have time to drink alone here?"

Zhu GuanLiang said, "I know what you want to say and how you want to solve it. It's not negotiable."

Zhou Leping completely ignored the image of the bullshit queen and looked up at him cross legged, "what do you think I'm going to say? Those ministers say I'm a demon queen, and they want you to abolish the queen. They can plant and slander everything. I've long seen that they don't like it. Since you don't mean to abolish the queen, kill them all. No one dares to say anything after blocking the long public talk. "

I didn't expect that she would say that. I forgot to swallow a glass of wine when it came to my mouth.

"What's the matter? Why are you looking at me like this? I know that many of them are the elders of the two dynasties and the pillars of the imperial court. But if you don't want them to shut up, you have to kill them all. "

She blinked her eyes and looked innocent, but she looked serious, as if she really thought it from the bottom of her heart.

Zhu GuanLiang put down the cup, pinched his eyebrows and grinned bitterly, "what do you want to say?"

"There are only two ways for us to choose. One is to make an example to others, the other is to abolish them. It's not hard to choose."

Zhou Leping stood up with his skirt and helped him hold his shoulder. "What did they do wrong? If you change your position and think about it, the emperor of your family will spare no effort to help others revolt at all costs. Are you a minister, would you like to? Qi kingdom is not your own, although I don't like those people. I hate them for calling me a demon after they scold me behind my back. Even if they are really for Qi Kingdom and for your own good, it's chilling to make an example. "

"In fact, I shouldn't tell you these principles. You are very clear here."

"A person's mouth can be blocked, two or three are easy to handle, but you can't block thousands of mouths at all."

Zhu GuanLiang took her hand away. "I know what you mean. Do you want to leave me alone? Have you ever thought about me? "

"That's why you're angry?" "It doesn't mean I'm leaving," she said

"You also know that I'm not used to the life in the palace all the time. You'd better let me be a small official rather than a queen. You can have a lot of trouble without me."

Zhu GuanLiang looked at her seriously, "I never put you in trouble."

"But when someone treats me as a trouble, I also feel like a trouble. The more you do for me, the more uncomfortable I feel. Do you have to make me feel guilty for you?"

He brushed away her hand and stood up. "As an emperor, if I can't keep the woman I want, what kind of emperor can I be? The queen is an empty name, but even if it's an empty name, you have to wear it."

In this case, his obstinacy is terrible. Zhou Leping can't persuade him to change his mind. She can follow him anonymously. It's not the title that matters. As long as she can accompany him, it's no harm to be a maid of honor.

But he doesn't think so, his people must crown his name, he always has a sense of insecurity to her, the Queen's name can give her a sense of responsibility, can tie her, how can he let go easily.

The two finally broke up in discord.

In the evening, Yujiao holds the winter solstice. Now the winter solstice has begun to learn to speak. She babbles every day. Although she can't make people understand him, she looks very cute.

Yujiao took advantage of her efforts to tease the winter solstice to persuade her, "as soon as those ministers say, you take the initiative to let the emperor abolish you. But after abolishing you, you still have to establish a new queen. Do you know if the new queen has bad intentions? Everyone wants to get the emperor's favor. The prince is not born to the emperor. If the new queen has a child, the prince will be a thorn in her eye. Anyone who doesn't want his son to be the emperor will be in danger. "

Looking at the winter solstice, he said to her, "now that the prince is eating and living with you, it's better to be born than to be born. In addition to you, no one is so kind to him, and he is willing to stick to you. You'll give up. In the future, many people want to ride on your head."

Zhou Leping gritted his teeth, "but the people who said this are not enemies. I can't do anything to them, nor can the emperor. It's too cowardly to hit cotton with one fist."“ Then you can't admit defeat. You are not the one who admits defeat. There is always a solution. " There are so many ways. Anyway, she can't think of any more. No one dares to underestimate the emperor's feelings for the queen, but as soon as the voice of the empress comes out, she can't sit down. The first one who can't sit down is Ning Fei. It is said that she is the highest ranking person in the harem besides the queen, and she has the greatest chance after the establishment of the new book. However, in the case of heguibin, it's not feasible to rely on the children's hands. So we have to find a new way. The officials who have children in the palace are particularly interested in this matter. This time, I don't know where to get the petition from, so Zhu GuanLiang must listen to the people's wishes. Zhu GuanLiang is tired of hearing these words, "the court is not attentive, but you Aiqing are very concerned about my housework. You say that the queen is a demon queen, and that I am bewitched by her. Why don't you invite a mage into the palace? If you can make the queen appear, I will abolish her. If you can't, I will abolish myself. How about choosing one of you to be the emperor?" There was a moment of silence. Zhu GuanLiang clapped the table and stood up? Thanks to all of you who are still reading the books of sages, ancient sages taught you to believe in gods, demons and monsters? You can say that the queen is a demon queen. If anyone can catch a ghost for me, I will believe him and give him the throne of the emperor. How about that? "