The eunuch went to Danxia palace to get the yellow rice wine Zhu GuanLiang drank last night. It was divided into six cups, two for Zhu GuanLiang, two for Zhou Leping and two for hegui.

Wine is good wine, mellow, orange color, looking very good, Zhou Leping first sip, "wine is good wine, sweet in the mouth, mellow aftertaste."

She raised her glass and looked at his wife, "why don't you drink it?"

He GUI's concubine shivered and raised her glass. She drank it very well. After a glass of wine, she looked up and dried it up. After drinking it, she raised the second glass, which was also stuffy.

Zhou Leping tasted it and soon drank to his stomach.

Finally, Zhu GuanLiang.

Although yellow rice wine has great potential, it is impossible to make a thousand cups of yellow rice wine unconscious.

Zhu GuanLiang's two cups of cold water are the same as those of normal people, except that he Guibin's cheeks are red and slightly drunk.

"Last night is also like this two cups, how last night drunk, today is good?" Zhu GuanLiang turned his glass and said with a smile, "I've lived for so many years, but it's the first time I've seen such a wonderful wine. How come I've never heard of such a good thing in your hometown in suixian before?"

He GUI's wife cried and lay on the ground, "the emperor still doesn't believe me, does he? The eunuch was outside the Palace last night. Have you ever gone out? Have you ever sent someone in? All of these have evidences to check. You have also sent someone to search the Danxia palace. What do you find? I don't know why. Why don't you believe me? "

Without evidence, you can't convict people without proof. Moreover, it can't prove that he guipin played a trick, and things became very difficult for a while.

Zhou Leping stood up and left without saying a word.

Zhu GuanLiang immediately got up and ran after him, "don't you believe me now? It's just two drinks. How can I get drunk? "

She shakes her head wearily, "you can check this by yourself. I'm tired. I'll go back to sleep first."

"I just want a word, believe it or not."

Zhou Leping bit his teeth and nodded for a long time

She weighed it in her heart for a long time, and the word "faith" was firm.

But just now hesitated those time actually had another layer perfunctory meaning in Zhu GuanLiang's heart.

"No one can force you to tell lies. If you don't believe it, tell it to me."

"I can't think of any reason for you to cheat me. Why don't you believe it?"

The first time, the first time was believed to be so uncomfortable, there is something blocked in the chest can not say, he dejectedly fell down his arm, told her to take good care of her behind Yujiao, left when the back looks a bit embarrassed.

Yujiao is very remorseful in her heart. "It's all my fault. If only I called you up last night, the emperor is not that kind of person. If she really wanted to spoil her, she would not wait until now."

Zhou Leping shook his head, "I have said I believe him, but now there is no evidence that he guipin has done anything."

"If I believe you, I'll tell the emperor that I've been silent for a long time. The emperor must have thought a lot."

"Do you think I'm disgusting, too?"

Yujiao said, "why do you say that all of a sudden?"

"I really hate myself now."

He pretends to be generous, but he is not so generous at all. He believes in him in his heart, but when he speaks, he still takes some anger in it. What kind of anger do you bet on? He will go to live for his wife. Doesn't she agree?

All kinds of complex emotions intertwined together, like a mess, tightly wrapped around her, cut constantly, the reason is also chaotic.

In the end, he Guibin didn't find out anything about her, but Zhu GuanLiang didn't see her again after that. He locked people up in Danxia palace and waited on them with delicious food. Danxia palace is not a cold palace, but it's better than a cold palace.

Ning guipin is happy and worried. He guipin is happy that he guipin is over. He guipin is worried that if he guipin is pregnant, he will have a chance to turn over.

Zhou Leping never asked about hegui's concubines until she met Fu Shangshu at the Palace Banquet.

Fu Shangshu saluted each other when he met and said, "the empress knows the truth, and I'll never forget her five years later."

She called Fu Shangshu up, "my palace has done nothing. It's all hegui's own skill. Fu Shangshu has given thanks to the wrong person."

"Yes, yes. The empress is broad-minded. I admire her for that."

Zhou Leping suddenly laughed, "it's a great honor for the emperor to have your loyal ministers to assist the state of Qi."

Fu Shangshu also said with a smile, "it's lucky for the emperor to have a queen. If hegui can give birth to a prince, the empress will be the greatest hero of Qi."

"Don't put on a high hat for me. You'd better pray for hegui's stomach to be angry, otherwise... There won't be another time."

This time, she didn't expect it. She just did a favor. She didn't expect it to turn out like this. If she had known it early, she might not have done it.

Fu Shangshu sighed, "the master of the six palaces of the empress, I don't think she won't care about it?"

This sentence made Zhou Leping feel less comfortable, but he couldn't tear his face, so he said with a smile, "is Fu Shangshu going to stay in this palace?" Fu Shangshu even stepped back two steps, and said with a smile, "how dare I rely on the empress? It's just that the empress can't have her own children all her life. The heirs of the imperial family are rich. It's good for the empress to adopt one to her knees at that time."“ In this way, I can see that I'm going to help Ning Guibin get pregnant, right Without waiting for Fu Shangshu to reply, there was a burst of applause behind him. Both of them looked at the voice at the same time. The smile on the applause face was deep, and they came closer step by step. "Shangshu and the queen are really fighting this abacus..." he looked at Zhou Leping, and his smile solidified on his face. "It's really exquisite. I have to admire it." Fu Shangshu knelt on the ground, "emperor! The emperor misunderstood me, Chen... "He couldn't explain, because he didn't know how long the emperor had been there and how much he had listened to them. Zhou Leping was stunned for a moment and didn't respond. When he came back to himself, he had only one idea in his mind: he must have connected hegui's affairs with her and felt that he had cheated him with hegui“ It's said by hearsay that misunderstandings can be muddled through, but I've heard it with my own ears. If there's a misunderstanding, it's something wrong with my ears? " Zhu GuanLiang bent down and patted Fu Shangshu on the shoulder. He laughed awkwardly. "It's all right to talk in the court. Now I'm in charge of my bed. Fu Shangshu, who gave you such a bold son?" Fu Shangshu was terrified. He knelt down on the ground and trembled. "The emperor forgives me. This is also for the sake of the emperor. For the sake of the country and the country, the emperor has conferred the crown prince, but... After all, it's not the emperor's own birth. With the disappearance of his highness, I'm afraid that there will be disaster in the future!"