Yujiao was paid by Zhou Leping to take food from the imperial dining room. When she came back, she found that Zhou Leping had disappeared. She wanted to report it to Zhu GuanLiang immediately. But before going out, she found a letter on the table. It said that if Zhu GuanLiang knew about her going out of the palace without permission, she would be punished. Zhu GuanLiang is still angry with her. She will not be lenient in punishment, So never let him know.

Think about it, Zhu GuanLiang really hasn't been to Ruichun palace for a long time. Every time she takes clothes, she gives them to other palace maids and takes them back. After a few days, Zhu GuanLiang won't find them.

In order not to be punished, Yujiao can't help Zhou Leping hide this matter.

The first two days were very smooth. Zhu GuanLiang didn't come and nobody found out.

On the third day, Ning Fei came to visit again. Yujiao stopped her outside the door on the pretext of the Queen's discomfort.

But Ning Fei came prepared and said that she was not feeling well, so she had to go to the imperial doctor and had to break in to have a look.

Yujiao stood in front of her, "the empress is not fit and is resting. My maid has told you several times. You are just a concubine. How dare you feel disrespectful to the empress and dare to enter Ruichun palace like this?"

Ning imperial concubine is not willing to show weakness, "that you again where come of courage, feel you a small slave can block the way of this palace?"

After the last time, she felt that Zhou Leping had been locked up for a long time and was ill. She didn't want to come to see Zhou Leping. But this morning, Zhu GuanLiang suddenly asked her, "how long have you not gone to greet the queen?"

She thought that the emperor would blame her, so she said with a guilty heart, "it seems that the queen does not want her concubine to see her, and she is afraid that the queen will misunderstand her concubine to show off, so she hasn't been there for several days."

I don't want to wish him good luck, but he said, "go and greet the queen. The rules in the palace are like this. No matter how much I love you, you can't break the rules."

So Ning imperial concubine then a piece of origin of feel, flaunt a saint to favor is the emperor to bestow her right, so can be so unscrupulous.

But I didn't expect that a little maid in waiting could be so disrespectful to her, which made her feel very upset and even more energetic. "You're blocking me from going in to see the queen. Is there any shady business in it? If it's really just illness, why don't people visit? "

"Concubine Ning thinks that if the Emperor sees you like this, what will the emperor think of you? The empress can't be spoiled any more. It's also the empress. If you're not allowed to go in, why not? If you don't go away, the maid will have to tell the emperor what happened today! "

She didn't want the emperor to know about this bad side. She was so excited by Yujiao that she was afraid that Zhou Leping would stab the emperor. Although it wouldn't have much influence, it would also hurt her impression in the emperor's heart, so she had to give up.

After going back, Zhu GuanLiang asked her what she had talked with Zhou Leping. She burst out two tears and began the villain to complain first, "my concubine was supposed to ask for the Queen's health, but she was stopped by Yujiao. She said that the queen was ill and she should go to the imperial doctor, but Yujiao didn't want to go in to visit her. Finally, Yujiao drove her out, I wonder, if you are ill, why are you so secretive that you don't let people visit you? "

The more she said that Zhu GuanLiang's face became darker. When she said that she had to rely on his shoulder for comfort at last, she was still leaning forward. Zhu GuanLiang suddenly stood up and went out with a overcast face.

Ning Fei called twice, but she didn't stop. She thought that Zhu GuanLiang must be angry for her. She was very happy. She thought that she could finally raise her eyebrows and put Zhou Leping under her feet.

Zhu GuanLiang all the way to Ruichun palace, Yujiao to Zhu GuanLiang's sudden appearance was deeply surprised, also stopped at the door not to let him in, "emperor, how are you here?"

"And the queen?"

Yujiao bites her teeth and scolds Ning Fei for her long mouth. She doesn't expect to complain as soon as she goes back, mean person!

But still want to pretend calm, "back to the emperor, the empress in it to rest, this morning up some physical discomfort, has been sleeping until now."

Zhu GuanLiang's face sank a little bit, "why don't you ask the imperial doctor when you are sick?"

Why don't you go to him?

"It's just that she's caught cold. She knows how to do it herself. She says it's OK. Just have a sleep. Please come back, Emperor."

"Catching cold?" He bit his teeth, "is it really sick or do something inconvenient to let people know, dare not let people know?"

Yujiao shook her head again and again. "How can the emperor say that? The empress is really sick and resting."

Zhu GuanLiang pushed her away. "If you are really ill, I will go in and have a look."

"You don't want to see the queen? The queen knows that you are angry with her and don't want to see her, so please save some face for her. "

Zhu GuanLiang felt that there must be something wrong with this. The more he stopped him from seeing him, he would go in and ask someone to pull Yujiao open, push the door open and enter the hall.

No matter how familiar he is here, every ornament is very familiar. However, he hasn't been here for a few days, but it seems that after a few years, he has a feeling of being lost and recovered. He is familiar but also strange.

The tent in front of the bed was put down. Unconsciously, he lightened his steps and walked to the bedside. As soon as he reached out his hand, there was a cough.

He had no reason to tighten his chest, so he immediately wanted to open the tent and ask a few questions. But he held back his words and said in a cold voice, "what do you mean? Who can be cured by your half way monks? When you are sick, go to the imperial doctor and pretend to be poor? Or is that on purpose, just to bring me here? "“ She didn't say anything. She stopped and coughed again. With a bitter smile, Zhu GuanLiang grasped the bed account and slowly clenched it, "is it I who don't want to see you or you who don't want to see me? You don't think you're wrong, so you're going to hang me like this all the time, are you? "“ She did not answer him. Zhu GuanLiang ran out of patience, "OK, OK. Now he doesn't even want to talk to me, does he? I'm in a hurry to see you this time. What else are you dissatisfied with? Don't you want me to apologize to you? " Once again, he didn't answer. Finally, he couldn't bear it and opened the bed. There was a man lying on the bed with his back to her. His body trembled slightly under the quilt. Zhu GuanLiang was angry and anxious. He worried about her body and hated her. Without saying a word, he grasped her shoulder and took her arm out of the quilt. When he grasped her hand, he felt that something was wrong. There was no scar on his wrist. He felt different when he felt it. In a trance, he felt shocked and turned the man around to see his face, And he threw people away. At this time, Yujiao broke free and rushed in, "emperor!" Zhu GuanLiang raised his legs and kicked over the table, but his voice was calm and strange, "deceiving you, deceiving me, right? What about he