In the evening, Zhou Leping arrived at home with heavy legs for two days. She came back late today and happened to meet Zhu GuanLiang, who had just arrived at the door. As a result, she caught a glimpse of his hand wrapped around gauze and immediately said, "how can I get it?"

"I'm not careful. It's OK."

"The weaving Institute is still very busy these two days?"

"Well." He half hugged her to enter the door. "The situation in Yongchao is not good. I heard that the old emperor is critically ill. Yunyu's influence over the years can't be underestimated. Yunqing may not be his opponent. Yunyu knows about the weaving academy, how important shizhishui is to us, and other things related to crossbows and mechanism skills have to be changed."

This matter had already begun to prepare before Yun Yu returned to the Yong Dynasty. In fact, it was earlier to have this idea. As long as a thing has weaknesses, it will be found. These things have obvious weaknesses and rely too much on shizhishui. He must improve this, not because Yun Yu has mastered their weaknesses.

Zhou Leping is not good at this aspect. Although he has been studying with him for so long, he is only superficial in the end. He can do very little to help him. He can only watch his hard work inside and outside. Sometimes he feels distressed. He is afraid to make trouble for him and distract him.

"Why are you so late today?"

Zhou Leping wants to talk about the great imperial concubine, but he is afraid that he will worry about it. She will help to find it. Mrs. Yu doesn't know about it. It shouldn't be difficult to find the great imperial concubine. During this period of time, he worked hard, and the sage and Mrs. Yu are also immersed in grief. What she can solve is to try not to disturb so many people.

"Ah, I'm going to guide the training. It's this time if I don't pay attention. Did you have dinner in the evening? Have someone do more? "

Back in the room, he plunged into the bed. Zhou Leping helped him take off his shoes and gently pinched his legs. "Let's get water and wipe your face before you sleep. I'll see if there's any soup in the kitchen. I think you've lost a lot of weight recently."

The burden on his shoulders is not light. When Jiang Shi died, Shan Ning put down such a big hole to mend it for him. It's strange that he was busy and not thin.

Zhu GuanLiang pressed her hand, sat up and gave her a kiss on the face, "don't hurry, let the servant do it, you accompany me for a while."

Zhou Le quietly leaned in his arms, listening to his sigh of satisfaction, "have you found that you have changed?"

"Change?" She looked down at herself. "What's changed?"

"She has become more feminine and more like a wife. In the past, she used to yell and drink frequently, holding either a knife or a sword. She is more manly than a man. Unlike now, she is very comfortable holding a soft one."

Zhou Leping patted on the back of his hand, "I can tell that you are playing a hooligan and damaging me."

"No, if not."

"Will you go to court tomorrow?"

"Come on, what's the matter?"

Zhou Leping stood up and said, "go to bed early. I'm tired of listening to you, aren't I?"

Zhu GuanLiang raised his eyebrows and said, "who is empty? What can I do for you? "

She hurriedly stopped, "today, I don't want to make trouble with you. What we said is not the same thing. What I said is Qi deficiency, not you..." her eyes glided down, "it's not that you can't do it."

Qi deficiency is the cause of body deficiency. No matter what kind of deficiency it is, it's deficiency. Zhu GuanLiang takes a breath. Seeing that she wants to escape, she grabs her ankles and drags back. "Doctor Zhou, please show me how far I'm deficient and how can I make up for it?"

Zhou Leping is out of balance, and he turns over and presses him on the bed.

In order to take care of them conveniently, the winter solstice and the nurse are placed next door by her. The maidservant outside is very distant. But in the evening, there is a silence outside and the noise inside is loud. What if she is overheard?

She put her hand over Zhu GuanLiang's mouth and reminded him, "there's someone next door. I can't do it today."

Zhu GuanLiang raised her hand, "where's the man from next door?"

"It's the nurse." Zhou Leping looked up at his long neck, "and the winter solstice. Two days ago, my sister-in-law asked me to take care of the winter solstice. She was in a bad mood for fear that she would not take care of him."

He gets up early and goes to bed late every day. It's dark when he leaves. He doesn't wake up at the winter solstice. When he comes back, he usually goes back to the end of the winter solstice. At that time, he goes to bed early at the winter solstice. Therefore, he hasn't seen him these days, and Zhou Leping forgot to tell him.

Zhu GuanLiang took a breath, "how can I trust you to bring it back? I don't even have a child at home. "

"So the nurse came with me. I wanted to tell you, but when you came back late, you were so tired every day. When you came back and fell asleep, I forgot that."

He paused a little, and then he buried himself in it again. "Let's try to be quiet."

Zhou Leping screamed in a low voice and glared at him with red eyes

When the weather got warmer, even the wind at night had a hot temperature. The imperial concubine rushed all day to find an inn in the evening and asked for a bedroom. When the waiter delivered water to her, she took the opportunity to ask, "do you know where there is a temple near here?"

"Temple? Which temple is the girl talking about? "

In front of her eyes, the great imperial concubine said, "are there many temples around here?"“ Anyway, there are many. Do you remember the name of the temple? " She shook her head. "Then tell me everything. I'll go." The shopkeeper looked at her strangely, "are you going? If you want to burn incense and pray, it's enough to go to one. You'll all go. Can you come here“ I don't burn incense, I find someone. " The big imperial concubine's eyes are firm, "I look for my man."“ It turns out that it's madam. Then you can find it. Well, I'll find you a map tomorrow morning and mark it for you. How about you take the map and look for it slowly? " The great imperial concubine said thanks, and her heart suddenly felt full of hope. The shopkeeper mumbled and went downstairs to greet the shopkeeper, "what are you talking about?"“ Shopkeeper, do you think it's strange? The one who just went upstairs asked me about the temple nearby. I said so much. She said that she would go to the temple to find her man. Is it hard to say that his man is a flower monk who doesn't abide by the rules in the temple? " The shopkeeper also looked surprised, "that woman looks beautiful and young. Isn't she really spoiled by the monk? Tut tut... It's a pity. " Just as he was sighing, he asked for a table of wine. The second boy sent it to him. The man on the table asked, "what does the woman look like in the temple?" The second child recalled and laughed, "it's very good-looking anyway. I don't know how to describe it. It's just good-looking." The man patted the waiter on the shoulder and said with a clear smile, "the old woman's eyes are not bad. If you say it's good-looking, it must be good-looking." Smile at each other. After the waiter left, the man quickly restrained his smile. Several brothers on the table exchanged glances. When the wine bowl was touched, he had a good idea.