After Jiang Shi woke up, it was Prime Minister Chen Shi who came to Shan Ning at the end of time and said, "once tonight is over, you should not be called your highness, you should be called your majesty."“ I don't like to come to a conclusion too early. A thing may change before it's over, so it's too early to call it Prime Minister Jiang said, "sooner or later, all the ministers are ready. When the guards of the palace gate are handed over, they can break in. The Minister of the fifth highness also looks for someone to look at him. It seems that he doesn't know. He hasn't been out since he came back from the weaving yard." Shan Ning nodded and looked at the direction of the palace gate. "Although my mother passed away early, Mrs. Yu has been treating me as if she were my own child all these years. She is no different from old five. I don't want to hurt her."“ Your highness needs to know that no matter how good you are, no matter how good you are, the throne will be left to the fifth prince. That's what the sage thinks in his heart, and so is Mrs. Yu's plan, because you are willing to win the reputation of treacherous officials and help the fifth highness eliminate dissidents, That's why I'm doing this to you. But once you threaten your fifth highness, Mrs. Yu will be the first to come forward to deal with you. "“ Maybe old five is more suitable for this seat than me Seeing that Shan Ning's state of mind was shaken, Prime Minister Jiang quickly gave him another reassurance. "Since ancient times, the successor to the throne has always been the eldest son. Blood is the most important condition for the continuation of the dynasty. You are the eldest son. The throne should have been yours, and it's not the fifth Prince's turn to get ahead of you. If the empress is still there, You won't be where you are now. "“ It's all in the past. It's only sad to mention it again. " Shan Ning looked up at the dark sky and said, "I have no pursuit. In the words of your old scholars, mud can't support the wall. I'm not interested in being an emperor. Now that I have a son, I just want to be a good father. If I really want to be an emperor, I may not be as good as Lao Wu." Premier Jiang listened to his words more and more wrong, and began to beat a drum in his heart, "Your Highness, you say this now... You can rest assured that in the future, when you succeed, I will do my best to help you." Shan Ning patted Prime Minister Jiang on the shoulder. "You have two good sons. Jiang Shi will be a good official in the future, but he should not be let down. Has Prime Minister Jiang ever considered for them?"“ What your highness said today, I was very frightened after hearing it. How could I mention my two sons? "“ It's OK. I just think of it. I like Jiang Shi. He has his own temper. Sometimes he is more open-minded than anyone else. I spent so much time to make friends with him. The prime minister may be grateful for this. If it wasn't for Jiang Shi, I wouldn't worry about the Prime Minister. " Then Prime Minister Jiang realized, "what does your highness mean by this? Why can't I understand? "“ Jiang Shi attaches great importance to your father. You are his example and his goal. At first, he even thought that I was instigating you to rebel. Later, when he knew the truth, he kept trying to figure out how to pull you back. But Cheng didn't seem to care so much about his son. " With a sigh, he continued, "I know the prime minister's heart for me, but I can't do anything rebellious. I can't be rebellious against my Lao Tzu. When my mother knows, she won't forgive my son."