When Jiang duo came out of the dungeon, he felt as if he was reborn when he was illuminated by the sun. He took over the burden and held it in his arms. His knees were soft and he knelt on the ground. His face was buried in his arms. His shoulders were shaking and he cried silently.

Zhang Yingning patted him gently on the back, "I've made a plan. I've rented you a house in Zhuque street. You go back first. When I go to Qianzhuang and change the silver, we'll leave tonight."

Jiang duo's voice is hoarse, "I don't have a good life with you. You are too spoiled to suffer any pain, but do you really want to leave the imperial capital with me?"

Zhang Yinning punched him, "I've done this for you. Do you still doubt me? Do you know how I got out today? My father sent someone to watch me. I came out of the wall. "

Then he put his hand in front of him, "you see, it's just that you fell off the wall and it's scratched. Do you still have a conscience when you say that now

Jiang duo carefully picked up her hand, gently blowing on her wound, tearing off the corner of his clothes to help her bandage, tears, he pursed his lips and smile, whispered, "OK, I'll take you away."

When Jiang duo returned to the courtyard rented by Zhang Yingning in Zhuque street, there were all kinds of things in it. He wanted to boil water and take a bath, but he didn't even light the stove for a long time. At last, he punched on the wall, took a bucket of water from the water tank in the yard, carried it back to the house, took off his clothes and poured a ladle of cold water from head to tail. He was sober and recognized the status quo.

Zhang Yingning is not stupid enough to go to a bank for silver. She has gone to several banks, but she doesn't change them. If she changes them, she can't take them with her. It's enough for them to spend money on their way and rent a house to open a shop.

After the silver was exchanged, she went back to her home. The general blocked her in the hall. Seeing her coming back, she said, "do you know how to come back? Go to see Jiang duo again? "

Zhang Yingning said, "yes, at the beginning, he was my father's favorite husband. He praised him to heaven. He said that he was engaged. Now I'm far away because something happened at home. Thanks to you, you're still a great general. How can you be so powerful?"

The general patted the table angrily, "what do you mean something's wrong? That's a rebellion. Although the saint pardoned Jiang duo's death, he has to live with the charge of being the son of a guilty minister all his life. You can marry him and wait to eat bran and swallow vegetables. I don't believe you can live that kind of life! "

Zhang Yingning turned his head and said, "how do you know I can't live without trying? Besides, how do you know that if I follow him, I will have a hard life? I don't believe it

"I can't help but you don't believe it. From now on, you should be honest and stay at home, and then let me find out that you go to see Jiang duo, you... How can I deal with you?"

Zhang Yinning stamped his foot and dropped a sentence, "I'm going to talk to him!" Turn around and leave.

The general gave Zhang Yingning a ban on feet, but he didn't step out of the general's house with her. In the past, there were no less ban on feet, but Zhang Yingning could always find a way to leave.

This time is no exception, but this time the general deliberately gave her a loophole and let her go.

She went to the bank with the silver note to exchange for silver. The general knew all about it, and knew what she was doing. So she arranged everything and thought she didn't know anything. In fact, she was waiting for her to get into the trap.

Zhang Yingning was ready to salute, hired a carriage, and even thought of the way out of the city. When everything was ready, she went to Zhuque street to meet Jiang duo.

After knocking on the door twice, no one opened it. She pushed the door open and went in. There was no one in the yard. She went into the bedroom to look for someone. She even looked at the toilet, but no one.

She had a bad feeling in her heart. When she went back to her bedroom, she found that the burden she had given him to Jiang Shi was gone. There was a letter under the pillow on the bed. The content was not long. To sum up, it meant one thing: I am the son of a crime minister. Now I have no power and no money. I can't support myself. I really can't give you a home, let alone promise you a carefree life, You have a bright future. You will marry a man who is thousands of times better than me. You will have clever children. You will live a safe, happy and comfortable life. This is the end of fate. I wish you all the best for the rest of your life, and then forget me as soon as possible.

Looking at the ink marks, it should be that she sent him back to Zhuque street and wrote this letter not long ago. After writing the letter, she packed up her things and left without looking back.

Zhang Yingning's tears pattered down, wet the letter paper, fainted the ink, and the content became blurred again.

"Jando!" She gritted her teeth and yelled, choking after yelling, "you son of a bitch! If you say no to me, you don't want me! You're still a man, no! "

The room was empty, no one answered her, only her own crying.

The bodyguard outside wanted to go in several times, but he was stopped by the chief bodyguard. He said, "my subordinates have been here in the afternoon, but they didn't see him leave."

The bodyguard was silent. When Zhang Yingning came out, he waved people away.

He deliberately lagged behind a step, squatted on the roof for a while, and when Zhang Yingning walked away, he saw a man push the door open and come out with a bundle on his back.

Jiang duo looked up and saw him. No one spoke. As no one saw anyone, he went out of the door, one due south, one due north, one out of the city, one back to life.

It was very cold that night when Jiang duo left. Shan Ning couldn't sleep. He didn't want to see anyone today. He stayed in his room alone for a day. After coughing several times, he almost coughed up his heart, liver, spleen and lungs. Finally, he felt that his life was approaching. He left a letter, picked up some clothes and left the palace in the dead of night. Zhu GuanLiang is waiting for him at the gate of the city. Rarely has he had such vicissitudes. His eyes are bloodshot and he looks at an unknown place. Only when Shan Ning approaches Fu can he recover. Shan Ning was even more haggard. Without saying a word, he got on the carriage. The gate of the city let it go. The carriage started to move. There was a constant cough in the carriage. After stopping, Zhu GuanLiang heard him ask, "what... Didn't stay?"“ I'll sew up the corpse and bury it in the green bamboo forest in the east of the city. I've left people to serve me there, and the people at the bottom are strict. No one will know where you live. " Shan Ning nodded, "it's still thoughtful of you. It's hard for you to do so much."